
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

They're coming to take me away!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Good Morning everyone :)

 Meet Abigail ( when you're looking at her - you're looking at country )

shabby, antique, makeover, chalk paint, annie sloan, white, aqua, before, after

I mixed Duck Egg Blue and Old White to create this custom color - ( Annie Sloan Chalk Paint )
Painted it old white first - then applied the custom color - so that when I sanded there would be layers
Once it was dry I dry brushed ( very dry brushed ) a coat of old white here and there )
I spray painted the handles ( original ) in White from Rustoleum ..................and I did an outline of old white
in the engraved design on the middle drawer

John says - I don't understand why you paint something and then take the sander to it
John says - It makes no sense at all
Suzan says - Maybe it's not for you to understand - maybe it has to remain one of those great mysteries in life
John says - But could you just tell me why you do it ?
Suzan says - Nah, if you don't get it looking at it - it can't be explained to you
John says - Well I think you went a little crazy there - there's actually wood showing through in some spots.
Suzan says - John leave me alone already - go contemplate your belly button or something
John says - FINE - I was trying to help you out here-  I thought maybe you didn't realize

Wait till I order myself some milk paint - he's going to have to do some deep soul searching to find the answers to that, let me tell you
Paint that chips and peels?
Does anyone else work with a chief inspector breathing down their backs????

I bought this shabby chic mirror on sale ages ago ( and now I wish I had bought 10 of them - the price was amazing ) it's such a perfect fit for Abigail, don't you think ?
I dry brushed some of the custom color to tie it in................

Suzan says - What do you think of Abigail now?
John says- WHO?
Suzan says - Abigail, the dresser
John says - You gave it a name?
John shakes his head
John says - Where did you find the name?
Suzan says - She told me ................
John says - What kind of flowers do you like?
Suzan says - You don't know by now?  Why?
John says - So I can fill the room you're going to be in, in the asylum, with them.....................

John walks casually by and picks up one of the books I'm staging with
John says - Oh Moby Dick - think I'll read that again
John chuckles - Why, Is Abigail going to read it?

Lindsay and Tony gave each of their Mom's a jewellery box as a " thank you " at the rehearsal dinner
Mine says Suzy - Q
Isn't it pretty?

With a bracelet inside - that reads Mom on one side - and their wedding date on the inside
and an explanation that wherever they go in life - we'll have their hearts -
I'm choked up again - I've been choked up for a week now - when do you stop choking after your kids get married????

Oh and John????
A room filled with these will do very nicely, thank you very much
BUT I don't want you to blame it on Abigail - if I end up in the nut house it won't be because of HER

You can take the book now

I'm all finished for the day

Oops - forgot the before - it was in rough shape - although it looks pretty decent in the photo!

Have a great Thursday everyone....................
Much love - gotta run - someone's at the door -
Hope it's not who I think it is........................

and a very happy 4th of July to my American friends


Sharing with!!!
French Country Cottage                            My Romantic Home                         My Turn For Us
The Shabby Nest                                      It's Overflowing                                Classy Clutter
Homemaker on a dime                              CraftOManiac                                  Not just a housewife
Under the table & dreaming               Homework                                      The Winthrop Chronicles
Savvy Southern Style                                Atta Girl Says                                  Adorned from Above
The 36th Avenue                                      Shabby Creek Cottage                    Common Ground
The Dedicated House                               Funky Junk Interiors                        I Heart Naptime
Ucommon Design                                     CraftOManiac                                 Miss Mustard Seed


  1. Steve justs shakes his head when he sees me taking photos, lots of them, with his camera (he could buy me an expensive one like his). He was scrolling through my blog on his iPhone tonight though and he actually commented on some of the pictures. Maybe he is beginning to get it.

  2. Love it! There is no explaining creativity... he just has to learn to feel it!! Gorgeous bracelet...

  3. I love Abigail she is very pretty, love the mixture of colours. Definitely a big improvement from the way she looked. Hubby does not criticize anymore, not since his comment about the wax. One day I was waxing a vanity and he asked me how people were going to be able to write on the furniture with chalk if I put wax over the chalk paint. I said why would people write on their furniture, he looked at me very serious and said isn't that why you paint everything with chalkboard paint? I threw him out of the garage ! He stays away from me when I am painting now. lol hugs Tobey

  4. You've done it again Suzan - it's beautiful and with just enough wood showing through, lol....

  5. Abigail is beautiful...nice job! A very Happy 4th to you and your family..

  6. So lovely! My hubs stopped asking questions about my weird finishing techniques :) Beautiful bracelet....I've married three of my kids (3 to go), and never stop getting choked up!

  7. What a cute dresser! You're right, sometimes it is hard to explain what you want to do with a piece of furniture or something crafty (I still remember some of the weird looks that I got when doing something similar). Lucky for us, reading that conversation in your blog is hilarious!

  8. Hi Suzan,
    Abigail is so pretty and so sweet. Another beautiful re love. I love your little jewelry box and bracelet for you daughter and son in law. How sweet and what a beautiful gift of love. Made me tear up. I can see your special love and big heart has rubbed off on your daughter.

  9. Beautiful! Love the bracelet and the sentiment behind it!

  10. OH it's gorgeous, and LOL at the 'Is Abigail going to read it?' question. buwhahaha

    The bracelet is a perfectly wonderful idea. Your daughter's got class!!!

  11. Oh Suzan,
    hahaha........Abigail is beautiful and I'd make room for her anyday. How did John miss the Love and War volume? It was perfect!!! As for choking, you won't stop. Treasures (grandchildren) will fill your arms and heart and each of their milestones will leave that little feeling in your throat. Love every moment.

  12. YES, I do have a chief inspector. Hub has assigned himself to be "QC" around here. As in "Quality Control." Sometimes I have to exercise SELF-control.

  13. Poor John. One can't help feeling a bit sorry for him, like he's a bit lost, groping his way through a fog. lol And you better keep track of his emails in case he's already making arrangements at 'Happy Hollow' or somewhere...

    Love the dresser, especially with the shuttered mirror! And the bracelet? Of course your heart is going to melt every time you see it.

  14. John is a riot, tell him he needs to get with the program...LOL!! I think men just don't get it on purpose sometimes. This is so lovely and that mirror is great!


  15. At least John has a sense of humor, mine just grumbles and says nobody's gonna want to buy that beat up thing. He just doesn't get it. I told him about making things with pallets and he was such a doubter til he got online to see for himself, never apologized for being a doubter either. Now he goes in secret to find pallets.
    I love Abigail and that mirror you put on her, do they come as a set? Love way you refashioned her. She's perfect. How I'd love to have her. I have an old dresser similar, maybe I'll redo her, want to put wheels on her legs, help make her look older. Hope you're having a great 4th.

    1. There's A LOT of grumbling in this house - trust me!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
      Redo your dresser!
      And start a blog!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Shoot I almost got tears in my eyes bout the jewelry boxes. What a wonderful gift to both Mom's and the bracelets. Looks like you both did a super Mom job.

    1. Thanks so much!!!
      It was the sweetest thing of her to do - I've basically been learning how to live with a lump in my throat since the wedding lol

  17. Abigail is beautiful.Love your color choice it is perfection!What a lovely bracelet too!

  18. Abigail is lovely and the mirror is a perfect match. The bracelet is so sweet. You've obviously raised a great girl. Oh, and if I see Dr. Demento coming, I'll send him the other way ;-)

    1. I don't know about that Betsy - a vacay in an asylum sounds very peaceful to me LMHO

  19. Well, call me Ishmael! Please give John a decor book for his next life event. Abigail is a true beauty. Love the sentiment behind the mother gifts - so sweet.

  20. That was such a good idea to put the drawer with the carvong detail in the middle. It changes the whole look of the piece. That, plus painting!

  21. I I don't know if you ever quit choking up. Four years later you will still get all misty when some other mom talks about getting choked up a week later.

  22. What a sweet gift, love the jewelry box idea. The dresser is beautiful! And if it says country... then it's perfect in my book ;-)
    Hugs! You are a blessed Mom. Congrats again!

  23. Love Abigail! We get couples in the store and it's always the same debate: women want to paint everything, men think wood should remain untouched. And they don't get the distressing.

    Lovely gift from your daughter and S.I.L.! So sweet! Yes, I would get choked up too!

    Have a great Sunday,


  24. She's beautiful, another beautiful transformation!

  25. Another beautiful piece Suzan! How did you attach the mirror?? I'll come visit you in the funny farm...from across the hall!!

  26. Beautiful! Love the custom color, too. I'm visiting from the 36th Avenue link party.

    Christy @ Creating a Beautiful Life

  27. How did I miss this post? It's beautiful!

  28. .....okay. YOU are cracking me up...I NEVER leave comments on these things...but, I read two john says and I am crying from laughing so much...freakin'furniturefriday! YOU are cracking me up!!! thanx!

  29. .....okay. YOU are cracking me up...I NEVER leave comments on these things...but, I read two john says and I am crying from laughing so much...freakin'furniturefriday! YOU are cracking me up!!! thanx!

    1. lol - you should spend an afternoon with us..................I swear to God you'd be on the floor -
      and he's dead. serious. with these comments LOL
      thanks so much for taking the time ( especially knowing now that you never do ) to leave a comment!

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Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!