
Thursday, February 9, 2012

While others sleep

Couldn't sleep last night, as you know I plan to paint a lot of white throughout the living areas of the house, which led to me painting the foyer french doors black - which led to the foyer looking bland -
So..................I crept out in the middle of the night - and did this

before - sorry almost forgot to take the before - so everything has already been removed!

and then came in the office to post - and lo and behold sitting in the corner of the room was a mirror I bought
from Home Sense months and months ago - loved it but had nowhere to put it -
it's at home now...................doesn't everyone buy things with nowhere at all to put it or wear it - just in case?

So now you know what happens when insomnia runs away with decor obsession...........
Plus roughly 30 minutes spent sourcing marble tiles for the floor.
And around 30 minutes trying to teach myself how to silverleaf furniture on line ( so I can
do the small table in the photo )
And playing with the idea of painting it black instead ( this thought process can take way longer
than 30 minutes - especially when sleep deprivation kicks in )
And another 30 minutes on MLS looking at which houses I would buy if I could afford
them ( and probably another 30 minutes decorating them in my mind )
And have to be at Nella's to paint today - 

What did everyone else do last night?
Sleep perchance?


Linking up to Miss Mustard Seed, French Country Cottage and Debbie Doo's newbie party
and It's ( thanks Aimee! )


  1. I love it! And you are so right that insomnia runs with design freaks like us! I should put my insomnia to better use like you did. Did you go outside in the dark to collect the branches? I was laughing at that image!

  2. I can't even imagine how badly I'd freak out if I woke in the morning to a whole new paint job in the house. You're insane, and your husband, oh how he loves you!!!

  3. Gorgeous! Love the stripes. I also love the look of silverleaf but don't want the mess that goes with it. I recently used BM metallic aluminum enamel to paint a french provincial desk, dresser and nightstands. Really love it! You should look into it.


  4. Love the stripes. I love your midnight inspiration! Why sleep, when you can decorate!

  5. Wow! Very impressive transformation. Looks so fresh and modern.

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  6. Very nice! Makes a great difference in the entry way. Thanks for sharing with the newbie party. Get out there and mingle to make some new friends.:)

  7. I LOVE this!!! My party just started...I would LOVE to have you stop by and share your projects!!! XO Aimee

  8. Lovely transformation. Good job! I totally understand those restless nights when your creative brain won't turn off!

  9. Wow, what a transformation! I love the beautiful stripes on the wall and the mirror. Not bad for doing it in the middle of the night!

    I'm stopping over from the newbie party and I am your newest follower!
    I'd love for you to come check out my (newbie) blog too and follow back, if you're so inclined.

    Have a wonderful night,

  10. This turned out AWESOME!!!! Thanks so much for sharing at my party!!! Can't wait to see what you link up this week!!! Just in case you haven't entered, my giveaway for 1000 full color business cards ends tonight at midnight!!! XO, Aimee


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!