
Monday, September 30, 2013

What are you going to do today?

Thanks to Martha from Plowing through Life for posting this once upon a time -
I pinned it as soon as I saw it - and promptly forgot about it -

Take a moment to about thought provoking

And if that doesn't make you want to get up and walk away from the computer for awhile, nothing
will lol

Have a great Monday all
Do something different.
For myself, I'm going to buy a bag of jellybeans
and savor every single one of them



  1. Thanks for the mention, Suzan! Have a great day, and enjoy your jellybeans. As for me, I'll be outside in the garden this morning enjoying the glorious weather we are having lately, and soaking up all the beauty that Mother Nature has to offer. Maybe I'll take a photo or two...or 100...LOL... Have fun!

  2. wow, sure doesn't leave much for the extra activities does it, a real dose of reality this is, wow!

  3. Definitely thought provoking when you see it broken down like that.

  4. Great way of putting life into prospective ! This is great Suzan thanks for sharing

  5. Oh boy... when one of my colleagues turned 65 she told us that she figured she had 15-20 summers left and was going to plan them carefully. She kind of caught me in my tracks. And yet here is another reminder. Wow. I cannot decide if it is depressing to look at it this way or just realistic.

  6. I am afraid to watch it. I am clinging to blissful ignorance for a little while. Plus, I have a cold so I am convinced that I am dying - today.

  7. Wow, sure puts it into perspective doesn't it. I'm going to create today because when I'm creating, I feel pure joy!

  8. Great reminder to live life- not just get thru life. Really live it, enjoy it, savor it.
    You enjoy your jelly bellys, Suzan!

  9. This little video gives so much food for thought! It's good to stop and take a look at our life periodically.
    Mary Alice

  10. Wow! That was thought provoking. Thanks so much for sharing it. Have a blessed day and enjoy your jellybeans!

    Hugs, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  11. Very interesting Suzan! (Are you sharing those jellybeans?)

  12. Very cool! I have been thinking a lot about my time left.....something in me tells I have till age 65....9 years. Gotta start cleaning out!!

  13. Awesome! Eye opening! Makes me realize even more how precious every day is. Thank you for your wonderful blog, insight and inspiration. Blessings

  14. I love this! I want all the red ones!!!! Then after the sugar rush I will get creative! I hope!

  15. I've used up way too much already. One more day.....

  16. That was a cool way to make a point. :)

  17. Geez, that was awesome! Puts things in perspective. I'm just glad that jellybeans just happen to be my favorite candy!

  18. And now I'm going to throw my God-forsaken computer out the window. :( I'm kidding, but maybe not really?? LOL! Makes us all think, so thank you for sharing the reminder. Instead of jelly beans, I would like to use canned cokes. Because I drink one every single day...chilled in the freezer 30 minutes prior to opening.


  19. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog today and saying such nice things about my master bath!

  20. Wow-That really hits home, doesn't it? I think the older I get the more I realize that I might not have enough jelly beans left to do all that I still want to do. Kinda sad-I think I will go cry!;>) xo Diana

  21. Wow. Thanks.

    I'm definitely quitting my job today.


  22. Very thought provoking. No more worrying :)

  23. I think it's time to get healthy, interesting concept and now I want a jelly bean!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!