
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Heart and Soul....................

Good morning everyone!

Finished at April's yesterday - so now I can show you the little " something - something " I did for her on her chairs......................
If you remember April collects hearts - lots and lots of hearts ( if you haven't seen her amazing collection - you can see them HERE )

So once I tore apart the old seats..................

There was enough hay in these chairs to keep a barn full of cows fed for a week I'm sure

John says - Uggghhh - that's our dining room table - do you have to do that there?
Suzan says - WELL I could use my imaginary workshop I suppose - or our bed - but that would be the only other alternative.............
Suzan says - We need to move - because that imaginary workshop has to become a reality at some point

Anyway - as I continued working an idea was born..................

I cut out 4 hearts from scraps left over

and stapled a heart to the bottom of each seat.....................

John says - I think that looks a little tacky
Suzan says- It has meaning for April John - I didn't do it on a whim
( well actually I did it do it on a whim - but it still has meaning ) 
And April loved them!

Ok - I don't have a clear picture of her parson chairs - but you can sort of make them out here

She decided to channel a little Sarah Richardson into the design - and decided to have them reupholstered in 2 fabrics ( I did not do these -  a little completely out of my league ) 

The seating part was covered in this gorgeous paisley

and the back was done in a very light " taupish " type of color - and MONOGRAMMED!!!!!!!!!!!
that's me screaming because I think it's just brilliant!

 you just know there's some monogramming that's going to be going on in my world from this day forward, right?

she brought the fabric into a lady that does this ( for next to nothing I might add ) and then brought it already monogrammed to the reupholsterer.

and they tie in beautifully with the 4 dining room chairs................

She has TASTE this new friend of mine.....................

So let's see - she started off with a dining room like this - a dining room set she had inherited from a beloved Aunt and couldn't bear to part with

and ended up with this

wood shelves replaced with glass in the China cabinet - and lighting installed by her hubby

and a little " thank you " for her business

This job took way longer than it should have - 
Between waiting for paint to arrive
Fabric taking a week to arrive
Reupholster taking longer than we thought  over a week
( sorry April - you know I have to protect my reputation here -2 of those weeks were completely 
out of my control lol ) 
These particular days I have to take complete responsiblity for
A mini crisis at my end
A doctors appointment at my end 
Me having to spend a day with with one of our mills................
Me drinking on the job ( HERE ) - but that was part April's fault too


And I really did put my heart and soul into this job :)

AND if all of the above hadn't happened - we wouldn't have gotten to know each other like we did
sometimes things happen for a reason...................and that was one of the nicest surprises to come out of this job.

Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!
Stay tuned, I spent most of Friday with Caroline - from Piorra Maison - so you get to come shopping with me - we are considering ( and that really is the only stage it's at - at this point ) doing an online shop from my blog - so you guys would actually get to SHOP instead of just looking at photos of all her beautiful things!  Thoughts?

Now excuse me - I'm going to make a tea and curl up with this beautiful birthday gift from Caroline
Friday was a beautiful day ( in the neighbourhood ) 

Sharing with!
I heart nap time                                    I should be mopping the floor                   Uncommon Designs
Homemaker on a Dime                        Under the Table & Dreaming            Coastal Charm
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia         Homestories A to Z                                 Not Just a Housewife
Clean & Scentsible                       No Minimalist Here
Savvy Southern Style                           Beyond the Picket Fence                         Shabby Creek Cottage
Common Ground                                 French Country Cottage                          Craftionary
Chase the Star                                     My Romantic Home                                One Artsy Mama
The Shabby Nest                                 Homework                                             Finding Fabulous


  1. It's absolutely beautiful! She must be wrapt! I am looking forward to your online store, I want some of that gel, you must include international shipping, hint hint!

  2. April's dining room looks amazing and you did a fantastic job. Little harts are so sweet:)

  3. Gorgeous!! I love it Suzan. You really transformed that into a pretty and fresh space. I love that paisley fabric she used!! Would love to find me some of that!

  4. what a beautiful job you did, and she, and her husband, I love it!

  5. Really pretty! Another amazing makeover!

  6. What a great makeover. It was so thoughtful of you to add the hearts.

  7. Suzan,
    All the pieces look amazing! As usual, you did a fantastic job.

  8. I do the same thing (work on our dining room table) because we have a two car garage that is FILLED to the top with crap and I can't use spray paint inside so I have to wait to do that outside in the yard, but regular brush painting is doable when Mr. Chaos goes to work. ...I just take over his side of the garage for 8 hours! LOL :)

    The table and chairs look very pretty. You did a good job!

    Jennifer @ Decorated Chaos

  9. What a beautiful transformation! The heart detail is too sweet!

  10. Did I miss your birthday? If I did, happy belated!!

    The dining room came out great, and I'm glad too that you found another new friend. :)

  11. What an awesome transformation, it looks amazing!

  12. I love the final result, Suzan, you did such a wonderful job on April's furniture! And what a cute, meaningful gesture putting the hearts on the bottom of the seats. I think it's a fantastic idea to have Caroline's shop in conjunction with your blog! She has gorgeous products! And oh, I need one of those books, great present.
    Debbie :)

  13. you outdone yourself! LOVE everything you did, and all your special touches (yes, hearts included)

  14. You did an amazing job on that dining-room set. I love the idea of the "hidden hearts"...

  15. Wooow!! What a incredible work, it's really beautiful Suzan, congrats!

    1. What a compliment Luna - thanks so much!!!

  16. I am so glad we got to see the final reveal of April's dining room. I was hesitant about painting the furniture, but you have me convinced and now my grandparents' first bedroom suite will be painted (Against the wishes of every living and dead member of my family!) I love the idea of the hearts under the chairs. Long ago when houses had medicine cabinets with a little slit in the back to drop used razor blades, I would drop little notes to future residents, I often wonder did anyone ever find one? PIORRA MAISON!!! Oh, my favorite place I have never visited! Can't wait! Enjoy your book and dream in technicolor.

  17. havefuncurlingupandenjoytherestoftheweekendtoothediningroomturnedoutgreat.


  18. Oh everything is just stunning-you do great work girl!
    Have a day to relax and breathe, you sure deserve it.

  19. Shopping online? Helloooooooo....... : ) Patty/BC

  20. Hey! Did I miss your birthday, girl???? What is wrong with me??? I'm sorry!!!! Anyway.....HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO A WONDERFUL FRIEND WHO ALWAYS MAKES MY SOUL LAUGH!!! ♥♥♥!!!

    XOXO laurie

  21. Well it is done and looks great! Now for a break on the chairs! It is like child birth..after awhile you forget.....the

  22. I love how you put those hearts there. It's like everyone is sitting on a little secret....sitting on a little love. This all turned out well. It's been a dream of mine to have monogrammed dining chairs. So, I'm a wee bit jealous! It all looks so well done.


  23. You did an amazing job the dining room went from granny lives here, to "I want to live there". I love the hearts on the bottom of the chairs, you are so cute. Everything you did looks stunning my friend. I think the idea of an online store is a great idea, your blog has grown so much, I think it would be a great idea. Can't wait to see all of the beautiful things for sale. I am waiting for my Anne Sloan book to come in the mail, so excited lol. hope you having a great weekend, hugs Tobey

  24. That dining room is GORGEOUS, dahling! Weather has been crap here, so I've been working on a few furniture projects here.

  25. Don't know where to start on this comment:

    1) You NEED a workshop.

    2) The hearts on the bottom of the chairs is brilliant.

    3) Love the Parsons chair and the monogramming and the subltety of the fabric on the back.

    4) The painted furniture looks fantastic. I especially love, love, love how the china cabinet turned out. I love the way paint brings out the details - looks at the header on the top of the cabinet!!

    5) It's so beautiful outside, I don't want to stay indoors to do anything!! Have resorted to painting outside again and am loving it!

    6) XOX

    1. 1) Desperately
      2) Thanks!!!
      3) I want to monogram everything I own now
      4) Thanks!!!
      5) I don't have the space outside where I am now
      6) XOX right back at ya!

  26. So beautiful Suzan! I'd say April was pretty smart to choose you to do her work because your heart and soul really shine in this project! Caroline's shop the one where my sconces came from??!!

  27. amazing job i love love love this set it turned out beautifully im sure she thinks it was worth the wait

  28. Wow! You did an amazing job, Suzan :-) Well done, and it was super sweet of you to include the hearts to the bottom of the chairs ! Tacky ? Ga .. Enjoy your week :-)


  29. What a beautiful end result! Your hearts and those chairs with the paisley and the monogram and just to die for. Beautiful, beautiful stuff. Would love to see a shop attached to your blog. I've thought about doing such a thing from time to time, but would love to see how it goes with you first. I like to let others do the trial and error! You go girl!

  30. O my gosh that was an amazing transformation! I love that set and I love gray! I like the little heart at the bottom of the seats! Stopping by from the I Should Be Mopping the Floor Blog Hop!I would love a visit to at

  31. The hearts are such a thoughtful touch-love that!! The room is an amazing transformation!

  32. Suzan, The dining room set turned out fabulous and I love the hearts you added! Have a great week and take care.

  33. hi Suzan -great job on the chairs and table - everything actually. I love the hearts on the chairs - and I want that book also. is it good?
    cheers FIona

  34. This is beautiful!! I look forward to you stopping by My Dream Canvas. I am hosting a spring soiree at my home :) The party also includes a giveaway by the famous tabletop and giftware brand Mikasa. Hope to see you there!! Have a great week.

  35. Everything is beautiful. I love the dining room! I'm your newest follower. You can find me decorating, painting and baking on HickoryTrail

    1. Thanks so much Angela - come over to visit now!

  36. I love monograms too and secret hidden hearts :)

  37. Gorgeous! What an amazing change! And such a cute idea with the hearts on the bottom. I agree, you NEED a workshop!

  38. Great job here. I really enjoyed what you had to say. Keep going because you definitely bring a new voice to this subject. Not many people would say what you’ve said and still make it interesting and Thanks for this great post.

  39. Love your blog!

    I would love for you to share your favorite posts and link up at my TGIF Link Party.
    The party opens Thursday night and closes on Wednesday night at midnight.

    Please, invite your friends to party too! The more the merrier!

    Hugs, Cathy

  40. It's fabulous! I am a little surprised that you took out wood shelves for glass. I'm always doing just the opposite here!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!