
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Adding height to a table

Good morning everyone !

Let's see how many ways we can change a table lol

Most of you have seen the photo of my little farmhouse table - for those that haven't here's a pic
( you can see more photos of it here )

It's the perfect little farmhouse table for this reason

it " flips " open to double it's size easily accommodating 6 people !

last winter I had John put a little shelf on the bottom - because I'm always about storage ( I've never lived in a big enough house where that wasn't an issue - NEVER ) you can see that post here

Then I added a  rack to it to hang my cutting board - towel - oven mitts - whatever ( dangling basket perhaps? )

Now as a table it's perfect -
But it's centered in the middle of the kitchen in this house - and it should be counter height because of that little fact.

John says- I'm on my way to Home Depot -
Suzan says - Oh!  If you're going there can you pick me up some casters?
John says - for what?
Suzan says - the kitchen table - it's too low for the kitchen - I want to give it some height and casters would be perfect
John says- Oh my God - what else can you add to that table?
John says - It's an ANTIQUE - you're taking away any value by constantly adding to it...........

Suzan says - Well there's value - and then there's personal taste - and sometimes the 2 clash
Suzan says - that's ok - we overpaid for this anyway
Suzan says - I was thinking of adding an umbrella to it - one of those outdoor ones - what do you................

too late - he stormed out -


I drilled holes in the bottom of the legs - and placed inserts ( where the stem of the wheel slides into)

and voila - it's now counter height - which is exactly what I needed - the great thing is the wheels can slide in and out if I change my mind!

A huge thank you to Chania from RAZMATAZ for being the first to suggest it - a lot of you did but she was the first :)

" islands in the stream - that is what we are ♪♫♫  ( oh come on - most of you were waiting for that :)

I'm on the look out for 2 old rustic stools - ( I have a friend that has 2 that I'd give anything to have - hmmm wonder if she needs a dresser - since I have an abundance of them lol - a little switcheroo )

I'll be working on the kitchen ceiling today - isn't that just about as exciting as life can get?

Have a great Thursday all !
Much love,

Party Time !!! ( click on links to see some inspiration !!! )

Common Ground                              Miss Mustard Seed                     Remodelaholic
Between Naps on the Porch               Coastal Charm                           Knick of Time
Savvy Southern Style                        My Romantic Home                   The Shabby Nest
Tatertots and Jello                            Funky Junk Interiors
Be Different - Act Normal


  1. Well first of all, the shelf was brilliant. And those castors truly turn it into a useful island. The only island song I know involves a professor, Mary Ann, and a three hour tour. Have a wonderful Thursday on the ceiling, Suzan.

  2. I love it! We put casters on everything in this place!!! They are the answer to many issues,

  3. Thank you for solving my problem!! xox

  4. I had no idea your island table has a flip top. That is really cool and so practical too. I love it. I had a solid oak (antique) table in our kitchen as an island but since we renovated the kitchen there is no room for it. :( It's in our bedroom and I'm dying to get it out again but just don't have the space anywhere else. :( :( And I wish it was painted old white! It was originally painted green (it was my grandmother's) and I had it professionally stripped and refinished to it's natural oak (a la 1970's that you were speaking of the other day!). lol C'est la vie.

  5. Good Morning Suzan... I've been mulling this idea around myself on a project I have on my "list" to do!!
    Your table looks great!!
    They have those industrial style stools at target rather inexpensively..... just suggesting..
    Have a good day.. Vicki

  6. Love casters. Your island looks so cute in front of the hutch and against the floor! I like a stone "board" on the island too, it prevents damage to the wood. My spouse installed casters to a coffee table, on doors that we wanted to slide, and we left them on the back legs of the "cabinets" beside the stove. I hope your ceiling project goes smoothly.

  7. great idea. and I think it's a good idea John didn't hear you mention an umbrella. hahaha

  8. I'll tell you what is exciting (out of your cute kitchen table addition)-your new floor that replaced that God-awful (sorry) one you put down before. lol It looks GREAT!!!! xo Diana

  9. Caster were a great idea. Easy and effective (and it makes for moving things a cinch too). Well done. :)

  10. What a great idea, Suzan. I love that little table. It`s soooo cute.
    Wish you two a happy weekend. (What ARE you doing with the ceiling)?

  11. I'd like to add wheels to all our furniture. LOL Easy to move and easy to clean around! I love your happy kitchen. Please don't fall and break your neck working on that ceiling.

  12. Great timing on this post , I want to turn my harvest table into an island with stools. And I did not know how to add the wheels if there were no holes already in the legs, and know I know how to do it. Thank you my dear. Now I just need John to build me a shelf on the bottom for storage lol I love how much use you get out of yours, thanks for the great ideas. I love the checkerboard floor, it looks amazing. And your kitchen is stunning, what a transformation. hugs Tobey

  13. I have got to go back and find your previous floor. I must have missed that post. I love your table Suzan! So pretty. I like the idea of being able to move it around easily.

  14. Much better!

    Do you know what those fittings are called? I've been looking for something like it for weeks and the only thing I could come up with are T-Nuts and they wouldn't hold up very well.

  15. It looks awesome! I figure if it makes it more useful then just do it!!! We have far too many dust collectors in this world already!

  16. Love the table and what a great idea to put casters on it.

  17. How much height did it add? I want to do something similar for my craft room and I need my kitchen table to go to counter height. I already have the stools, my neighbour was throwing them out. Jules was 'thrilled when I put them in the garage to paint (2 years ago) once I heighten the table I am sure I will paint them ;)

  18. I want to do something like that on a piece in my kitchen, not to add height, but because it'll be easier to move and now, thanks to you, I know how to do it! The table is lovely to begin with... And John, please remember even Antiques are allowed to have a life!

  19. Looks amazing. That table is great, I love how it folds out...very nice!

  20. Suzan -
    this is clever, functional and adorable! Just like you. ;)
    love and blessings~
    Lynda @ Gates of Crystal

  21. I never would have thought of casters. This is why I love blogging so much. Islands are great. I was totally using mine for storing things I rarely used until I looked at an island on another blog and realized she had all the things she needed right there on the shelf below and my everyday necessities were across the room in a cabinet. I long ago gave up trying to think like normal people. Now I just copy them.

    Happy Weekend!


  22. I get the biggest kick out of reading your blog. I haven't been on your blog in too long. Had a sick pc and lost mucho. You and your hubs sound like mine and me. He'll say something once in awhile about me ever growing up (I'm 73) and acting like somebody my age. Why in the world would I want to do that, how boring life would be, for him and me, lol. We can't do much else cause we don't have enuf money but we can have fun in life. I refuse to grow up, it sucks as my then 19 yr. old son told me after he moved out and had to pay all his own bills. Tell me about it. He also told me he didn't know why in the heck I had 4 kids, was I crazy? He'll be 50 on May 1st. Poor kid. I have to subscribe to your blog again, love reading what you called nonsense, I call it fun. Happy Spring

  23. You turned it into a very functional table, Suzan! LOVE that it opens up - so cool!

  24. It's just what you needed, not only the perfect height, but moveable, too.
    Debbie :)


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!