
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Shhhh................I'm learnin'

Morning all!

I'm still learning - every single day - with every single mistake - I keep learning!

Last week I showed you a sneak peak of a desk I was working on

Here's what I was working on

I wanted to put 2 transfers on this from the Graphics Fairy - but I messed up.
Because I never never never know when to leave well enough alone.

I tried to take it off before it was ready - although I like that it looks all ripped and shredded and authentically very old - LIKE THIS - there was still a lot of paper to rub off ( where you can see the whitish patches ) and there would have been only a few words of the graphic left...........
The " stamp " fared much better - still some paper left to rub off - but the graphic is in tact - except for the fact that it's UPSIDE DOWN...............that's what sleep deprivation will do to you.

So I asked my official " Sander " if he could sand the section down where the postcard graphic was
And it came back in looking like this

GASP - EUREKA - PAYDIRT - SIGH...............................I fell instantly in love..............
Much like I did over this Oops makeover

The dark blue that this piece was originally - with the old white ( ASCP ) and the wood peaking through?
Perfection - so I promptly began sanding away the entire top of the desk and somehow the upside down
stamp doesn't look so bad?  In fact I'm loving the graphic - looks like it's been there forever!!!

John says - OMG - what the hell have you done to it?
Suzan says - I LOVE IT
John says - It looks like crap ( the other version of that word )
Suzan says - Thank you very much
John says - First of all it'll never sell - second of all I don't want it here -
John says - It looks like crap ( the other version of that word )
Suzan says - You already said that
Suzan says - It's rustic chic
John says - It's RUSTIC CRAP ( the other version of that word - which sounds like Chic almost anyway )

In his defense ( NOT that I'm defending him at all ) he may be right ..............Montreal seems to be a little behind with all this rustic - prairie - farmhouse - stuff.  My " clean " pieces seems to outweigh this type in
" demand " and it may have to be changed in the end but I'm loving it.................

John says - you're going to have to repaint that now, hope you know that
Suzan says - nothing - absolutely nothing - because she's learning how to keep her yap shut!

Things I learned this week

1)  Sometimes mistakes are good things
2)  Getting a proper amount of sleep is very very important
3)  John has no idea what he's talking about
4)  John really likes to say Crap ( the other version of the word )
5)  No matter how shabby a piece is - bling ALWAYS works - so I'm going to start wearing a tiara when I'm in my painting clothes ( e.g. nightgown )

John is yelling from the Kitchen that there's 2 glass knobs missing off the cabinet doors as I type.

You'd think he'd learn by now !!!

Anyway they can be replaced - the STAR needed them more

Have a great Thursday all
Go out there and make a few mistakes..................
I'll probably be repainting this by friday LOL
Much love,

Sharing with!
Common Ground                                     French Country Cottage                          Craftionary
My turn ( for us )                                     One Artsy Mama                                    My Romantic Home
The Shabby Nest                                    Miss Mustard Seed                                 Homemaker on a dime
The Dedicated House                             Funky Junk Interiors                                Winthrop Chronicles
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia            Not Just a Housewife                              Shabby Creek Cottage
Savvy Southern Style                              Clean & Scentsible                          Rooted in Thyme
I Heart Nap TIme                                   Uncommon Designs                                The Graphics Fairy
Knick of Time                                         Homework


  1. Ummm...Hello....This is Wednesday- Tomorrow is Thursday and this is Friday's post? Helllloooooooo Blondie! xoDiana ps. It is-Pretty danged cute though!

  2. Hahaha our poor husbands! You would think they'd fig out by now we won't stop w our treasures!
    It looks gorgeous!

    1. LOL - thanks so much Lauren - some husband seem to learn - mine will not - this will be going on forever lol

  3. I love this better than if it was just plain.Also love the stamp on it.Are they hard to do? you should do a post on how you do it-love dee x

  4. Not sure whether to love or hate this, I'm learning but in my head when I do my first piece I'm hoping it looks like one of yours. Glad you keep it real though :)

    1. I mean that I hate that you're still learning not your desk

  5. How you are typing at 9:30 at night is beyond me 'cause I know you are usually on line by 3am! I am up at 3 but I am almost always in bed by 8:30. (I am one wild and crazy woman!!) Sleep deprivation will make you do bad things. Were you doing a Modge Podge reverse transfer? They always looks so deceptively easy. I think my problem is never letting anything sit and dry as long as it should.

    While I am going to refrain from using John's choice of word, I say get out the paint brushes again. It is a pretty desk and the distressing (in my mind) diminishes the beauty of the form. (Quite the critic, eh?)

  6. Suzan it looks well loved!! Sometimes things work out exactly as they should!! Personally I love it!!

  7. Your posts do make me smile :) I'm glad that it's not just me who's still learning from my (endless) mistakes - I recently sanded, painted and added a transfer to a cabinet top 4 times and to be honest, I'm still not 100% happy with it!!!
    The bling knobs were absolutely necessary :)

  8. Love it, Suzan!! And it absolutely cracked me up when I heard John's exclamation of surprise. LOL

  9. Look at your photo edit at the end, I love that!!! I like this piece, Suzan. You can tell that it's shabby chic, and it certainly doesn't look like crap (or the other word for it). ;) I'd be surprised if it didn't sell quickly, just as you've done it there.

  10. I just love John's reactions. I'm so glad I'm not married to the only one!! Your little table looks sweet!!


  11. Ha,ha you are the best. You always make me smile.
    Love the sweet table.


  12. You are so much so much fun to follow. Just love the reality of it all...'chic' and all! Besides, you get so much accomplished that I'm thinking I need to get off this chair and get busy.♥♫

  13. It came out pretty! That's funny that you took the knobs off something else!

  14. I like it so much! I like my pieces distressed but I can understand how that might not be a favored outcome in Montreal.
    Hush, John. Put your tiara on, honey.

  15. Ooooo I think it's perfection! That's the look I want to sell :) One of my furniture flipping friends posted this heavily distressed dresser on facebook, and someone actually posted "wow, I'm sure you'll do something awesome with that piece of crap!" Some folks don't get it. *eh*

    Tiaras go swimmingly with nightgowns. Ask Cinderella.

  16. I think it looks very nice Suzan. I may have even scuffed it up some more. But I do live in rustic, country chic (not the other similar sounding word) country.
    And a question for you: You may have covered it before and I may have missed it, but where do you sell your pieces other than the custom orders that you do?

    1. I have a consignment shop I work through ( Caroline - Piorra Maison ) and Craig's list
      I agree Cindy that it needs even more distressing - if I were going to keep it - but as it is I think I'm going to have to redo it LOL

  17. I like it this way too. As for the transfers......I have a horrible time with them - used every method imaginable - Mod Podge, freezer paper, Artisan Enhancements and I still have a terrible time. I'm still learning too!!

    1. I'm just too impatient Heather ( you are too, I just know it LOL )
      Tried to take it off way too soon ..................

  18. I think this is pretty cool, if you repaint it so be, but I don't know if it is a must.


  19. :) you are too funny! live and learn (and paint)

  20. Replies
    1. Thanks Susan !!!
      It'll be boring by the weekend though I think LOL

  21. Sometimes I don't really care for the "distressing" that's done on a piece but I love how this one looks, authentic and old. It's great.
    I know what you mean about your area not being into the distressed look "just yet", we live in western CO, west of Grand Junction. When people see distressed pieces they ask me why I thought they'd want to buy something that looks beat up and I've hardly done any distressing. I feel like telling them to get with the times but of course it's not nice to do that. Too bad. I would like to say your hubs favorite word for crap. Pretty bad when an old lady is up on the times and those younger aren't. Happy summer. Love the conversations between you and your hubs, sound like some of ours only my hubs isn't nearly as "nice".

    1. Thanks so much!!!
      " get with the times " lmho
      Happy summer to you too!
      p.s. I filter things so John sounds a little nicer !

  22. Oh Suzan, I LOVE it! And I really love that the stamp is upside down since it ended up so distressed. Surely someone will love it and buy it - I would if I could - just to shut John up if nothing else LOL!

  23. Too bad you're going to have to paint the table, it looks great! It's funny, John was the one who started it, you ran with it...and he hates it! Men can be strange...
    Debbie :)

  24. I love it!!! Your posts crack me up - sounds kind of like the conversations that my husband and I have!!

  25. You pulled another one through with flying colors. Love your oops. I did love that postcard you removed though. Now you need to do another of those on something else. Pretty please. :)

  26. It looks good to me! I can see you now in your tiara and black robe!!

  27. Happy 'mistakes', but as I liked to tell my cake decorating students, "you MEANT to do that, right?! It wasn't a mistake' but a happy accident" Sometimes mistakes lead to our favorite products. :)

    1. That's right! I meant to do it - you're absolutely right LMHO - now to convince John of that!

  28. I snorted when I read the things you learned. By the way, I'm telling John what you said. We guys have to stick together.

    1. You're going to be very lonely over there on John's side Rick LMHO !!!!!!!!!!

  29. You have no idea how much I laughed while reading this, I could have written it myself!!! (except my other half´s name is not John, but Richard) Transfers can be a real headache, but your "mistake" turned out beautiful in the end -if I were you I´d leave it exactly how it looks now... I deeply thank you for visiting my blog and for your kind comment, following you since now too.
    Warmest hugs,

    1. lol - there's some funny conversations that happen around here - well I think they're funny - John most definitely does NOT lol
      Thanks so much for the follow!

  30. Hi Suzan, I wished my mistakes looked this beautiful! Enjoyed my visit and have become one of your newest followers. Gail

  31. Suzan, how did YOU do the graphic transfer ? I was looking for a tutorial on your page. This just seems beyond me, even though everyone makes it look pretty simple. Please let us know how you do it. Thanks bunches !!


  32. Haha. Poor John :( You're rockin that tiara!! I think pjs are the standard painting attire and I definitely agree with everyone; it looks perfect!!

  33. Suzan ~ you are such a hoot! Loved your post ~ love your table! as for John... he hasn't a clue :D

    1. No you're right Shelly - he's clueless LMHO.....................
      But to give credit where credit is due - once the makeover is completely done - he's usually fallen in love with it - usually being the key word here - definitely not this time LOL
      Thanks so much Shelly!

  34. Suzy, Don't repaint it! It is wonderful just like it is! Men don't know anything but that they like unpainted wood. John's taste is crap (the other word!)

  35. Very cute post. Made me smile :) And isn't it nice to have sand paper and paint for re-do's? It'd be nice if all my mistakes could be corrected like that....not that your desk needs correction. It's pretty cute as is.

    1. Yes Resa, it is!!!
      But I can remember when mascara and lipstick were the only things I needed for a re-do LOL

  36. I love it! My long-suffering hubby has learned to just go with the flow on my projects. :-)

    1. I don't think mine will ever " just go with the flow " Amy's not going to happen :)
      But that's ok - he gives me such blog material just the way he is LMHO !!!!!!
      Thanks !

  37. Ha ha, great post! My post today is also about lessons learned while learning to paint furniture - what a coincidence! My problem this week involved pink kool-aid getting splattered on what I was almost finished painting! Oh, and over-distressing. Oh well, we live and we learn. Take care - Dawn

  38. I absolutely LOVE this "oops" piece. I would buy it in a heartbeat. I am always learning too and mess up all the time, but I find my best work comes from those moments. I found this on Miss Mustard's Seed's Link Party. I'll be following you for sure! Your husband sounds just like mine.

    The piece I posted on the Link Party is #144 and was also a bit of a disaster.

    Love your humour,

  39. Tell John he's full of crap! (or the other version of that word)

  40. Oh my goodness this is the first time I viewed you blog and I LOVE IT! This post was adorable and had me laughing so hard. That piece turned out BEAUTIFUL!

  41. I love it!!! John doesn't know Crap! (or the word that he says!) Tell him you are the creative designer here.

    1. LMHO Betty!!!!!!!!!!!
      I tell him that all the time.................hummpphhh is the reply I generally get :)

  42. You should send John my way sometimes to help me with the sanding... I hate that part. The table turned lovely, especially with the knobs... even if now, they are missing somewhere else!

  43. John isn't getting any support from me this time. That desk is absolutely perfect now! I really hop you don't repaint it.

  44. Your banter, cleaned up or not, always makes me laugh, and I see that one way or another the same conversations are taking place throughout Blogland--that's funny too! PS - I like the end result of your "mistake." :) ~Zuni

  45. I love it! Sometimes a mistake ends up being a masterpiece!

  46. Here in the South (of the USA!) the polite way of John's favorite word is "Sweet Honey Iced Tea". I would love for him to start saying that. Around here the distressed desk would be gone in less than a day. Now how about RED! This is getting to be fun watching you repaint furniture.

  47. Love the post and love the desk. If you did a bit of distressing on the legs it would really flow. John is wrong as most men are and every time I make a mistake it usually comes out yours.

    1. Hi Terry - I stopped on this one - because I really want to keep it - and that's the way to do it I discovered - just not finish it - and then I can't list it for sell lol
      Thanks so much!

  48. Oh.....little does he know that with each "conversation"...he's challenging your quirky little mind and revving up your creative motor. lolol! I adore how this table turned out - mistake or not! It's a Suzan Original!!! :)

    xoxo laurie

  49. Suzan,

    It is just beautiful... I love it! Thank you so much for sharing at Monday Funday this week! Have a good one!

    Take care,


  50. Love how it came out! Still learning new techniques as well, but that is what keeps it interesting & fun! I just tell my hubby....."Honey Hush" dropped by from Monday Funday... Got a follower love your post!

  51. Suzan, don't you DARE repaint that. It looks fantastic! And tell John that he better get that lisp fixed. You know when he says CHIC it comes out like CRAP (that other version) and he would feel like CRAP (the other version) if he thought anyone would think that about him!..Happy Monday..Judy

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. rkramadhJuly 23, 2013 at 11:38 AM

    I came here via GF. My first time and I do love your desk. Better yet, your candid post makes me think it's OK for me to try and screw up a few little things. But what blew me away is that you are in Montreal! My fav city! I lived there 18 yrs, went to school etc. and so ironically just talked to my friend about Montreal and how much I miss it after moving to US. 5 mins later, I land on your site totally unplanned. I am now hooked to your site! TFS and inspiring me, merci!

    1. Welcome!!!!!!!
      Isn't it weird that you were just talking about living here?
      Thanks so much for your comment " love " - hope to see you back
      Big Montreal Hugs,

  54. I am lovin it ! I hopeyou sell it quickly . So he has to eat some humbley pie !!! LOL Great job !

    1. I haven't even tried to sell it yet - because really I'd love to keep it -
      He mentioned yesterday that no one wants it LMHO - I haven't told him
      it's not even listed!
      Thanks so much !!!

  55. Love it! and the only reason these pieces aren't selling well YET is that you are so far ahead of the latest fashion curve that the people haven't caught up yet.

    So there!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!