
Sunday, March 17, 2013

It's a WOW Monday morning!

Good morning everyone -

Another fingers flying across the keyboard kind of post - I am so over the top over this latest find - I can't put it into words................
So I'm just going to show some photos before I calm down a little..................

The newest set being brought home next weekend!!!!
OMG - I am so over the top excited to see this set redone - it screams Annie Sloan Chalk Paint to me -
Duck egg blue with dark wax to be precise - something along the lines of this one ( click to see the makeover if you missed that one!!! )

Another labor of love on it's way!!!
You are going to be so bombarded with furniture makeovers after next week that you'll be sick to death of them.
Have a good one all - anxious to hear what  you all think about my newest finds!  Does anyone else get this excited about new pieces to paint?
I hear there's medication for this ailment LOL

Sharing with!!!
French Country Cottage                             My Romantic Home


  1. Suzan- WHERE the heck did you find those pieces? They are amazing! I am just in love with them. I can't wait to see you work your magic on them- I know they are going to be wonderful. Are they coming to your house for the redos? Oh- I am SO excited for you! xo Diana

  2. What fabulous finds!! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with them.

    1. Thanks so much Lauren - I can't wait to get my hands on these - XOX

  3. Suzan,
    You found some great pieces. I can't wait to see them painted. These will be gorgeous.

  4. oh they are gorgeous, can't wait to see them painted!

  5. Oh my,it will look so great painted,can't wait to see it. Yes I do get excited too. x

    1. Thanks so much Jeanette - I can't wait!

  6. It will look fabulous when you do that voodoo that you do! I think that old "French Provincial" pieces from the 60s and 70s all need to be found and chalk painted! Duck Egg or Louis will look good on these or one of the greys. (I would go crazy over it in Versailles!) Yard sale season is fast approaching and there will be cheap furniture! I know I am excited...even though I already have at LEAST 10 pieces sitting in the house that need painting right now.

  7. Oh my goodness!!! Where do you find all of this wonderful stuff! I completely understand your joy on these absolutely gorgeous pieces and I see them already done. They will look awesome anyways!
    Wishing you so much fun playing with them!

    Sad that we don't have yard sales and Craigs List over here. I wish I could just hop overseas and strive through those sales and have fun...It's all so different here.

    Much love! Dina

  8. They are gorgeous! Are you keeping them for yourself? - Susan

    1. Hi Susan - no these are going to a consignment shop - she's making room already lol
      Thanks so much - I can't wait to get started on them!

  9. I won't be sick to death of them..I'll be a sponge...learning, learning, learning!

  10. Gorgeous, I would be excited too!! Have fun... V

    1. thanks so much Victoria - can't wait!
      have a good week

  11. Fabulous finds~I know that you'll make them even more gorgeous with paint!
    Have a great week.

  12. That set just yells your name. I will not get sick of furniture makeovers. In fact, I have a nightstand in my current bedroom redo that I am stuck over what to do with. I need to peruse your post history and get inspired.

  13. wow wow wow what a beautiful set cant wait

  14. Those pieces are completely awesome-can't wait to see them refinished. Don't take the drugs, we all love you the way you are-besides it makes us look normal also. ;-)

  15. Wow wow wow wow wow!!! That set is sooo gorgeous! I would be over the moon too! I have absolutely no doubt that the after is going to be amazing. I could never get sick of your makeovers... they are always fabulous!

  16. Oh, my gosh yes... I can see why you are so excited! How beautiful they will in a new coat of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint!

  17. Gorgeous! I have never come across a complete set like this. Maybe I need to move to Canadada! (Kidspeak)
    Can't go wrong with Duck Egg in my book. :)
    Hugs, T.

  18. What a beautiful set, I want to have them in my garage!!
    I can hardly wait to see the finished product,have fun painting, Susan:)

    1. Thanks so much Sayuri!!!
      I can't wait myself!

  19. I thought you were going to say it only cost $25, lol! I would have died.

    It is absolutely gorgeous! I love all the details. So French! It will have new life no doubt under your capable hands. Can't wait to see it!


  20. This set is awesome! I can't wait to see it with Annie all over it!!

  21. OMG! I'd be excited too pretty lady, such fabulous furniture pieces you found...the luck of the Irish has come your way!!! Can't wait to see all you tons of photos of what you'll be doing with them, talented girl. Have a great week.

  22. Oh my goodness. What an incredibly lovely piece. I can NOT wait to see what you do to it. I am sure it will be a showstopper, especially in your very talented hands :)

  23. Love your finds, I can see why you are so excited. I get so excited when I find pieces like that it is such a natural rush. Can not wait to see what you do with them. Happy Happy Monday , hugs Tobey

  24. That is one amazing find! It has crazy good potential! Life to the full, Melissa @ DaisyMaeBelle

  25. Never- Ever- get tired of furniture makeovers!!!
    Great finds Suzan! They are really pretty, I can't wait to see the magic happen.

  26. We just got in a whole bunch of new stuff for the boutique and the set will look lovely in the store. We have to revamp everything. I have some gorgeous Bella Notte Linens waiting to enhance these beauties!!! Cannot wait.

  27. AMAZING finds! I'm excited for you! Can't wait to see them painted! I've got several pieces to paint over the next two days it! :)

  28. Hi Suzan, I can't wait to see this set painted. I know it will be fabulous!

  29. screaming in my head here! Can't wait to see what you do!

  30. Congrats on your find, I"m glad you're excited. :)

  31. Now this is going to be so much fun to watch! These pieces are so striking, absolutely wonder you are so excited!! Go Suzan!
    Debbie :)

  32. You really have a good eye of these things, Suzan! I Just know you are going to make them fabulous!! Have fun doing it!

  33. Yes, Suzan! I think that will be just perfect for it! Hope you can sleep tonight. :-)

  34. You have got some energy girl. I love the it....but having to paint it all would send me running. So glad that it is in your capable hands! It will look fabulous. I am sure.

  35. Oh yeah, these babies are going to be gorgeous with those great lines and a bit of your magic!

  36. Oh, I hate them! I mean that weird cream and gold rim... Huh! But the shape is amazing... They are screaming "potential here!!!". I can't wait to see how it looks in duck egg (which might be the next sample I buy, depending on if you inspire me or not - no pressure!). About those brain cells we were talking about, watering them can help grow some new - tea and hot port work for me!

  37. What a beautiful set of furniture! Can't wait to see what you do... x

  38. It's going to be so gorgeous - the headboard is amazing as is, but with the duck Egg blue on it. Wow, wow, wow. I've used Duck Egg, but haven't dark waxed it and love how it looks. Going to have to try it on a board to see if it works as well for me.

    1. Thanks Heather!!! I'm SO looking forward to working on this one!

  39. What fabulous pieces, I am jealous, I would never find anything around here like this for sure. I love, love, love it!! Did I mention that I love this??? LOL.


  40. Suzan, that is an absolutely beautiful set! I love it. What a great find. I can't wait to see what you do with it.

  41. So beautiful. I wouldn't be able to part with them!

  42. I can understand your excitement in finding these wonderful pieces. They look pretty just as they are, so I know they will be out of this world when you get done with them!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!