
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

By the pool

Happy Thursday morning everyone !

My mind is racing with the possibilities this summer -
( and I can't wait to go on sabbatical with indoor renovations to be honest with you )

Here's what we'll be starting with - and the goal would be to make it look like a lush resort type of setting - where we can escape these miserable indoor reno's every day for a little bit ..............
I can see there's perennials along the borders ( I haven't seen any of this yet since we moved in the last week of November ) it'll be exciting to see them pop up - but I know from this photo that I'm going to need some height as well - potted trees perhaps?

Ok - lets move on - this post is not about the pool - per se - rather it's about something I'd LOVE to have to accompany it - a pool house !

The perfect place to have a nap?



LOVE the chandeliers !!!

At this stage of the game I'd like my HOUSE to look as nice as these LOL

Have a great day everyone !

Partying here !
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My Romantic Home


  1. I like the second inspiration picture very much. The glass house is perfect... I'm afraid it won't look that great with seagull poop all over that glass roof, which is what would happen if it were in my garden!

  2. You deserve a little bit of pool time! I bet your dieing to see those plants to come in. Potted trees might be a great idea. And of course a pool house would be lovely. Maybe next summer...

  3. Your backyard pool area is going to be a welcome relief from all your indoor pursuits this past winter/spring, Suzan. It sure has great possibilities. Is that brown shed in back there yours or the neighbours? Is it leaning or was it designed this way? A pool house or nice gazebo would be perfect for the yard. I can see some fun posts ahead. Have a great day!

  4. Now I want a pool house for my fictional pool. Can Soda swim or will you envelope her in flotation materials?

  5. I'll have the second one please!
    You really will enjoy day soon, I hope!

  6. I think you should go with pool house #2, but all of them are perfect.

  7. Love them all Suzanne. Bet sure you can have enough room for a day bed or lounge to take a nap on those hot, sultry days.
    Have a great Easter, don't eat to much candy.

  8. These guest houses are gorgeous and I would love to have any of them beside a nice simple pool for me. When you have some free time can you come over, I will be waiting with a cocktail floating one my dream raft, LOL!!!

  9. I have never seen such pretty pool houses! I'd like to have one and I don't even have a pool. Hope you have a great Easter weekend Suzan. Get some rest!

  10. Your pool and property is gorgeous, Suzan....some large potted palms and annuals should give you instant gratification. Enjoy!

  11. At least you have the pool! I'd have to put in the pool first - or just build a cool pool house and pretend I guess :)

  12. Be still my heart! I'm a water bug and any of them would do for me!

  13. I vote for the first one. You will love the pool. I stay in mine at least an hour a day lazily swimming from end to end. I even take naps floating on my back! At the moment mine is a dark green lagoon underneath its cover because of the crazy weather we have had, but I see turquoise days ahead.

  14. One of those would be awesome to have at the side of the pool! A perfect spot to laze away an afternoon out of the burning sun. I can't pick my favourite, they all look so beautiful! And I'd love my house to look as good as any of them too!
    Debbie :)

  15. My dream of dreams is a pool someday, so you are my idol. Love the pool houses you posted.

  16. Are you getting a pool house???? If so I'm gonna have a word with John, that is spoiling you to the max.

  17. #2 is my vote, but I'd take any one of them and I don't even have a pool!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!