
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

John Denver Anyone? ( Pallet Art )

A heart felt thanks to the following blogs for featuring this project!
Thanks to these fabulous blogs for featuring my pallet art -  It's more appreciated than you can know!

Life on Lakeshore Drive      Classy Clutter     Deborah Jean's Dandelion House   
Cupcakes and Crinoline     One More Time     Clean and Scentsible
Clean and Scentsible ( the most viewed !!!)    Knick of Time    Green Willow Pond  ( the most viewed!!! )
Shades of Amber       I Gotta Create    One Artsy Mama

john denver, annie's song, pallet, pallet art, easy pallet project

Some of you may have noticed that I incorporate words of songs into my posts - a lot - too much? lol
I can't help it - for some reason it's how my brain works - it registers lyrics to almost every situation I find myself in - that and the fact that I have to have music playing when I'm doing anything at all.................

It looks like that headboard I so desperately wanted to buy - was not meant to be - one thing or another kept preventing us from picking it up - ( and then someone mentionned it probably had evil spirits attached to it and that's why it was alluding me - and that's all I needed to hear - seriously :)

So in searching around the house for something to actually make - or build - or paint - that I could POST about ( walking around from room to room - with one hand on my hip and the other on my chin - with my eyes darting all around )  I sadly could only find my pile of pallet wood - leaned up against my bedroom closet, and not one to pass up any opportunity - I seized the moment - dragged John off the bed and had him help me out a little.

Suzan says - John could you help me out with something in the kitchen
John says - Sure

Sorry - everyone - John was extremely agreeable to EVERYTHING I asked him tonight - not quite sure why yet - but it's makes for a boring post I know.

making pallet wood art, Annie's song,

I'm using 12 slats for this project - and 2 extra ones to secure it all together to make this
Does anyone else use their kitchen island as a saw horse?
First I dabbed some carpenter's glue onto each slat in a straight line

John Denver tribute, Annie's Song, Making Pallet Art, Stencils

then I placed the 2 extra slats length wise across it - and John hammered it all in for me

Pallet Art, Using stencils for art, Using Sharpies for stencilling,

There now we can just turn it around - and bring it to the dining room table - so I can work on my new canvas - I did a quick dry brush of Annie Sloan Pure White - leaving a lot of the wood showing - to keep
it very rustic looking

John Denver tribute, Annie's Song into Art,

and then this is where my love of words kicks in - seeing as it's Valentine's Day coming up soon - and I'm really not much of a Valentine's day kind of person (other than I want flowers and chocolate and a card because it's all about me on that particular holiday -  )
I thought a love song would be nice on this

My old faithful stencils came out ( both the dollar store ones and the ridiculously priced ones because I want to mix this baby up lol ) and my Sharpie ( hey Sharpie - I've certainly been promoting you a lot lately - maybe you could send me a pack of them??? ) and I went to town...................
I love John Denver - really really love him -

Annie's Song, John Denver Tribute, Pallet Art

Here Danni - I added a cupid in Pic Monkey just for you - stop bugging me about Valentine's Day projects now!!!

Oversized DIY Pallet Art, Sharpie Art, Stencilled art

I added a photo with a chair so you see just how large this really is

john denver tribute, annie's song tribute,

even when you think you have no food in the house - you can always make soup, right?

Oversized pallet art, John Denver Tribute Art, Annie's Song lyrics on art

hmmm - I may have to paint the ram's head the meantime wouldn't this make a great

John Denver Tribute, Annie's Song artwork, pallet board art, Annie Sloan chalk paint for art

isn't pallet wood just the best for rustic anything?

DIY Pallet art, John Denver, Annie's Song, Annie Sloan Chalk Paint

Suzan says - Do you think you could pick me up some more pallets?
John says - Sure

What exactly going on around here?
Something's doing - I can just feel it..........................where's the dialogue?

Suzan says - Are you feeling ok?
John says - yeah, why?
Suzan says - Just wondering..........................
Suzan says - Thanks for the help tonight
John says - No problem

Ohhhh boy - there's something wrong
Trouble - we've got trouble
Right here in River City
With a capitol T
That rhymes with B..........................
that stands for BORING.

The John Denver Sanctuary - in Aspen - I would just love to walk around there on a sunny afternoon
( to fill up my senses )

Photos of The John Denver Sanctuary, Aspen
This photo of The John Denver Sanctuary is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Partying With!

52 Mantels             The 36th Avenue             Katherine's Corner         One Artsy Mama   
I Should be mopping the floor                        Uncommon Design         My 1929 Charmer   
Craft O Maniac                                             Lines Across                  Under the Table and Dreaming      Keeping it Simple                                          My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia 
Kammy's Korner                                          Not Just a Housewife     
Bliss Ranch / Junkers United Party                Remodelaholic
Funky Junk Interiors                                       Knick of Time


  1. Love your sign. I don't have access to pallets, but I guess I need to find a source. You make it looks so easy.s

  2. Love that song. Loved John Denver. I sang "Song for Bobby (Baby)" when my sister got married almost 40 years ago. The only other male singer I like as much was Dan Fogelberg. (I am having a concert in my head right now!)

    1. Thanks for the reminders about JD and DF !

    2. Thanks for the reminders about JD and DF !

  3. This post made me very nostalgic. I am admiring your choice of lyrics/words to add on the pallet. This is just too creative.


  4. Lindo sua demonstração de amor. Parabéns pela criatividade. E a escolha da letra da musica foi perfeitas para o dia dos namorados.
    Tenha um ótimo dia.

  5. I love that you walked from room to room looking for a project! We just have to create....Love the pallet project and I can't wait to see the rams head. Heehee.

  6. It's gorgeous!! I have 3 or 4 pallets in the garage waiting for me to get inspired. I may just have found that inspiration.

    P.S. - as a teen of the 70's I always love John Denver - hearing his words in my head fill me with warmth and summer memories. Thanks.

  7. Loooove this pallet! John Denver was my boy! I get teary eyed when I hear his songs. My friend and I saw him in concert in Mtl years ago in the 70's. We went early and walked around the forum to see if we could catch him going in. Well. There was this door in the back with a little window. We look in and lo and behold, there he was, playing ping pong with the crew!!! We almost died! We ran to a nearby convenience store and bought flowers and returned. We took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Someone came to the door and we said we would like to give those flowers to John. He closes the door and walks back to John Denver. He comes back to the door and says, I'll take the flowers and John Denver says thank you. What? He couldn't walk two steps to come meet his fans? We were a little disappointed to say the least. Oh. Well. The concert was amazing at least. Makes for a good story now!

  8. That came out really,really nice. You have a good eye for stuff, I'd never think in a million years to turn our pallets into art. My pallets are starting to fear you though...because the more I read about all of the great things you do with them, the closer I get to cutting up my own and doing something!

  9. Love this project...turned out wonderful! What a great idea to add lyrics!

  10. So. Very. Awesome.!!! Now that is one fine Valentine sign!!! I am loving this and this is one song that I don't mind having stuck in my head!! Now what am I going to bug you about???

  11. Love this Suzan! I can so relate to the song thing. I can remember countless song lyrics from years ago, but some days I can't find my glasses. lol. Songs just stay in my head, and this one is a classic. The cupid is adorable!!

  12. Oh I love it Suzan!!! Okay, that song is now stuck in my head....and I am not a Denver fan.... but do appreciate the lyrics on the pallet board!! Where do I find me some of that??

  13. Suzan that is one of my all time favorite songs. I saw John Denver several times and cried when he sang that song. Love how it looks! Get more pallets and amaze us some more please!
    hugs, Linda

  14. Replies
    1. Thanks Deanne - it's because of John Denver's words though!!!

  15. Look at us! So many John Denver fans coming out of the closet! LOL
    He was my imaginary future husband. Who doesn't want to be serenaded by those words? Let me just say that I was sorely disappointed that my hubby doesn't speak like that or sing or play the guitar. I have a sweet little fawn music box that plays Annie's Song. This sign is Faaaaaaarrrr Out! ;) LOVE.LOVE.LOVE.

  16. Beautiful the simple black on old white.
    Great inspiration,

  17. Love that song. Love what you did with it. Love what you do with pallets.

  18. Hmmmm. We can hope John soon returns to his normal self - HEEHEE! The pallet art is great - I haven't done pallet art yet - I keep telling my husband to bring me a pallet from work but he hasn't yet.

  19. What fun ~ love it!

    Susan and Bentley

  20. Hi Suzan!!!!

    Is John ok? Does he have a fever? Something is going on!!

    Sorry it didn't work out with the headboard. I love this pallet of
    love. Hey you can write a song about the pallet of love and become
    famous and buy one of the houses that you show us!!

    Have a great day!!


  21. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! You are so creative.

  22. My brain thinks in songa lot too.... Love the mixed fonts.. Looks great:)

  23. The year was 1981. The female rebel didn't have traditional wedding songs at her wedding. John Denver's For Baby, sung by a guy named Tom.


    And I pinned your art.

  24. This is fabulous! I keep telling my husband that we have to get pallets and they are just giving them away free everywhere here. I've been wanting to make a house for my stray cats but I never thought of art! Very pretty.

  25. Now to find an Annie who needs the perfect headboard. Take me home!

  26. One of my all time favorite songs. Love this project.

    1. thanks so much Erin - he was something else, wasn't he?

  27. Oh that is adorable.
    I came to visit from Shabby Art Boutique.

    Well done, I am in love.

  28. Thank God I'm a Country Boy and Country Roads were my favorites, but I had all his records and played them constantly. LOVED him. So glad to find there are a few other John Denver lovers in our midst. Your project is beautiful.
    Liz @ Quirky Vistas

  29. Annie's Song is one of my very favorites of John Denver. I was lucky enough to see him in concert back in the 70's. He was amazing and I was heartbroken when he died. My understanding was that he wrote that song for his wife when they were going through a real rough patch in their marriage.
    Now- your piece of art is phenomenal. I absolutely love it-you are a pretty darned talented chick you know....and I do think that headboard had evil spirits attached to it! lol is NOT good to have him that agreeable. Take heart-I am sure it is just temporary...either that or his meds are working!;>)

  30. You did a wonderful job with that pallet wood! And it's just so romantic, having those words in your house. John Denver was great, and gone far too soon.

  31. I love this. I had this song sung at my 1st wedding. There is a rendition of this song by Jane Olivor that I love. Very very nice.

  32. That is sooooooooo frickin' cool!!!!! And you make it sound so stinkin' simple & make me think that I could even do it too...& I could, I really could, BUT it would likely take me a week to get it done!

    Good Luck with whatever trouble's a'brewin with John!!

    1. It's beyond easy - trust me
      ( the hardest part is removing all the slats from the pallet itself - John does that for me )
      ONCE that's done it's beyond easy! lol

  33. I love it! That was one of my favorite songs back in the day. Brings back a lot of memories. I would love it if you would link this to my new linky party, "What I Accomplished Wednesdays."

    Have a great weekend!

  34. LOVE this song! And your project is amazing! I love the lyrics to this song. How fun to have them on display! Thanks so much for sharing! Have a wonderful day!
    P.S. I might need to try this with "Country Road"

  35. VERY cute & inspiring! Have a lovely weekend!

  36. Fabulous! You did a great job with those stencils!!! Blessings, Tammy

  37. This is beautiful!!! You are so creative, and I love the tone of the wood. Have a great weekend :)


  38. Beautiful!!!! I love that song, too. What an amazing piece of art!
    Jen @ Noting Grace

    1. Thanks SO much - it's a great song - he was a great poet!

  39. I love this! Where do you get pallets? (silly question?)

    1. Hi Cathy - Home Depot - they usually have a stack of them outside the exit ( where I live anyway )
      and they're free for the taking!

  40. Love, love love this project. I keep a John Denver CD in m car & whether I am happy, thinking or sad when I am driving alone I play it {because i sing every word, loudly & probably off key}. He was a wonderful singer & writter. I also live in West Virginia so a Country Roads one would be great..... may have to get busy, thank you so much for sharing!!!


  41. What a great project Suzan! Love it and thanks for linking up to Share It One More Time.

  42. Lovely project Suzan. I love pallets and love what you did with your's. Thank you so much for sharing it at Silver Pennies Sundays.

  43. Lighter in hand and I'm swaying to his music in my head...I'm definitely an old hippie who also loves John Denver!!! I love that song he did about the old couple dancing in the know the song??? Really like your pallet remind me of my hubby, he always has music playing and talks sometimes in song that weird??

  44. I love it! My sisters sang this at our wedding 8 years ago actually, so this would be a perfect project for my bedroom!

    1. Oh wouldn't that be perfect? Glad you like it and that it has meaning for you!

  45. Hi SuzyQ,

    I saw your post on Sarah Dawn's Pintastic Monday. I am such a fan of John Denver and love your pallet lyrics idea!! Pinning:) My post is #39.


  46. Oh I so love it! Thank you for sharing. Very inspiring:)

    TQM hopping by, blogging for health: Lipoid Pneumonia, Breast Cancer & Petroleum Jelly and crafting: Valentine Heart Wreath

  47. I LOVE these! Oh, I wish I had more space in my little condo...I would fill the room with them. You are so talented!

  48. It looks it!!!!!
    Have a great week :o)

  49. I had to stop and check this out b/c this is one of my favorite songs of all time...I remember listening to folk in the car while growing up. Your pallet headboard is beautiful and utterly romantic...I'm in love!

  50. I love that sign. When my son was little for some reason that song always got him to stop crying. I would keep the tape (yeah, he's 15 now) in the car and rewind it over and over again and it always helped him to fall asleep. Everytime I see or hear those lyrics it really brings me back to those moments. I am definitely pinning this. I would love to make this. Hope you will come and link this up to my party that opens tonight at 8pm EST. Hope to see you there.

    1. What a beautiful thing to associate the song with!!!
      Mine is Forever Young - .................

  51. that is an awesome project! pallets, paint, sharpie, wood...LOVE IT!!

  52. Love it!!! And, I always did love John Denver.
    Thanks for sharing. Now I wanna drag out the stencils.

  53. Wow I love this!!
    The weatehred look is gorgeous and I love how you stenciled the words:)
    It's funny because I was just thinking to add some lyrics of my favourite song on a dresser or something in the future.

  54. I know I tell you this all the time, but you are so AMAZING!! This is awesome. I love that song, and now I'm going to be singing it all night! LOL Thank you so much for sharing with us at A Bouquet of Talent this week. Have a wonderful week. :)


    1. Thanks so much Kathy!!!
      Not a bad song to have stuck in your head though, is it? LOL

  55. What a beautiful project you did, so If you get projects like this done then keep on singing. Love John Denver, Great Post! Andi the wednesdaybaker

  56. Now you've got me singing fill up my senses.....hahah I used to love all his songs back in high school. I love the sign! Come link up to centerpiece Wed. Karin

  57. Saw this on DIY By Design and it's awesome. LOVE the song. Great job!

    1. Thanks so much Debbie - I love that song too - I love JD actually ( too much )

  58. Suzan there is definitely something up! He wants something. Bound to want something. A new boat? New car? lol. I love your sign. Love the song. Great job. Inspires me to work on some signs I've been meaning to do. Thanks for linking up again this week at Transformed Tuesday. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Peggy

    1. would most likely be something to do with golf LOL
      thanks Peggy for your nice compliment - XOX

  59. Wow -- this is wonderful! Definitely would make a great headboard or table top. Following from Katherine's Corner. Have a great day!

    1. Hi Nancy - I never thought of it as a table top - how brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Thanks so much

  60. That would make a purfect head board!! I love John Denver..

  61. This make me feel happy, smiley and just plain rocky mountain high! Hugs Thank you for sharing at the hop :-)

  62. I love Annie's Song! The most beautiful love song ever! I love your pallet art too - it does that song proud :)

  63. I absolutely love what you did it looks great. My husband chose Annie's Song as our wedding song twenty years ago so I think it is really special.

  64. Suzann,
    I love this project so much.. I've featured you on my Farmgirl Friday blog Hop this week! thanks so much for sharing this with us last week! xo Deb

  65. FINALLY !!! I found someone else that thinks in lyrics!! I'm losing a lot of my short term memory...(or so it seems) at age 70, but lyrics from songs 1940's through 1975 pop into my head for every occasion. I saw a truck with large, oversized wheels the other day and I launched into... "Big wheels keep on turning..." Or.. a house with uncurtained windows.. sent me into.."Go away from my window...leave at your own chosen speed"... Grabbing my grandson's hand the other day... " I got you Babe" I think you have inspired me to put some of these lyrics with pictures and give them as presents to friends, children and grandkids. Then they will always remember and connect the song with me.... "Remember me.... I'm the one that loves you".

  66. Love all of it. The sign, John Denver and your story. New follower here now, thanks for sharing it and can't wait for more!

    1. thanks so much Christine - following back!

  67. Nicely done!! I love that's such a great Viennese waltz! Thanks for sharing at Shine on Fridays!

  68. You guys are too cute! You did a great job on the sign just like everything you do! Thank you for sharing this at the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again on Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  69. This is absolute pallet perfection, Suzan. Thanks so much for linking it up to It's Party Time. I will be featuring your creation when the party goes live at 12:05 a.m. Sunday. I would love for you stop by and pick up a Featured On button and I hope you will also link up to this week's party!

    Have a wonderful week.

    Mary Beth @CupcakesAndCrinoline

  70. This is beautiful! I think I am going to be singing that song all night now! Thanks so much for coming out to the party at Clean and Scentsible. I will be featuring this tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
    Jenn :)

  71. Ok.....We ARE kindred spirits, Suzan. JD was one of my most FAVORITE recording artists when I was younger ~ and I still listen to his music when I want to take my mind back to nature, back to the mountains and streams. To me, God was in his music. His voice always fills my senses with good things, happy thoughts, and relaxes me. I miss him to this day. His death was such a great loss. And Dan Fogelberg was just as great, too, I might add. ♥ To see his beautiful words on your pallet art was wonderful! What a brilliant idea! Maybe John is finally understanding what a genius wife he was blessed with.....??? We can only hope, right? lolol! Love ya, girlie!

    xoxo laurie

  72. Simply beautiful Suzan! Thanks for sharing it!

  73. I LOVE IT Suzy!!!!! Amazing!!!

    Thanks for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer... From Dream To Reality! Can't wait to see what you link up tomorrow evening!

  74. Suzan, we love your singing pallet! Maybe a little partial since we live at the foot of the Rocky Mountains...(another song I'm sure you know). We love all of your work, thank you so much for Linking Up with us!

  75. Great pallet sign! I'm featuring it this week in the PoPP Spotlight. Thanks for joining the party.

  76. Love the pallet! Big sharpie fan myself! Im sort of new to the blogging world! Love !

  77. This is beautiful! I'm not as big of a JD fan as everyone here, but I am a pallet fan and sharpies too! Here's the link to my pallet art of the week:

    Oh and how do you have your husband so agreeable? Mine is Mr. Grumpy when I ask him to lug home a pallet (won't fit in my car) or cut one up for me. Boy are you lucky!!

    Now following you and waiting to see your other pallet creations :-)

    1. Do you hear that everyone LOL - how do I make John so agreeable!!!!
      He usually isn't Julie! Our conversations are part of my blog you'll soon see tee hee
      On my way over now with thanks

  78. You're a STAR tonight over at I Gotta Create! Love the song, love your results.

    Thanks so much for linking up,
    <3 Christina

  79. Annie's Song is my absolute favorite John Denver song. Love this project! Thanks for sharing--found you at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia :)


  80. Thanks for letting me know of this post. I love it. I've always loved the song and when I was dog-walking years back my first dog-client was named Annie and I would sing this to her. She got to know the song and would sing along. No kidding. Hugs, Deb

  81. Love this!!!! Would be so cool on my bedroom wall or above mt fireplace ♥

  82. Replies
    1. No sorry, it was used at my daughter's wedding
      But thanks !


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!