
Friday, October 11, 2013

Oh what a night ( with Annie Sloan !!! )

Good morning all !!!

When I tell you I'm flying by the seat of my pants, you have no idea, I literally can't catch up with myself lately :)
Ok - where to start?
We went for the 2nd viewing yesterday to see the cottage - and now we're going to try to sit down this weekend and work out the pros and ( cons ) of purchasing this little gem...............

Then we flew out of there and rushed back home so that I could get ready to celebrate Caroline's
from Piorra Maison opening of her second store !!!

OMG - it's just fabulous - in a very hip trendy part of Montreal - most people bring plants to store openings I bring doors - as in this one

You'll remember it from this post  ( HERE  )

as soon as it was done I knew I would be giving it to her - but couldn't mention it here because Caroline reads my blog  ( she's nosy like that )

I even had it signed by..............................Annie Sloan ( it's not a forgery either - and I didn't transfer it on - I actually got the owner of Annie Sloan's hand to do it!!!

How did you do that Suzan? ( you may be asking yourself )
Why I simply asked her of course !!!
(Annie's trip to Montreal coincided with Caroline's GRAND opening )
I even got the owner of Annie Sloan's hands to stand in front of it

and then I somehow managed to get the owner of Annie Sloan's hand to wrap itself around me
( never mind what the other hand is doing - which is saying " she's nuts " )

And then I let her mingle a little LMHO....................

It was a blast - I met people who know me through my blog - what a surreal thing it is to have people you've never met - approach you and mention the house you're thinking of buying or a red dresser you painted months ago - or ( BRACE YOURSELF ) show you a portfolio of furniture they've started painting because they were inspired by this blog !!!!!!!
Unbelievable - completely unbelievable..................

Ok - I've been on a guilt trip the last few weeks - I haven't had time to visit any of you - or to reply to any comments - ( I know I've mentioned it before - and I don't mean to sound like a broken record - but I really do feel bad about it ) so..............................
I decided this week what I was going to do - it's give away time again.
This time it's a THANK YOU FOR BEING MY FRIEND GIVE AWAY and it's brought to you by
Piorra Maison and Annie Sloan ( and me - because hey it was my idea completely after all )

AND - believe it or not - I got the owner of Annie Sloan's hand to sign it for the lucky winner!!!

What do you say?
Am I forgiven?

Here's all you have to do  - and these are my rules - not Caroline's or Annie's -
LIKE Piorra Maison's facebook page HERE and Annie Sloan's HERE - you absolutely do NOT have to be a follower of this wacky ( mine ) blog to win this ( but you have to leave a comment so I know you've entered the draw ) and you don't even have to be a blogger ( because non bloggers are people too LOL )

Good luck everyone !!!
( maybe I'll enter it also because I'd love to have a signed copy of this book too LMHO )

Thank you for being a friend
( I've travelled down the road and back again
Your hearts are true, you're my pals and my confident's )
And if you threw a party........................
I'd bring you a door :)

On the way home
John says - I can't believe you told Annie Sloan she was bossy
Suzan says - I WAS JOKING !!!!
John says - I don't know if she knew that
Suzan says - Of course she did - it was because I was being bossy
John says - well she mentioned something about you calling the kettle black
Suzan says - SHE WAS JOKING !!!!

But that would be GRAPHITE, Annie - that would be calling the kettle graphite.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone

( Hi Susan with an S - I remembered your name :)
And Annie - you're as sweet as everyone says you are - and I'm really not that bossy lmho

Famous last words

Annie Sloan @AnnieSloanHome
@simplyvintagous Suzan, thanks for the funny blog post and for making me laugh in Montreal. xx

Much love to all,


  1. Oh what a night, indeed. It looks like a lot of fun. Annie Sloan always comes across as a really nice person whenever I have seen her featured anywhere. Love the pics.

  2. I liked both of their pages (under my real name!). I hope I win. I love, love , love the door present!

  3. I actually already own this book, but I'd like to have a signed copy! I'm already a follower of AS on FB and I followed Piorra and I already follow you!

  4. I was going to tell you that any was there but figured you would be to busy! You are one crazy gal! I follow everyone. Would love the book!

  5. I've been following Caroline's blog for some time. I just "liked" her facebook page as well as Annie Sloan's. Now send me the book!

  6. Hi, Susan. I really enjoy your blog, just love your conversations with your hubby.
    I liked Caroline, and Annie Sloan's pages. I love Annie Sloan paint, painted my first piece just recently!!

  7. EEEEEEEEEK! Thanks for the chance to win! Love that house - buy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I'm am positively THRILLED that you met Annie! This could end up being the best week ever for you, huh? Sold your house, found another and groped Annie Sloan! You go, girl!

  9. Well you two were destined to meet. :) How wonderful that you did!!! I love the pictures, I'm glad you had a good time.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. What a wonderful experience! When I grow up, I wanna be a famous blogger too! lol Your adorable! Grateful for your friendship. (Liked both pages) Fingers, eyes and toes crossed! ;)

  12. Dear Bossy Pants-
    1) How fun!
    2) I already have a door (actually a dozen of them), I just need it made beautiful.
    3) Caroline's got a second store??? I haven't made it to the first one. How's her online option coming along?

  13. Hi Suzan,
    What an exciting experience for you. Your bubbly personality is coming right through in your cute photos! I wanted to tell you that I think that your possible house is really sweet. I just hope that you can do all of the renovations before you move in. It is difficult to live with workers coming and going every day. We had a flood at our home in July and things are still not completed and it is quite tiring. I just wanted to warn you about that but I do see your visions of beauty and the great potential the darling house has too. My hubby would be just like yours and very hesitant. Thank you for always making me smile. Have a wonderful weekend. Take care,

  14. Suzan, how wonderfully exciting for you to meet Annie Sloan - I absolutely love her style... The door is such an awesome idea for a grand opening... love it.... I have liked both pages and would be ecstatic if I won... Am loving the cottage and think that whatever you decide is what is right for you... Have a great and restful weekend... and don't worry, when things settle down we will still be here.... Cathy

  15. How awesome Suzan! I just knew you'd meet her eventually. I'm now following both pages and I'd love to win that book. Thanks for the chance! Can't wait to see what happens about that house. Hope the pros outweigh the cons! It's a charmer!

  16. Wow that is so cool that you were able to meet her! I followed both pages.

    I like the idea of French doors there! It's really cute.

  17. So lucky!!!!! Good luck with the plans Suzan, like I said before, whatever house you end up with, I'm sure will eventually turn out beautiful with you magic touch!

  18. I wonder what I could have a grand opening for so that you would show up with a door?

    How fun to meet Annie Sloan, meet your blog groupies and celebrate your friend's opening.

    I am not signing up for the giveaway because I already own the book - won it on a giveaway at Savvy Southern Style.

    But, what were the pros and cons on the cottage?

  19. Too awesome for words! That had to be a fun time!

  20. Hi Suzan! I have always wondered what it would be like to meet a follower in 'real life.' That must have been so fun! Congrats on the new house, so exciting!

    Love the pics of your new Siamese Twin friend (last photo of you joined to her back!). You do know how to have a good time, Suzan :)

  21. Hilarious Suzan! Lucky you to meet Annie Sloan in the flesh and have pics too! I didn't enter the contest because I have every one of her books (can you tell I'm a huge fan).

  22. We met her last week when she was in Toronto - so genuienly happy to see all of us - it was wonderful.

    Congrats for your "fame" - it is surreal, isn't it?

    Good luck this weekend!!

  23. How exciting that you got yo meet Annie and I love the cottage. Must catch up. I have liked both pages. Hope I win :)

  24. Would love to Win!! And what an adorable cottage that it. Jealous over here ;)

  25. Liked them both and love you. Great giveaway and with Annie's signature, too!!!

  26. I liked both facebookpages and I liked yours too :) Can't wait to see what house you end up with. Love your blog!

  27. Suzan, I "liked" both pages AND... I AM one of the people inspired by you and your blog! Because of YOU, I have painted several pieces in my home with ASCP! Love it. Love her. LOVE your blog. LOVE YOU!

  28. I have liked both pages. I love your house hunting adventures and I love the cottage. It has so many possibilities and it has character.

  29. Ok Suzan, I am so excited I can't stand it. I would have loved meeting her you lucky girl you!! I am so happy for you and your face shows how happy you were to be there. The only thing that broke my heart and no offence was seeing that door go. I swear when the new house is finished, we are having a party and you and John are invited!!! You did such a great job and a wonderful supportive thing. You truly bring joy to me friend and make me smile all the time. No reason to apologize. You are busy, we get it. I hope you come to a decision on that house to become your home!



  30. Can't believe you got to meet her and hug her!!!!!! You keep us laughing. Good luck with your house I can't wait to hear the moving stories. I would love to have the book. I have painted just about everything I own with Annie Slaon paint

  31. What fun! Annie Sloan is a doll, but then again, so are you! I have followed you and Annie forever and now am happy to follow Piorra Maison.

  32. This is a wonderful giveaway and I have liked both facebook pages. Your blog has also inspired me. Thank you!

  33. Following both and feeling lucky! You are funny....owner of Annie Sloans hands!! You are also beautiful...good to see YOU on your blog girl!

  34. new to painting furniture... I would love to win the fabulous book.
    Love Love Love your blog.....the banter between you and John is hilarious!!!

  35. Hi Suzan!!!!

    Love Annie Sloan!!!!!

    It's funny how we are in Blogland, I mean how we become friends without meeting!! Even though I would LOVE to go to Montreal and see you and all your beauty!!! I've been so inspired by you and your ideas. When I talk about 'Suzan,' he's like, "Whose Suzan?'......That was at the beginning. Now he knows who you are and that we're long lost (I'm still trying to find myself how about you?) Montreal buddies!!!

    Isn't it great to meet someone who you've admired and you use their product!!! The book looks awesomely great!!! So I've done what you've asked (man you're bossy...I just had to throw that in there!!!) and now I'm hoping to be the winner...You never know!!!!

    I don't think men will ever 'Get' women and how we are with other women. We can become great friends with a store owner because we go in there all the time and over time we get to know each other. No big deal we just have it in us.

    Have a great weekend Suzan!!!


  36. I love seeing the houses that you and john are looking at but what about a post with pictures of your house now before you move out.I am sure there are lots of your friends who would love to sticky beak at your present home.I have loved seeing bits of glimes of your house -love dee x

  37. I'm so glad you have the true heart of a groupy and got that book signed. I don't even want to know what you had to do for that. lol Count me in the contest!

  38. Hi Suzan,
    Wow how great you got to meet Annie. How fun was that?!!!! Count me in on this lovely giveaway. You do the best giveaways. You are awesome my friend.

  39. I followed directions (I very rarely do that ;) )...'liked' Piorra Maison but I had already 'liked' Annie Sloan forever ago! I am commenting...(see still following directions) and, as always, still smiling from reading your blog :)
    Another 'Susan with an 'S' '

  40. I'm so eager to find out what y'all decide about the cottage, Suzan! How exciting! Loved the post today. I went to both Facebook pages and 'liked' them, although the first time it was under my son's name because he evidently logged on when he was at my computer. Second time I did it under HomemadeSoapnSuch because I don't have a personal Facebook page. When did life become so complicated??

    Sounds like you had a blast. Love the door you did - what a great gift!

    And yes, please enter me in your Giveaway. :-)))))))

  41. this is just too funny!!! You really have inspired people to paint furnitures and to enjopy life (aka be yourself). Maybe one day we'll meet and then there will be 2 crazies in the pictures

  42. I liked both pages as Kay Baines Norris. What a thrill to meet the Annie Sloan.

  43. Oh Suzan, what a great post - you meeting Annie Sloan how great. Love the door and I'm sure your friend loved it also. Hope you get the house.

  44. Hi Suzan, I hope Annie Sloan was able to get your mind off something besides house hunting if even for just a moment.
    I hit like on both their pages, and of course I'd follow you like a lemming.
    Take care,
    Cindy---- that little Ball girl.

  45. I liked both Annie Sloan and Piorra Maison on facebook. I already follow you and love it.

  46. Okay, so I want that book - went to FB - liked Piorra Maison (because I want to live in the store) and I liked Annie Sloan (because she's the paint goddess). No photo of the kissing of the feet? Sweatman and Sloan - when stars collide.

  47. So there really is an Annie Sloan! How 'bout that? Very cool that you got to meet her! I mentioned her in one of my posts thinking she was fictitious! I am keeping fingers crossed for that little cottage!

  48. How fun you met Annie Sloan!!! Bet she had as much fun as you did!

    I had already liked both FB pages, so I'm good there!

    Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

  49. Really lovely, nice page Facebook also
    Greeting from Belgium. ♥.o°O°o♥
    Blog seniorennet be Louisette

  50. Susan I enjoy your blog and everything you do say hello to John,-

  51. Omg how awesome is that!! I love this post, can't wait to hear news on the cottage....if you buy it :)

  52. I would have loved to be there, but as you know we had our own event in Toronto, so I got my big hug and autographed copy (so don't enter me in the draw, I just wanted to comment). She is as warm as she seems, I just adored meeting her. Sorry, haven't visited you in so long, this Annie Sloan journey keeps me so busy, but I'm not complaining. So glad you had a great evening!

  53. Oh, I would love this! I actually just got done painting my fireplace in Napoleonic Blue. Looks fabulous! Thank you for the chance. xo Heather Paulding


  54. I would love to know where Caroline opened up her second store. Oh and the cottage is adorable. I have got to scroll through all the posts that I have missed to catch up with what is going on. You must be feeling so excited, tired and crazed!!! :)
    Book would be a dream!!

  55. LOVE,LOVE LOVE my door! You are so wonderful. It will have a very special spot in the boutique. Hope you enjoyed your evening and looking forward to find out who the winner will be. HUGS to you!!!

  56. Now that I have found you and your blog I will become a stalker! lol It was great meeting you the other night...I sort of fell into you at one point I think. Darn those uneven sidewalks.

  57. Pick me! Pick me! Glad to hear you're doing ok. That cottage is kinda cute! I have to read back now and see more about it.

  58. I was there too and noticed your awesome door! Love Caroline's new shop too but hope that she finds a new spot for her Pointe Claire Village shop and stays in the West Island too.

  59. Wow! It can't have been easy to bring a door: flowers are a lot lighter, you know. Good that you wrote in French on the door so Caroline won't have any problems!!!
    I know it's very 1980 of me, but I don't have a facebook account... I guess it means I just CAN'T love Annie Sloan!
    ... And as you can see, I'm also very late catching up on posts!

  60. Do I comment because I would love the book or because your charm and personality is so contagious? I think that I comment because I am a non-blogger.... I like to see what direction you are going. Your blog is so personal; you inspire and give positive vibrations. But on the other hand...a hand signed book by Annie Sloan..... that an awesome treat.

  61. Una maravilla. Las fotografias son muy bonitas, te invito a visitar mi bloc, Felicidades
    por tu bloc

  62. You're hilarious. You probably gave Annie a few laughs too.

  63. Oh ! How creative to bring the door ! You're YU-NEEK like that ! Have liked Facebook for everyone ! Would love a copy of this book. I need it ! Have been a follower 4-ever! Thanks for hosting this sweet giveaway, Suzan !


  64. I would LOVE to win this book, its just the inspiration I need. I have items laying around waiting to be painted (all summer) and paint waiting to be used, just can't decide on exactly what color and which wax!! :/ liked both fb pages of course and thank you :-)

  65. Well, I'm REALLY surprised that you didn't just climb right into her purse and let her carry you home with her, girl! lolol! What a RIOT that you got to meet her and hug her and have her sign her book AND your door! LOVED seeing the photos of the two of you!!! Just adorable, Suzan! ♥

    xoxo laurie

  66. Suzan,

    If you're not painting furniture than you're PAINTING THE TOWN RED!! Okay, WHITE, it doesn't matter, what matters is that your smooth talking ways and charm that ALARMS, even the coolest artists of this great big blogosphere, to sign your book for a lucky reader of your blog! That, is the subject AT HAND!!

    You crack me up, and like the crackling of your paint effects, you, my gift-of-the-gab girlfriend, surely affected the ambiance and atmosphere of that grand opening with your lovely stained and stenciled door!

    Thanks for your sweet comment on my guest post at Savvy Southern Style!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    PS: Yes, I would LOVE to be the winner of that gorgeous book!

  67. Lol! That is way cool! I love the door! I liked both pages so enter me in that drawing! ( now I'm being bossy ;) ). I'd really love to win Suzan! Really. Good luck with the house.

  68. how fun & exciting for you cant wait to hear about which house you will soon make a home

  69. "Liked" Piorra Maison and Annie Slone. Hope I'm not too late. I've been crazy busy lately.

  70. What a treat...for you and her! I'm sure she got a kick out of meeting you too! Thanks for the chance to win!

  71. Oh pooh, I can't enter because I don't have Facebook! Anyway, good luck to all the ladies who entered!!!

  72. Liked x 2! I would love to win this prize!

  73. I I liked both FBs. Thanks for such a lovely giveaway!

  74. Your blog makes me giggle when I read about you and hubby going back and forth love every read! I am an Ann Sloan fan have been for many years what an honor for you to have met her wow! Thanks for the chance to participate in your draw

  75. Just discovered ASCP-having a great time painting-what a lovely time you had! Anne B.

  76. I liked both pages on FB..And I am following you also...


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!