
Friday, March 7, 2014

Last chance to win !!!

Good Thank God it's Friday Morning everyone !

Today is manic crazy for me - but just wanted to let you know there's still time to sign up to win
this pretty bracelet

And become one of Abby's Angels -

To honor this beautiful Angel

Click HERE and leave me a comment - that's it :)
Open to everyone on the PLANET lol - seriously - I will ship it anywhere because this is a very special giveaway - you don't even have to be a blogger.

I'll be announcing the winner on Sunday - have a great day everyone -
If any of you have a bull dozer and you're in my area - I wouldn't be averse to you accidentally bulldozing my house to the ground .....................:)

Big hugs,


  1. Woohoo! What a a great giveaway Suzan! Thanks!

  2. Homeowner's Insurance Claim Form: Reason for Claim: Total annihilation caused by rogue bulldozer.

    (I promise to make it look like an accident.)

  3. I left you a comment on the original post. Beautiful bracelet! Touching story and something none of us ever want to experience.
    On another note, I am feeling sick to my stomach Suzan about our future. Just plain sick. I know this will be cryptic perhaps for people reading this but you do know what I mean.

  4. Hi Suzan. Yes the bracelet is so beautiful, love it.

    Wish you a great, great weekend

    Big hug

  5. Already left a note, love this giveaway and the meaning!!!


  6. already entered give away and asked you to give it away if i win xx...on another note bulldoze the house oh no you have blood,sweat, and tears in it already xx

  7. what a wonderful heart felt give away, its me, laurie from I love a cloudy day blog, when my eyes got much worse in December I thought my blogging was finished, through the magic of technology I am back with a new computer, I had to start all over so its a new blog with almost the same name, its been quite a task to find all my friendds, I'm so glad I found you!!! I have missed you!!!!

  8. You don't want an accidental bulldozing...the headache w/insurance would be worse than the renovation. :)

    I wear hardly next to any jewelry ever, but I love the cause so I'm sharing for you. It's a lovely bracelet for a beautiful girl who is undoubtedly also now a beautiful angel. That story is so sad, Suzan. :(

  9. Oh, no, Suzan ! Don't bulldoze! It'll happen, you'll make it happen! Thank you for this sweet giveaway. I remember when Abby left you...


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!