
Monday, January 14, 2013

It's ( STILL ) Christmas time in the city

The weather was unseasonably warm on the weekend - gorgeous really -
In under 2 weeks we went from a record breaking snow fall

to this

John and I decided to walk - a long walk - a 2 hour walk - with my camera in hand.....................
as the day progressed and twilight fell - the magic happened - Christmas hasn't left at all
I loved seeing that the city was lazily holding on to the prettiness ...................
It spoke to me -
And this is what it said

Welcome back - it's good to see you 

come stroll awhile

 we did this for you

enjoy the magic of the season

take a break - remember to breathe - to sit - to relax - to enjoy

you were too busy shopping and wrapping and cleaning and cooking and decorating - to take the time to notice 

we're not going anywhere just yet 

let us cast our magic upon you for awhile

take it all in

look in wonderment

let your heart sing

we decked the halls for you my friend

but you scurried here and there and never noticed

you forgot about us - the streets of your home - once you packed it all away

and it says

with every step I take

slow down   

you're going too fast

you've got to make the moments last

the way you once did - long long ago  - when every moment was a life time  

this year in particular, Christmas flew by far too quickly, did yours?

life shouldn't be a blur.....................

Sharing with

Clean and Scentsible
Nutmeg Place
Adorned from Above
Shabby Creek Cottage
French Country Cottage
My Romantic Home
A Little Knick Knack
My Turn ( for us )
The Shabby Nest


  1. I love Montreal, such a pretty city:)

    So French yet you can do without speaking

    Thank you for sharing those beautiful photos, Susan!
    Have a great week!

  2. Christmas was a blur this year. It just seemed like everyone was having a hard time getting into the season. We received about a third the number of Christmas cards we typically receive. Seemed like everyone was scrambling this year for some reason. Beautiful photos!

  3. Gorgeous photos, beautiful sentiment.

    One of my favorite posts of all time.

  4. Aaaaw, my beautiful Montreal! I miss you! I love how the twinkle lights are left on for just a little while longer during the dark, short days of January.

    Thank you for taking us on such a beautiful walk, Suzan!


  5. Christms always goes by too fast! I stretch it out more than others :)

  6. Your so right it really did fly by thanks for letting us take this stroll with you. Loved it

  7. it kind of flew- but kind of didn't, the beginning of December was emotionally exhausting for my family and then the second half flew while I tried to get everything finished up :) loved all the pictures of your pretty town!

  8. Yup, way too fast. Love your this post.
    Debbie :)

  9. I was sooooo sick over the holidays that I did not see any of this. My bed has a limited view! I think I will have to stroll around your city and take in some of those sights myself!

  10. The season was super fast this year. I am surprised at all the decorations still up. All evidence of Christmas was packed away by the first week of January around here. Your photography and sentiments really touched me. I do need to pay attention to my surroundings more.

  11. Christmas really did go by fast, the whole season did. Glad you got out and about for a couple of hours w/your husband. That's always nice. :)

  12. Hi Suzan!!

    We drove our son to the Lady Gaga concert on Saturday being held downtown Vancouver and it was so beautiful. The trees and light poles were all lit
    up still.

    Thank you for all the great pictures!! It looked like the perfect time to spend together.


  13. Beautiful, Suzan!

    Thank you for the lovely pics. What a beautiful city! I'm sure it was magical.


  14. Beautiful photos. It is nice to enjoy the holiday decorations when you're not so rushed. It's nice that they are still there.

  15. Oh my gosh! This was so much fun to look at with my morning coffee! You are so right.....I totally missed all the beauty of the Christmas lights around here this year! Sure enjoyed seeing yours! (And what was that fabulous looking drink??)

  16. Beautiful city! Christmas definitely went by far too quickly this year for us. We do need to remember to slow down the take in the magic! Thanks so much for sharing at Wednesday's Adorned From Above Blog Hop.
    Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above
    Bethany @ Whistle and Ivy

  17. Entrancing photos! I have always enjoyed my visits to Montreal.

  18. My gosh, what a beautiful post!!! Thank you so much for this!!! I felt the same way walking in our town last week with all the lights still on, the decorations still up, it just spoke to me and I enjoyed it so much!!! Why are some people so quick to end such a wonderful season???

    1. Thanks so much!
      And now we have to scurry through making hearts quick quick quick!
      And then start on Easter.............
      It's exhausting really

  19. Beautiful photos! Thank you so much for sharing them, since my Christmas also was a blur.

    Have a great weekend.

  20. Lovely Susan. I never get the chance to stroll through Montreal during the holidays. Nice to view it from your blog.

  21. Cute!
    I would love it if you would share this (and anything else you have been working on) at my linky party!


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Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
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