
Monday, June 17, 2013

Makeover fit for a princess ?

Well I told you the story of this little sat at the store for over a year - generated all kinds of interest - and nada -
It never sold -
I've had so much on my plate that I just left it there thinking that maybe someday......................
And then I had to bite the bullet - admit defeat - and start all over again.

The GOOD thing is that I had a year in between ( if I HAVE to look for the positive in a negative situation lol) so I was as excited to get my hands onto this piece as if I'd just bought it

I know it's very busy - ( now I know it's far too busy ) but I SO saw this in a little girls room -

I went with ASCP Duck Egg Blue

The top drawers already had the pretty oval molding  on the edges of them - I added the " v " shaped molding - by putting 2 appliques on an angle each ( and touching each other on the bottom )  to form the V because there was a little bit of damage to the veneer - and there was no way I wanted to lose or damage that oval molding.  I think they look like they were there forever...............

Do you want to see one of my ingenious inventions up close?
Furniture Slippers!!!
I use the top of paint tins inverted for drips - and I fold 3 or 4 scott towels and place them underneath the lids so that the floors won't get scratched - and I can slide the furniture around with ease...........

I chose to paint the surface white - because this time I was going for a clean look -
And I love the juxtaposition ( I also love the word juxtaposition btw ) of solid white against a color

I left the interiors of the drawers the same as the first time I did them -

This is how they looked when I originally bought the dresser

and some mac tac paper graces the bottom 2 drawers

actually now that I look at them I think I should paint the 2 interior slats of wood Duck Egg blue as well

The 2 diamond shaped appliques were placed there because the keyholes didn't look very nice at all
they had some extensive damage to them

I spray painted the handles a very light silver - to tie in with the glass knobs on the top

I was going to dark wax it - but I think I'm going to look at this for a day or 2 before I do it
I'm really not sure on this piece

Stay tuned - on Thursday I'll show you how I turned this  mirror
( which I bought on it's own a lonnng time ago ) 

into her Crown 
( and you thought she only had slippers? ) 

Have a great Tuesday all!


Not Just a Housewife                           
Ivy & Elephants                         
No Minimalist Here
Adorned from Above                           
Savvy Southern Style                       
I Gotta Create
Shabby Creek Cottage                         
Rooted in Thyme                             
French Country Cottage
My Turn for Us                                     
My Romantic Home                         
One Artsy Mama
Finding Fabulous                                   
The Shabby Nest                             
Miss Mustard Seed
Keeping it Simple                                 
Under the Table & Dreaming     
Knick of Time
It's Overflowing!                                   
Classy Clutter                                   
Glitter Glue and Paint


  1. Pretty, I love the appliqués I never thought of appliqué for anything other than sewing lol

  2. It looks gorgeous now! Can't wait to see the mirror added!

  3. Wow, it`s beautiful, Suzan. No more makeover on this one, remember.
    Have a great day

    Hugs from me

  4. It's still perfect for a princess! Thanks for the tip on the slippers. I always skip the prep steps and live to regret it.

  5. I have yet to use Duck Egg. I just bought a sample and will use it for details. I like the look of this dresser better now. Are you going to distress it?

  6. Oh yes, I like this even better! BTW, juxtaposition, verisimilitude, and reciprocity are among my favorite words. :-) P.S. Don't distress the dresser, contrary to some suggestions. ;-) Love it JUST LIKE THIS.

  7. What a stunning makeover! I love the color and the insides of the drawers. It is lovely.
    Thanks, Patty

  8. Personally, I love this piece and I want her!! She is beautiful and you did a great job as always!


  9. You do sign each piece you paint someplace inconspicuous don't you?

  10. I love it! I really think the appliques are perfect and look as if the piece was built with them. Colors are perfect and yes, paint the wood inside the 2 drawers the duck egg blue. ;-) Don't you love it? Me trying to tell the PRO how to do it. ha ha ha

    Sunshine, I miss you! Just in over my head with all that's been going on and preparing to move. 10 days and the movers will be here! I better run and get busy.


  11. I like your fairytale piece! So beautiful! I am so going to cute up the insides of my buffet drawers.

  12. Looking good! I think I like it without the dark wax - though I'm sure it will be fine if you decide to go that route :)

  13. Love it - Duck Egg is one of my favourite colours. And you're right - the top looks great in white. Super re-do, Suzan. It should sell for sure this time around.

    1. Thanks Heather!!!
      Let's hope it DOES sell :)

  14. She's beautiful...inside (the drawers) and out! You sure know how to make a piece fit for a princess!

  15. The juxtaposition of the curly applique's to the straight lines of the buffet provide an interesting perspective of this artistic piece. The addition of a crown of round mirrored glass will form yet another juxtaposition of different angles.

    Where, oh, where did you put fun Suzan!?!

  16. Just beautiful! The addition of the appliques look look like wings. What a pretty surprise inside the dresser too!

    1. Thanks so much Yvonne - wings - angel wings - I like that!!!

  17. Suzan,
    You did it again. Beautiful!!!! I can't wait to see her crown!!!

  18. Wow, gorgeous!! I love the molding detail you added! You sound like me, I buy something and can't wait to get started on it and then I buy something else and that gets started first and the cycle goes on! I've got half of my garage full of diamonds in the rough! This chest is just beautiful!

    1. Thanks so much Christy!!!
      This furniture restoring is not for the faint of heart step away from being hoarders, the whole lot of us

  19. That is very princess beautiful! Well done!!

  20. What a gorgeous piece and I think the blue is a better choice. Key holes? This is really old dresser then, not just from the 60s/70s? Gorgeous! And very creative!

  21. Whenever I want to be inspired I am always happy to find you at a party creating something wonderful to share.

  22. I like this version better. Simpler and the colour is fabulous! I hope it sells this time!

    1. Thanks Kathryn - I do too :)
      It's gone already!

  23. Seriously this is so COOL!! I love it!! Come link up at my Paint Party!

    HOpe to see you soon

  24. Oh yeah, much better now. It was pretty before, but the beautiful details are much more noticeable now. Love the color!

  25. Amazing work, Suzan! I love it!
    Hope you have a good weekend!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  26. What a cute redo! I love all of the little touches you have added! I would love it if you would share this at my linking party today!

  27. That little number is fantastic!! I am visiting with Freedom Friday's.

  28. hi Suzan - such a pretty piece of furniture!
    hope you have a wonderful weekend

  29. Suzan, I love the molding and paint color. She turned out beautiful! Thanks for joining my party and check out this weeks Open House to see your feature.

  30. Hi Suzan,
    This is so pretty and I love the inside of the drawers. Thanks so much for sharing with Adorned From Above's Blog Hop. The party will be back this week starting Tuesday and 8:00PM mountain time. We can't wait to see what you have to share this week.
    Have a great week.
    Debi and Charly

  31. Now you're talk'n! Sorry but it looks so trés chic now and I bet easily sold.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!