
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Diamonds are a girls...................

After painting the windows black - this just didn't cut it anymore

This is what our T.V. sat on - and I cannot believe I have kept it like this for over 9 years -
This had 343,234,00 coats of paint on it when I got it ( 25.00 ) and I painstakingly got
rid of every coat - stripped and scraped and sanded until I got it down to the bare wood.
It's hard to believe looking at it now how proud I was of this, lol
Anyways John is away - and you know what comes next...................
I think he's going to be furious, I am systematically removing every piece of wood from the house,
Overkill?  That would be me.

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those lion handles look a little drunk -
( haven't screwed them in place yet, lol ) 
The thing is now that I've done it - this does not go in the living room whatsover - soooooo,
I have switched it with one I had in the bedroom - and now am painting another dresser black
to fit in the living room - and all have to be finished before John returns tomorrow night and sees
what I've done - if it's finished and everything back in its place looking good than I am ok.
Following me still?
Because this is one confusing life I have created for myself,  lol


Linking up to these great parties  Inspiration Friday  Feathered Nest Friday  Furniture Feature Friday  Furniture Friday  RRR Transformation Party


  1. Ack! Love the diamond pattern, it's so wonderful! We'd love it if you wanted to link up to our Repurpose-Remodel-Reveal linky party, I know our readers would love to see it too! (It starts tomorrow- Friday, March 16th 2012 at 7:00 am and reoccures every 1st and 3rd Friday)

    -Whitney @ TheRoosterAndTheHen

  2. My husband's away too and I am also painting stuff, but not stuff that he didn't want painted, stuff that's been sitting in the garage for years, so he'll be happy. I think. Although I do want to paint our bedroom furniture at some point...

  3. Amazing! I love this restyle :) I'm your newest follower stop by for a blog visit.

  4. Love the diamonds. What did you use for the paint?

    1. thanks everyone -
      I used a mix of Annie Sloan paint for the grey - I don't have a recipe because I just kept putting in a little of each - old white and paris gray - and then I added a little behr pure white
      ( don't tell anyone I mixed ASCP with BEHR lol!!!!
      The silver is just craft paint - DECOART - but any would do.
      I then sanded and waxed - with clear than dark but I took most of the dark off just left a very little here and there.



Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!