
Monday, September 9, 2013

Paris Themed Giveaway # 5

Good Morning Everyone!!!
We are winding down with the Parisien Themed Giveaways now!!!
If you missed DAY 2 - you can click HERE - winner will be announced Tuesday morning,
If you missed DAY 3 - you can click HERE - winner will be announced Thursday morning.
If you missed DAY 4 - you can click HERE - winner will be announced Friday morning.

If you missed DAY 1 - you're out of luck - because I'm about to announce the winner!!!
But before I do I want to thank Daniela  from FRUGAL AIN'T CHEAP without whose participation DAY 1 would not have been possible and all of you amazing readers who participated in the draw

After removing comments from readers who are not in the U.S and Canada - and taking away repeat comments - we were left with 78 names....................for some reason even though I type in number 78 - when I copy and paste it - it always goes back to 100.

And the winner is.........................
True Random Number Generator  46Powered by RANDOM.ORG
Congratulations Sherry - please drop me a line and let me know your mailing address !!!


Ok on to today's AMAZING give away - and an amazing LADY!!!
Meet the sweetheart Sherry - from THRIFT MY HOUSE

This immensely talented lady can turn this little bit of left over jute

into these gorgeous flowers  

Her wreaths are spectacular - 

including her Garden Wreath -  ( which I LOVE ) 

She transforms shutters into amazing things as well!

Ok - but where I really go crazy is seeing her Christmas decorations !!!
Sherry lives on a Bird Farm ( sorry Sherry but all I can think of is the movie The Birds so I think a visit to your place would have to be indoors for me - I'd last outside probably all of 30 seconds )
BUT living on a bird farm means lots and lots of feathers - what do you do with molting feathers?
Well I'd probably run around screaming my fool head off and then go paint a dresser - but she makes these ( you're going to gasp - I just know it ) 

DID YOU GASP???  Aren't they gorgeous!!!  And I could go on for hours with her ornaments - but I have to get moving with this post!

Last week Mr. Postman knocked on my door and handed me this................

Filled with the most beautiful Paris Themed Christmas Tree ornaments - created just for this giveaway!!!

Talk about a presentation!!!

# 1

# 2

5 hand made vintage inspired Christmas ornaments - they're just beautiful - and there's another identical set
waiting for one you guys to be the lucky winner..............


#1  You have to follow   THRIFT MY HOUSE
#2  You have to go visit and leave her a comment
#3  You most definitely need to leave me a comment LOL

I'm not making it a rule that you have to follow me ( nice if you did but definitely not a rule - except for those of you that already do - YOU are not allowed to leave - ever!!!
But I've been having so much fun with the number # 4 from the previous 2 giveaways that I'm leaving it in - so.............

#4 - You have to say at least one French word on your comment -  can't tell you how much I've enjoyed reading them!!!
Winner will be chosen next Friday ;)
Open to U.S. and Canada

I incorporated a bridge railing to represent the Seine on my Paris silhouette
again the paint is still wet - I only remember to run and add something else to it when I'm ready to hit " publish " lol

OK everyone - laissez les bon temps roulez !!!!

Good luck !!!

Sharing with
Homemaker on a dime


  1. You are too kind! This was so much fun Suzan, thank you so much for asking me to be a part. I am so honored to be among such amazing talent!

  2. OMG!!! I could soooo see these on my tree. Love them, and love Sherry... the Christmas ornament queen!! Joyeux noël en septembre!

  3. congratulations to the lucky winner!!! This is another very talented lady, what beautiful ornaments!

  4. Lovely ornaments. I am dying over the peacock feather ornaments. Peur des oiseaux?!!

  5. Joyeux Noël :) I am excited about the winner!!!!!!!! of course you will let me know the mailing address

  6. Pretty ornaments! Good luck everyone!

    Tu peax compter sur moi. :)

  7. Salut Suzan,
    Have had fun seeing your celebration and I am now following Sherry.....another very talented gal.

  8. Oh yay! Another opportunity to say French stuff!!

    Don't piss in la piscine!!

    And Sherry has awesome stuff!!


  9. Very fun. My mom and dad use to have peacocks, how fun it would be to give them the peacock ornaments.

    Bonjour - Carla

    1. Bonne Chance Carla !!!!
      I would never get within 10 feet of a peacock - I think they're gorgeous but.................

  10. Another gorgeous and fabulous giveaway? Mais oui!! (hope I spelled that right :-))
    Mary Alice

  11. C'est Magnifique! I don't know if I spelled that right LOL! But I would love to hang these on my Christmas tree! Talented lady, Miss Sherry is.

  12. Boy Suzan these are great ornaments. I can't decide which I love the most, they are all so lovely!


  13. I was happy to be introduced to Sherry and to see how wonderfully talented she is. I signed up to follow her blog and I already follow you. Since I adore all things French and French Country, j'aime tout les ornaments!

  14. Congrats to Sherry!!

    Now that you have shared another wonderful person, let's go visit her! She has all sorts of gorgeous wares. :)

    One more time, I've done your bidding my friend! ha ha ha

    Merci beaucoup!


  15. Sherry makes lovely ornaments! And I know I've already said this but congrats on 1000 followers - that's quite an accomplishment!

  16. Hi Suzan,
    I have known Sherry for some time and she is a big sweet heart. Her ornaments are so pretty. She is one of the craftiest bloggers I know. She has a great blog and I already am a big fan and follower of hers.

  17. Suzan, Thanks to you and Daniela was such a great giveaway and I am super excited about my win!! I'll send an email with my address.
    Thanks so much.

    1. Woooooo Hooooo Sherry so happy you won!!!!!! Daniela is so talented congrats on the win.

  18. Sacre Bleu! Les cinq ornements pout le arbre? Je t'adore! Please excuse the syntax! I want these. They are so me. I am now following Sherry - off the bird farm and into the big city of Paris evidently.

  19. Big congrats to your first winner!

  20. The Paris ornaments are so sweet and lovely. I am impressed with her peacock feather ornaments and other great ideas of hers, too. Joyeaux Noel

  21. These would be so fun to have for 'Noel'! ;)

  22. Je suis running out of french words.

    Just let me win. Mercy....

    I mean, merci.

  23. I did everything today! I was already a follower of this wonderful blog! Merci Beaucoup!

  24. As one who has been collecting ornaments all of my life and give them as gifts every Christmas, Sherry's fall in the category of jolis ornements! Crossing my fingers to win this one!!

  25. Comme c'est merveilleux! Love the ornaments...They would look FANTASTIQUE on my tree!
    Wish me...bonne chance :)

  26. Bonsoir Suzan,
    These ornaments are just magnifique. Aimer the ones with peacock feathers!
    Off to visit Sherry's blog.

  27. Ils sont précieux! I collect Christmas ornaments. But Sherry's ornaments are way too cool to come out only once a year. They deserve to be out all year long :-)

    1. I was so enraptured with the ornaments that I forgot to mention that I'm following Sherry's blog now.

  28. Just beautiful and I love Sherry her place is just so gorgeous and her crafts AMAZING!!

  29. I love, love, love Sherry and Thrift My House! She makes the most fabulous things and I always find myself saying, "I want that!". Those ornaments are gorgeous! The winner of this drawing will be one lucky girl for sure, n'est pas?

  30. Sherry's ornaments are so beautiful! Heading over to check all of her work.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!