
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I WANNA live there Wednesday # 58

Good morning everyone !

Well it's official - the final papers come through tomorrow - but everything's been done - all the i's are dotted and the t's are finally crossed -  I have FORTY FIVE DAYS to pack up - find a home and get out of here!
Soooo - not a lot of time or luxury to look at houses for even a few weeks.

We went to see the house in Senneville yesterday - for those that missed it, you can see it HERE - it was beyond charming - with the perfect 2 story shed in the back yard that would be perfect for a workshop - but the house itself is just a leeeetle too tiny.
I'm torn with it - because I love it more than I can say - but after weighing things all night - we decided our second visit will be this one.................

Although it may look smaller than the one in Senneville - this one is quite deceptive - I'm going to show you all the photos now - with exactly what I have in mind to bring this more to my style ok?
Are you ready?
Get set,
GO !!!

Here's the foyer - very very charming - those panelled boxes you see are storage -  cushions placed on top of them would be so pretty I think ( they open up for extra storage - perfect for skis - if I skied lol )


and here's the other side of the door


I'd lend those of you without vision John't " imagination cap " but he doesn't have one at all - so you have to try hard to " imagine " what this little gem could be!!!
That ledge you see between the living room and the hallway is part of the heating system and would be removed down the road - for now I'd have to live with it - they're all over the house you'll soon see and will be a challenge................

The living room melts my heart away - I don't see it the way it looks at all - I only see what it could look like
Those 2 small windows on either side of the STONE fireplace are the original leaded glass - crank style


2 rooms were opened up to create the next 2 photos - a den/stroke office - they would not be staying like that

The dining room is next - and this one fills me with the most excitement ( decorating wise )

They've wallpapered between the beams on the ceiling - which would be removed - again everything lightened up with paint - the floors dark - a beautiful crystal chandelier..............
I LOVE this room - the next photo shows where I see French Doors going out to the garden
The walls are panelled - ( a strip of panelling - a strip of wall paper - quite strange actually - but fixable )

The next photo is the kitchen - and a complete gut job - so now you see it 

but soon you won't 


full transformation HERE
another wonderful thing about blogging is that everything is documented - I've never thought ( prior to blogging ) of taking before and after shots of things we've renovated in houses - unbelievable but true )

this room is off the kitchen - and it has to be completely redone ( torn down and rebuilt ) - I'd like to make it a proper mud room - larger than it is now - and use it to paint furniture in - since it's off the kitchen and out of the way completely.
As it is now it's not even insulated and as rough as you can get - BUT it has plumbing which is a huge plus.

This bathroom is hard to look at ( they both are but you'll see why this one is hardest on the eyes

I actually thought it was completely covered in Mac Tac - but these are PANELS !!!  Never saw anything like in my life before - this will have to be the first bathroom that's renovated because it's on the main floor and the one company will see lol

Ok - let's go upstairs, shall we?

Bedroom 1 ( there are 2 bedrooms which are mirror images of each other almost )
The carpets are horrible - but guess what's underneath them?
Nooks and crannies?  Yeah - this house is full of them!!!


Full Transformation - HERE
Here's the mirror imaged one ( except for that little weird cut out in the wall )
Does anyone else love those little window seating nooks as much as I do?

Bedroom 3 - the cutest little window - and Alice in Wonderland cupboard door - but we could open up that dormer space completely and have a larger room if we wanted to

4th bedroom ( more like a closet - but hey - it has a window and a door and is really quite cute


Full Transformation HERE


Full transformation HERE

And the upstairs bathroom - brace yourself


There's no basement - ( well there's a small section dug out as a work space but it's a dungeon - and again I'll be in another home without a usable basement ) so instead I'll show you what I would imagine we would be using a LOT
Come around to the back of the house.................

John sees this

But I see this

come - lets go all the way around

Kick off your shoes - and jump right in!!!


I know there's a lot of work to do - Debbie I know you probably won't see the potential in this lol ( Debbie's a childhood friend who has the same amount of vision as John does )
But if it's true that houses speak to us then trust me - this one did - in a language that perhaps a lot wouldn't understand - but I understood it perfectly
It said
BUY ME....................................please.

And this, everyone, this could very well be a dream house for me - this quirky little stucco house with it's 100 year old charm that speaks "Suzan" 
Did I mention it's 15 minutes away from Downtown Montreal?
Oh the dreams that are cramming my head right now

We've left a message for a second viewing - will keep you all posted!!!
Think of the blogging opportunities I'd have living here lol
Have to go - I'm so tired my eyes are on fire - I'm squinting typing this
Much love,

Sharing with !!!
Common Ground                                       The Charm of Home                   French Country Cottage
Uncommon Design                                    Not Just a Housewife                  Stone Gable
I Gotta Create                                           My Romantic Home


  1. This house is sooo charming and with your visions it would be gorgeous.

    Hugs and good luck

  2. That house could come up amazing, I hope John borrows an imagination cap ;)

  3. This house has your name written all over it! I don't know what you are going to have to do to convince John but after all the renovations, it would be fabulous. And still so close to the city! Best of both worlds for you!!

  4. Love the light and the front door. Lots of potential! And that pool.....I'll be right over!

  5. Perfect! I see the exact same things you do...except those weird vent thingies on the floor. PLEASE make sure they can be moved! Nothing's worse than thinking something can be done, then it can't!

  6. Good Morning Suzan, I can feel your excitement jumping off the page as I read about your potential new house. You have such great vision to be able to see the potential in the house and not how it looks now. I am thrilled for you. Enjoy your second visit...... now get some sleep.
    Best Wishes

  7. Definitely charming! And I would love to see what it would look like after you're done with it. As for the pool, thank you for the invitation, but can I take a rain check until next summer? It's getting a little cold for pool

  8. Potential, Potential, Potential!!! Wow. I can see your vision. It is a charming house and property, Suzan. I am trying to figure out what the strange heaters are throughout the house but am guessing it's hot water heating with copper ($$$) water pipes? You would have lots to blog about as you reno this house. I hope you have a good day as you think about it.

  9. I'm so glad you found a house that speaks to you. Wide plank floors upstairs under the carpets? Love. The quirkiness and charm? Love. That pool? Love. I can see your vision Suzan, but those wierd heater thingies are freaking me out a little. I work in a real estate office, and we have a lot of century homes in this area, and I've never seen such a thing.

  10. It's adorable. Loads of potential.

  11. It's adorable. Loads of potential.

  12. It's awesome! That house with Suzan's touch will be perfect! I can't wait to hear. I'm totally dying down here....


  13. its beautiful and I can only imagine what you will make of this beauty!!!

  14. I really like the house because I saw what you did to your current house. I have some vision, but not like you. The only thing I question about this house you love is that there doesn't seem to be much of a foundation and sits so close to the ground that if it rains or snows a lot you might get water damage. Which makes me wonder if there has already been water damage (and mold). Just get an inspection. Otherwise I'm with you on this one.

  15. Suzan,Do your homework on an inspector before you hire one! There are real "tools" out there! Believe me. I'm sure you know this but an inspection is a MUST for a century home. Inspect every nook and cranny!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the bones of this house but more than that, I LOVE your vision for it. Remind John that..."A HAPPY WIFE MAKES A HAPPY LIFE!" LMHO!!! <3

  16. omigosh BUY BUY BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!! 15 min from downtown? You can't pass this up! It has so much potential, and it's like buying the worst house on the block - always a great investment. Holy Suzan, don't let this one go!

  17. WOW...I think it will keep your blog so interesting if you renovate that house (that is if you have time to blog with all of the work that you'll be doing). The bathrooms are hysterical but it has good bones. Be sure to get a really good inspector to make sure there are no major hidden issues as it looks like the owners were not keen on updating!

    good luck

  18. This really is a charming house, and I see tons of potential!! you have some wonderful ideas!

    1. Thanks so much Debra - sooo happy that others can see the potential too!

  19. Oh my gosh! I see everything you do and more! An enormous amount of work but what a delight this would be :-) Snap it up, get out the old clothes and line up the subcontractors!

  20. Very cute! I admire your enthusiasm in wanting to redo so much and gutting two rooms! With my old bones I would have to walk away....but it would be hard because it is so charming!

  21. I am having trouble getting past the furniture and decorating style of the houses. But, my daughter hated our little cottage when we first looked at it because of the furniture and carpeting and now she loves what we have done with it.

    I know whatever you pick will have Suzan all over it quickly.

    less than 45 days - good luck!

  22. I really think you could bring this house back to life and give it a new lease on life! lol You have such vision...more than I ever could! And you have energy! I hope things work out! Congrats on the sale, too!

  23. I see potential in each and every room... Stone fireplace, swoon... It would be lovely with lots of white around. My parents hated all the places I chose to live in in the first place: they don't have "vision" either.

  24. LOVE IT!!!! What a shame John can't see what you (and most of us) can.....You won't know what to do with all that charm...good luck!!

  25. Oh Suzan, I love it! There is so much potential in that house. I can see your visions already. Know that it will be amazing when you finish. Hope you can talk John into it - good luck.

  26. I kind of like this one too Suzan...but I'm with Kirby..make sure you can do something with the heat vint thingys AND...get ANNE from Design Dreams by Anne to come visit you because she is the best DIY girl out there and is awesome with power tools!

  27. Hurry up and sign on the dotted line...I can't wait to tag along as you embark on this home buying journey!! (Love all of those little nooks :) ) oxoxo Susan

  28. I love it!!! I am just like you, I don't see the actual house...I see what my mind wants to do to it. My ex had no vision either....never could figure out what I was talking about. Those people sure like wood! Wood on the floors, wood on the walls, wood on the ceiling...but faux wood on the cabinets? Strange. Suzan, I am sure you will make it look like a castle. :)

  29. This screams potential. Just get an excellent inspector; there are all kinds and can cost you thousands by missing something. Location sounds great. Visit the place at night and the weekends to get a real sense of the community. School district, of course!! Use any negatives to bring down the offering price. Look at the facts and don't fall in love too quickly!

  30. Ok, that downstairs bathroom is downright scary, but damn, that place is brilliant!!! The potential is amazing... get it!

  31. I see the potential and love your ideas. Blessings

  32. Oh my the things you could do with this sweet diamond in the rough! That backyard is fabulous and yes, I love those little sitting areas in the bedrooms! How exciting! Can't wait and hope all works out!

  33. I love it!! When you showed the preview yesterday (or was that Monday), I just knew it was going to be cool. Love the little nooks and those spaces in the bedrooms for window seats.....sigh. I love window seats. It has TONS of potential. I hope you buy it because I can't wait to see the changes you make.

  34. Such a pretty and warm house and with your ideas it would probably end up amazing!

  35. Hi Suzan!!!

    You had me at...HELLO!!!! I love the frond door!!!!

    And then it just is better, picture by picture, but, then POW...THE POOL and backyard!!!! The house is so cute and cozy!! My type of house!!! I can see how you'd change it and it would be gorgeous with your ideas!!!!!


  36. Suzan, the house is just adorable! I love your vision. Your talent would make it amazing!

  37. Congrats on the sale of your home and on the new house. What a great home you are buying. I love it and great bones to work with. It's going to look amazing when you are done with it. Wishing you the best in your new home.


  38. weeeelllll as i was walking through the house with you i was saying out loud ewwweeee i see a lot of work for you because you won't let the cute house look like an eeeewwwweee just promise that when you buy it and start going after it you will still blog cause i gotta have my simply everyday xx

  39. is the pool heated??? hope the price is not too high, as it will need some question is those heating things above the floor...I can just see myself tripping over them ALL the times. It definitely has some charm and lots of potential. Put John to work ;)

  40. I love the charm of this house and I know it would be awesome after you work your magic on it.

  41. Oh Suzan, I do see the potential in this house to make your home. It would be a lot of work but you can handle that and you have such great vision. I am wondering how John feels??? Good luck!


  42. Suzan congratulations on the sale of your home! That's wonderful. And thanks for sharing all these great 'before' photos, I love hearing all your creative juices flowing over this one. It's got so much charm and with your talents and energy it's going to become exactly what you want. I'm crossing my fingers it all goes well from here.

  43. I can see everything you have envisioned for this house.. and it's going to look gorgeous when it's done! Looking forward to following your journey! have fun, maryann

  44. Oh I can totally see the potential! That house has some gorgeous bones that could really shine if given the chance. Love that stone on the floor right inside the front door!

  45. well...YAY! you are right about the size being deceptive. you really have a bunch of room. 4 bedrooms!!! i would never have known! you have a nive visiou, too. i'm the one who complained about the stove being too far away from the sink before. this time, i'm really complaining! but, i think you have it under control! LOL i can't wait to see the progress once you sure to take pictures along the way. best wishes!

  46. Easy to see why you fell in love with it and easy to imagine all the marvelous things to do! I love olde cottages and this is a wonderful, cozy one!
    Hope it will be yours!
    ♥ Jil

  47. I really hope John loves this one, too! I was sold before you showed the pool, but, WOW, what a plus! I love this house!

  48. OMG....that is all I can say!!! oh and .....LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

  49. Man oh man is that cute. I see potential all over the place! I would die to have a mud/laundry room like that. Especially if you get to make it bigger. It would be like heaven!

  50. Suzan, if there was ever a house begging for your magic touch, this is it! There is a lot to be done, but in your capable hands, I can see it taking shape! It would be fun to follow this whole process.



  51. i love love the house, but as a trying to sell former pool owner. I DONT MISS IT!!! a ton ton of work and money for chemicals/elec to run pump etcetcetc. love to swim but hate to skim. oh, that rhymed:). anyway....make a POND with garden, herbs, etc. i say jump in....oh yea, just closed pool last w/end. that too is a job along with open day.... just sayin... best of luck to you. btw, 1st visit to your site. I REALLY LIKE.

  52. What a wonderful house.....and then the swimming pool!!!!!

  53. This is my pick of the best so far, Suzan. I can SEE it all redone-marvelous old place with so much character. I love it! xo Diana

  54. OMG... there is so much to love in this house... wood on the ceiling? Wow. Lot of perks here. Good luck. Linda

  55. I see the potential and I can't wait to see which you choose and what you do with it!!

  56. Omg I love it!!! So much potential. My husband and I bought a teeny tiny 2nd home last year ( and I mean tiny-853sf). We've been doing a lot of work. It is totally adorable but we are debating whether or not we can permanently live there. It's in another state so as for now a vacation home.... I will be following your journey:))

  57. HI Susan, Looks as if, WE both are jumping in on a COTTAGE renovation! LOVE it! I am so excited to see what you will do with this darling house! I like what I am hearing......those FRENCH DOORS to the back patio would be perfect. We are starting with a new roof on our cottage FIRST. (before winter sets in) and hubby has started replacing the old damaged cedar shake siding with new pieces. This is exciting....can't wait to start seeing your transformation! Blessings~~~Roxie


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!