
Saturday, September 21, 2013

DIY PARIS Silhouette -

Good morning everyone !!!

While I was doing the Paris Themed giveaways a couple of weeks ago - I started on a Parisien themed Silhouette - and actually painted a different building ( or structure ) for each day of the giveaways -

If you'd like to see how easy they are to create you can see the tutorial HERE

If you read further I'll show you how it ended up looking like this!!!

It all started with a sharpie and a piece of wood -  (and Annie Sloan paints for the background )

and ended up like this -

I thought this would also be a great time to promote the site FOTOFLEXER
It's a great site and can allow you to do really fun things with your photos - I'm sure most of you know it and use it - for those of you that don't - hop over when you have a chance!
I'm showing a little of what you can do below - in the EFFECTS section -

" sketch "
" comic " - look how lovely it makes the sky and it almost looks like it was painted on fabric !!!

" heat map "

" blue print "

Here I used 2 methods in EFFECTS -
first I used " invert " and then on top of that I used " painting "

You can even go Andy Warhol ( ish ) and create this

and there's tons more ......................
it's a great site - and it's FREE !!!

I know I've sung the praises of Pic Monkey before - but not sure if I've ever mentioned Fotoflexer - it's worth a look see - I promise :)

On Pic Monkey - I added some fireworks

turned it into a post card

and added some trees - a grey twilight


A brilliant sunrise ???  Wouldn't this make a great blog header?


and that's how " big people " play LOL

I've printed a few pages of the last photo - this may become my new signature on the back of the pieces I do I'll adhere it with mod podge ( which is why my name is one it instead of Paris Dreams )

Have a wonderful day everyone -
I'll show you tomorrow how I finished off the desk :)

Much love

Partying with the following ladies !!!
I should be mopping the floor                       Uncommon Design               
Under the Table & Dreaming                My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Not Just a Housewife                                   Savvy Southern Style
Stone Gable                                                Shabby Creek Cottage
Rooted in Thyme                                         Craftberry Bush
My Turn for Us                                           Happy Go Lucky
Finding Fabulous                                         The Shabby Nest
My Romantic Home                                    I Heart Nap Time
Funky Junk Interiors                                   It's Overflowing
Gingersnap Crafts                                       Bloom Designs


  1. Brilliant! I need to go and fiddle around!

  2. Oh Suzan, you are such a talented lady. Love the picture. thanks for the tip on fotoflexer will check that out. I am new to the blogging world so any help is appreciated. I changed email carriers and can't seem to get it changed on Google. New one is for your records.
    Have a wonderful first day of autumn - yea yea yea cooler weather - I love it.

  3. You are so talented, Suzan. This are so pretty.

    Have a great new week.

    Hugs from here

  4. Never tried effects! :)

  5. What a beautiful picture you have created!! I have never heard of Fotoflexer but I do use Picmonkey all the time. Going to check it out now!

  6. I love all of them . I really love the postage stamp and the heat map! You do such great work. Dianntha

  7. Absolutely gorgeous Suzan! Love the fireworks and the trees. Oh... to be dreaming of Paris.

  8. now ill have to go check it out thanks so much for sharing love love love how it turned out great job

  9. How cool Suzan! I love the way it turned out. You could probably make and sell them in an ETSY shop! The trees are my favorite addition...but they are all really pretty...:) Have a blessed Sunday.

    Hugs, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  10. I love all of them!!! I just got my toes wet in I have another photo editor to frustrate me!! :)

    You're so dang talented!


  11. Just fabulous!!!! You are making me miss Paris! :)

  12. I am a Pic Monkey Junkie, but I may have to cheat and try Fotoflexer. (It sounds like a super hero character.) I am wondering if you plan to print these out for furniture projects. Great backdrops for a bookcase or for drawer liners!

  13. So fun! I haven't used FotoFlexer...will check it out.

  14. Forget the site, you are most definitely an artist, that is fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. There are so many fun ways to manipulate a photo. You can lose track of time on these sites! But even big people have to play :) Happy Sunday to you, Suzan.

  16. I need your autograph! I can say I "knew" you before you shared ALL of your artistic talent.

    This is beautiful! I love the effects with the trees...add that to the postcard and perfection! At least, that's my humble opinion. :)

    I haven't heard of Fotoflexer ~ will take a look.


  17. That looks like a lot of fun Suzan! Big people need to play too. :)

  18. This is SO clever! I adore it.

    I hope you have a week as beautiful as you are!

    1. LOVE LOVE LOVE your name Laura !!!
      ( just bought some Little House books for a very special little girl )
      Thanks so much - you're a sweetheart

  19. My dumb question is, how did you get such a great image of your finished piece? I am guessing you were able to get a very good straight on shot and cropped to get the perfect image.
    Second dumb question. The effects on PicMonkey, were they from the upgraded features or the free features? Thanks for the heads up on Fotoflexer. xo Ginger

  20. I love all those different possibilities. You really had time to play with the image, and looks really fun

  21. Wow Suzan I love all the different possibilities too. These look great. It is amazing what technology can help us with when we figure out how to use it!!!!! Have a great week.

  22. Picture turned out great.I love all the effects you can do now on the computer.I love pic monkey but I will check out that other one-love dee x

  23. Very nice. So creative. You have inspired me in the past with your Paris window, which I loved. I got the window at least! Maybe I can make my Tuscan picture on the site you mention here! Thanks!

  24. I have never heard of this site, Suzan. I will check it out- I love all your effects. My computer is down and I can barely get to blogs using this one and can't access my blog at all. Keep your fingers crossed for me- xo Diana

  25. I had not heard of this site until now...will have to go check it out. I just love all the things that can be done to photos now.

  26. You are one talented lady, Ms. Suzan...that's a really spectacular piece!

  27. I am amazed at your talent girl! I enjoyed watching you do this little by little and it turned out so lovely! I have never been to Fotoflexer, but I guess I should!

  28. Love! I am inspired to do a skyline now of my favorite city, Seattle. It has a most excellent skyline and I just need to play with my photo editing software to turn my photo of the skyline into just shapes that I can replicate. Who knew there would be so many things you can do with a stinking Sharpie?!

  29. So pretty, you are so clever I paint like a three year old!

  30. I have a blank coffee table that's yellin' yer name. You should really come over and work some magic.

  31. If I end up playing at FotoFlexer all day, so help me I'm coming after you!

  32. Wow Suzan, these are fantastic and love all the different possibilities!!!


  33. That last one would be a perfect signature on all your creation. I'll try that site next weekend (shame on me I didn't know it), because I'm sure if I go there now, my papers will never get marked tonight!

  34. Suzan - this is great and thanks for the tip on Fotoflexer!

    1. Thanks !!!
      ( and you're so welcome - have fun lol )

  35. My most favorite post I've seen today. I love love LOVE this!

  36. YOU know how to have fun! It looks amazing. You are always amazing me. I like the one with fireworks best.

  37. You are so talented! I love the original and all the fun changes. I must check out this website. Thanks so much for sharing it!

  38. Suzan, this looks like so much fun - I am not familiar with FotoFlexer but, am definitely going to check it out.... I like playing also and think this would be a great way to come up with some fun ideas.... thanks for the tip.... love the finished pic...Cathy....

  39. Suzan, I love your Paris silhouette. What a wonderful site, I have to check it out!!
    Thanks for sharing.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!