
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

This and That.....................

Good morning everyone !

I would have loved to have bought a new sofa - something that fit this tiny living room a little better - because it's basically wall to wall -
but it was in such good shape that in the end I chose to have slip covers made for it instead.
( filthy I'm embarrassed to say - but it's been plunked down there for 4 months with walls literally coming down all around it - that's my story and I'm sticking to it )

The color is ugly ( although I LOVED it when I first bought it 12 years ago and it's still in great condition speaks volumes for this furniture, doesn't it? ) Mary !!!  ( she's the cutest thing - and she MAKES SLIP COVERS )

She came to the house - measured both pieces..................

Then she made them at her studio - bringing them back today almost done - did a final fitting
Letting some areas out - tightening other areas up

And will bring it back once it's all finished - I just can't wait -
I chose a pure white canvas - ( in the midst of renovations - crazy I know - but we already know that I'm not all there )  I'll cover them in plastic when work is being done :)

I'm going to talk her into ask her to participate in a give away - she makes the prettiest " Maritime " themed pillows and totes and oven mitts and aprons ( and what ever else you can see in the photo )

Ok - on to other things :)
I also painted the frame around the kitchen window - in the end I chose to keep the window white ( for the hardware to stand out ) and just paint the window frame ) That may change in the future but for now at least there's some black involved for contrast.................
Side note - when we placed those plate racks we centered them to the kitchen wall - and not the window - wasn't that a little stupid?  Have to change that this weekend !

That shelf on the bottom is temporary - I'm going to have one made for the full width - for small planters of herbs - the smell of basil makes me weak in the knees - so I'm imaging some of that in small pots - with the windows open - and a breeze gently blowing the scent all around the kitchen.
The photo was taken in the middle of the night - I was terrified a killer was going to be standing outside the windows when I opened them up.......................

But strangely the only thing that was there was my water mark ( by the way I'll have nightmares from that photo now for weeks )

are you ready for the mandatory before and after photo?
are you sick of them yet?

I'm on the look out for 2 pendant lights for over the island/table and then I'm kind of finished in there and I can do a final reveal instead of little bits and pieces.

This house is starting to feel like it'll never be finished to be honest with you :(

Have a great day!

15 degrees in Montreal today ( 61 in American lol )
Think I'm going to clean out the pool and go for a swim - this is positively balmy after the winter we've had...............

Much love,

Partying here !!!

French Country Cottage                          My Turn ( for us )                      My Romantic Home
The Shabby Nest


  1. Your new home is coming together very nicely and I like all the changes you have made. They really look wonderful. I" think you will be very pleased with our new slipcovers. Can hardly wait to see the final reveal.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Love the window, love the sofa and can't wait for this balmy weather... swimsuit and all! LOL


  3. Hahaha... I am the same way about windows at night. There's always someone lurking out there, no? Hahahaha....

    15 degrees? Why, that's practically a heat wave for us Canucks! LOL...

  4. you have such a gift well actually you have many but your gift of home renovation is amazing, your gift of humor is refreshing too, your home looks wonderful, its just beautiful, I know I use that word way too much, have a great swim, lol!!!

  5. Love the hardware on your window! You've accomplished so much on this house, stop looking at what isn't done and revel in the beauty of what has been done!!!


  6. Can't wait to see the final product! It looks so wonderful so far!! Happy Spring!!

  7. I would LOVE to have mad sewing skills and be able to make slip covers. I think I'd have more aptitude for a rocket engine than a sewing machine. And there isn't much use for rocket engineering in a home project.
    The black frame and white window looks perfect.
    Whenever I look out of windows at night I am fearful of glowing red pig eyes. Hear that, Amityville Horror? You've ruined me for life.

  8. The black frame really makes the window POP, doesn't it? You are too hard on yourself, Suzan-you have done a lot of work and everything is looking great. It is just a long haul, isn't it? You will be done one day and can get back to just enjoying life and working on painting furniture.
    Can't wait to see the full reveal. I have loved all your bits and pieces. xo Diana

  9. I don't why you insist on calling a sweet innocent little squirrel a killer. Yes, you know he moved with you. Don't you? I think he'd enjoy some yummy basil on the window sill. Maybe Mary could fit him with a cute little apron. Hahahahahaha

  10. It has been exciting to watch your transformation. You have done a beautiful job and love to see what is new each time. I would like to see some more color photos though instead of black and white, just a suggestion.

    1. Thanks so much Cindy !
      Although I frequently add black and white photos - the house IS black and white - so not much difference at all LOL

  11. I think your renovation has been very exciting. I agree with what Diana said, you're too hard on yourself. I'm always impressed with your talent. I've been wanting a shelf across my kitchen window so I can put some plants too.. I have a window ledge but it's narrow. And how wonderful to have a pool. I can't wait to see how you bling it up;)

  12. I like the contrast....and wow what great nautical themed items she creates....oh and in the South Carolinas in America we have a beautiful balmy 79 F ...Sorry but I needed a brag..Your spring will come I just know it.Love all you Do...

  13. Hi Suzan,
    The window looks great and I love that you found someone to make you a slipcover. That couch is going to be so sweet. Have a good one.

  14. I;ve been toying with the idea of doing slip covers for my 10 year old pinky/beige (God I hate it) sofa. You've inspired me to at least get a quote.

    Isn't it gorgeous out?

  15. I'm happy to see that gorgeous kitchen window finished. I must say I think of you every time I see a "cremone" window now. The before/after is priceless... It doesn't look like the same kitchen.

  16. Slip covers will be really nice for your sofa. I'd love to have a white sofa and that would be the only way it would happen. Mary looks to be a very talented seamstress. I love her Maritime themed wares. Your window looks nice and I'll be watching for the full reveal of your kitchen. It's hard to believe it's the same kitchen!

  17. Love what I see so far....the window looks great and I can't wait to see the new slip covers!

  18. It's looking so nice Suzan! And you found a great gal to make your slipcovers! You will love the white - they wash up beautifully :)
    It was 70 degrees here today and my girls wanted their pool set up. I was mean and said no!

  19. It is looking wonderful. I like the window. And how fun about the slipcovers.

  20. Love seeing your home is looking great. I want a new puppy chewed a small hole in one of the back cushions...but been thinking a slipcover would be a good choice too.

  21. 15 degrees crikey, if that's warm I never want to visit you in Winter. I wanted to make slip covers for my couch but I seriously dont think I have the skills for it I wonder if I can find a local Mary. BTW her stuff is adorable, hope you get that giveaway :)

  22. Jaaaaaack can peek through my windows in the dark anytime as long as he's not coming from the cuckoo's nest! Back to the kitchen...what a difference between the before and after. You are really working your magic in that house!
    Marie @ The Interior Frugalista

  23. Jack Nicholson is in your kitchen window. What would Anthony (Bourdain) say????

    Congrats on getting the slip covers. That's an awesome way to renew.

  24. Your new kitchen window is so "shining"... Great choice on slipcovers. I am really thinking about that for this loveseat we ended up with. Shes ugly but so comfy! Your kitchen is just gorgeous Suzan. Hang in there!

  25. Ooo! Can't wait to see your new covers. And I never get tired of before and afters! But I could have done without the creepy figure in the window. shudder. Again, what you've done to that space is amazing. Quite the transformation! Enjoy your balmy weather!

  26. Your window is beautiful Suzan!! Worth every penny and every minute of waiting. Love that you found someone to make slipcovers and I like her stuff. Hope she agrees to a giveaway!

  27. Everything looks amazing , what a transformation from the before pic. The shining pic in the window is going to give me nightmares too lol . Mary looks like a sweetheart, and a very talented young lady too. Your home is really looking good Suzan, really starting to look like your home. It was 15 degrees here today so Maggie and I worked on the outside today, I think I have a month of yard work ahead of me. And yes the work never ends, hugs Tobey

  28. Well, if you can swim in your pool, go for it! Ours still has ice in it. And I agree, I'm going to have nightmares from that picture too, and I never saw the movie! I can't say how much I love your window, though, and I'm glad you kept it white so the hardware shows up.
    Debbie :)


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!