
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Peaks into the living room

Good morning all !!!

I can only show " peaks " because there are so many finishing touches to do in this room it isn't funny
but for now at least I can walk into ( even sit in it when I have 2 minutes ) and not go into a full out depression :)

I placed the mirror in front of the fireplace insert to see if a pewter frame would look good ( the frame around it currently is a brassy gold - and I know gold is making a comeback but it doesn't work here at all )  Anyway I placed the mirror there and the room instantly brightened up - this is what I'll be putting there in the summer when the fire is redundant :)

John's favorite item sits on the mantel - this week anyway - he calls it Tea Biscuit - is that the cutest name ever???  ( hope you realize that it's a reference to Sea Biscuit - but being British and all ? )

I remember one of John's friend's wives coming over once to one of our other homes - and asking how often I change decor around -
Often - I replied
Wow - she said - you need to get a life

(TWIT - that IS my life - I decorate - I didn't reply :)

I also took the covers off the pillows to be cleaned - and discovered I love the white - so they'll be covered in white now - but I'm very seriously considering having the couch and chair slipcovered as well - if I can find a place that doesn't charge the price of new furniture !!!

I painted a small stool I had ( I think I paid 3 dollars for it -
It's perfect to place a cup of tea on or a glass of wine :)

Here's what it looked like before

A little paint and frog tape and probably 10 minutes later ( well actually 14 months later ) and voila a petite grain sack stool :)

Large mirrors help to bring light into this kind of dark space  ( the living room windows opens to the enclosed porch )
I have 3 of them up - not including the one in front of the fireplace - basically the room of mirrors lol
( the room being so small it's basically wall to wall mirrors )

here you go - mirrors reflecting mirrors lol

You can see the elephant candle has not been lit yet - but it will be ( you can read about The Elephant in the Room and Erma Bombeck HERE
For now he rests among the flowers :)

and now I'll show you why you're only getting sneak peaks

The new heater covers have not been made yet

The " pony " wall has not been refinished - OMG - I searched the entire house yesterday for those sunglasses - went out in the blinding sun without them - why didn't I do this post a day earlier ???

The leaded glass windows on either side of the fireplace need new molding around them

It's driving me insane - really it is .................and I know that Rome wasn't built in a day - but that's because MEN were building it back then - otherwise it would have been :)

It's coming - I know it is - but I'm impatient by nature so it's just not coming fast enough - although I have to say I'm amazed at the difference when I see the before shots - not just at the transformation but how damn big those camera's make rooms lol LOL - it's half the size that it appears - and I do mean half, truly !!!
Look how far away the seller's couch and chair look from each other - and the table looks lost somewhere in the middle

Here's the reality - although I know my furniture is much larger and chunkier - still - look how close together everything is - ( I made a lot of bad decisions here - but the floors were the best one ever - so happy I stayed with the original and had them refinished )

You know what's coming right?
C'mon - you KNOW what's coming!
Alan Jackson, ladies

Well it's all right to be little bitty
A little home town or a big old city
Might as well share - might as well smile.......................

Life goes on for a little bitty while.

and on a side note - NOT THAT I'M BRAGGING OR ANYTHING - BUT WOW - GO CANADA - LOL - 9 MEDALS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ( ok - maybe I AM bragging - but really just a little )

Have a good one all !
Much love,

Partying Here !!!
Common Ground                                 The Charm of Home                        French Country Cottage
My Turn for Us                                   Miss Mustard Seed                          My Romantic Home
Funky Junk Interiors                            Uncommon Designs                        Coastal Charm
Between naps on the porch                   Knick of Time
Not just a housewife


  1. Beautiful, Suzan! Lol, I thought Soda was a furry pillow at first!


  2. woot woot GO CANADA! I can't believe how well our athletes are doing. :) Love the styling of your bookcases. Well, love everything but that really stood out for me. Happy day!

  3. 1. John's friend's wife needs to get some manners. Plus, she's wrong.
    2. This room looks incredible. What you did with that little stool is great - among other enormous things.
    3. Go Canada. Go Canada. It's the Olympics.

  4. So much progress! I love the mirror in front of the fireplace, and the horse looks perfect in a country house!

    It would be nice if your couch could be white. It does brighten the room.

    The trim on the window doesn't look that bad, but it could be hard to tell from the photo. Maybe you should try painting it the same color as the walls; I did that in my kitchen and with the French doors in the dining area and it made the room look bigger. I think it was Magali who told me that was popular in France.


  5. Suzan, it's coming along so wonderfully - I love everything you have done and that stool is so darn cute.... love it... Cathy

  6. Wow, so many things I love!! Someone suggested white pillows to me for my white couch, and I thought no way, until I saw it. I love that look too!! Thanks for stopping by:-)

  7. It's rude to tell someone to get a life.
    I like the white pillows too.
    LOL at the women building Rome in a day comment. :) And a high five for it too. :)

    Tea Biscuit is a cute name. :)

  8. So beautiful, Suzan. I really love the floor in your livingroom.

    Big hug from me

  9. Before I looked twice and then another time I was going to ask if that was an old wig - sorry, but laughing my butt off. It's your sweet little dog and how wonderful a room you have created for him. So glad you refinished the floors and why wouldn't you - we all know, older is better. I'm amazed at how much work you've gotten done but you are an amazing woman. Once the house is done you can get back to making a living to pay for all the bills. You, my dear are incredible and an inspiration for all of us. Yep, Rome could have been built in a day if only women had been in charge. Keep up the good work.

  10. Great touches Suzan and that grey would look beautiful on the fireplace. Love that little table!!!


  11. I love the stool, it's so cute! Love the mirrors in the room, I'm thinking of finding a smaller one for the back splash in my kitchen,

  12. it looks so beautiful in there. Slipcovers are the way to go. I just made one for our sunroom couch, but for the ones in our living room we bought the stetchy kind few years back. The look great, and people can't even tell they are slipcovered (I think the brand is called sure fit)

  13. Hi Suzan,
    It is looking all so amazing. I love the living room. That floor in there is awesome. Sure Fit makes a slipcover that I think would work perfect on your sofa and they are pretty reasonable in price. You are moving mountains my friend and I am loving all the changes. You get the gold medal for transformations of the new home. Wow! So impressive.

  14. I think it looks beautiful! I love, love mirrors....I shared some today but they're not as large or as pretty as yours. The bookcases are awesome! Burn that candle, girlfriend! Remember, if you don't enjoy it, someone else will.

    I know you're exhausted and probably thinking of all that needs to be done. Perhaps you should walk through every room and see how much you've accomplished! :)


  15. It's looking good! Haha, I thought Soda was a fur hat! The floors are awesome!
    I know what you mean about being impatient and all. I am always ready to get a project done and hate all the steps it often takes!

  16. I so enjoy your "peeps" and everything is looking so pretty! So happy you kept the original wood floors they are beautiful. The bookcases look great, and burn the candle, they were meant to be burnt!!!! You sure are going at a fast pace, remember Rome wasn't built in a day, but probably was destroyed in one. So take a deep breath, relax, it will beautiful because you are decorating it.

  17. Enjoyed the peeks at your decorating's coming along!

  18. Everything is beautiful. I agree with Cathy, you are going so fast for sure girl! WOW. But I do know what ya mean, I am the same way. GET IT DONE my brain screams.

    Great job, I love the little stool for my tea. :-)

  19. It's getting there, Suzan, and I love everything you did. And, Uh, maybe I'm tired, but I thought that was a hat on the ottoman, until I saw the other comments. Yeah, it's late and I'm tired, that's it.

  20. Suzan would it be cheaper to just buy me a plane ticket to come up and make you some new slip covers?!! And I have to say I am loving how the place is turning out - you are doing a great job!

  21. WOW the living room looks so great. I love everything that you are doing and I know it will be terrific when you finish.
    Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day.
    Happy Happy decorating.

  22. Suzan, it is all looking AMAZING!! Love the big mirror in front of the hearth, and all the mirrors for that matter! How pretty is that $3 stool; kudos to you! Good luck with finding an upholsterer with good prices! I'm curious, being in the textile business, you must have SOME connections to talented upholsterers who won't force you to take out a second mortgage on your home!;-)

    PS: You are such a graceful lady to not have told off that very rude and ignorant woman!

  23. Suzan, I am so envious of your progress! There is still a tile cutter in my living room! LOL! I love your room and it does look huge in the before pics (Realtors have great photography tricks), but it looks far more beautiful in the after pics. Hang in're almost done!

  24. Oh hey, yay bet we should be proud!!! I am so proud that they are proud to be Canadian athletes!!! Because, as you know, most of them are from Québec!!!!!!!!!!!
    House is looking fantastic Suzan.

  25. Just beautiful! I so admire your taste Suzan!!

  26. You have got to the point where you can at least show pictures my dear, way ahead of me. The room looks amazing, and I love the white pillows too. And I know what you saying about the brassy gold making a come back, I am not into it either. You think of every detail and that what I love about you and your decorating. And that woman needs to get a life, have you been to her house, is it all from the Brick and beige and boring, bet it is. hugs Tobey

  27. The living-room looks already so much better, like a different room (smaller - Ok, just being mean here). I like the white pillows on the sofa. But most of all I like the "Soda" pillow... And don't fret, things take time... My dining-room window has been waiting for some paint for months!

  28. Your progress shocks me!! It is gorgeous!! And brag away......YAY CANADA :)

  29. lol at the rome building reference loved it hee hee and the floors stunning the room is really coming along

  30. Soda looks very much at home. :) Everything is looking lovely! I hear you on things going slooooowly. Phil swears it's the crap weather. Well, it's supposed to get better next week. We'll see what happens!


  31. It's looking great and I like the flooring. You'll note Australia has nothing to brag about we're not really known for winter sports

  32. Love the progress you've made so far. The room and the furniture settings make it look very comfy and inviting. When USA is not in medal contention in any event and canada john and I always root for your team.

  33. I <3 your little grain sack stool! Pinned

  34. I love your little stool makeover...such a transformation! Your ideas for using mirrors are lovely...especially for a fireplace! Thanks so much for stopping by, Suzan!

  35. Suzan that little stool looks fabulous! Your new house is coming along beautifully - I'm so enjoying watching the transformation. Saw your stool over at the Metamorphosis Monday party. It's Family Day over here in Alberta (you guys don't get this holiday in Quebec, do you?) and the plan was to stay away from the computer...well you can see how well that's going ;)
    Marie @ The Interior Frugalista

  36. It may be taking longer than you want, but what a beautiful difference you have made to your home! So much brighter and cleaner looking.
    Debbie :)

  37. I love it Suzan! Very pretty. And those floors are gorgeous!

  38. You are very funny and I love your site. Stay warm!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!