
Friday, June 20, 2014

Fairyville Friday - part 2

Good morning everyone !

Can't tell you how therapeutic this is - I can get lost in this really

If you missed last week - where an obsession idea was born - you can see it HERE

I started off with this birdhouse bought at the dollar store

A little craft paint later and I had transformed it into a fairy house

I added flowers to the bike basket
Right now it's sitting on a slab of marble while I work but I have a special place that this will be going

Since this is going to be a village - this little house needed an address - this is 12 ( Rainbow Road )

Faux flowers and faux moss will be the ground cover - ( all from the dollar store )  I've kind of just tossed the flowers in here for the sake of photos )

But it's starting to look like a village................can't wait for the ribbon cutting ceremony LOL
Here's the little bird bath with the interior painted blue to resemble water ( smushing the brush all over it makes it look like sunlight reflections )

I don't know when this will stop but I've started seeing things through different eyes ( tiny eyes )
For instance this old wine cork that I've had since the beginning of time

all of a sudden looked like a planter - a little paint made it even more so

and a few little beads and such off of a miniature wreath looked very much like niblet corn - cauliflower and a cherry tomato - fairy bounty !

and this jam jar lid looks like a table top for al fresco dining when you look at it with fairy eyes

Which can sit on top of this candle holder

and create a little pedestal table complete with red and white checked table cloth :)

I embellished the arbor a little with some faux vine - wine glass rings and a chandelier piece - because
Fairies love bling

And that's it for Rainbow Rd, Fairyville
Stay tuned - construction starts on Blue Bird Lane and will be completed next week for Fairyville Friday 
Just in case you think I've totally flipped my lid this is being created for the little guest room upstairs where the guests ( for the most part ) will be the most precious little girls although this could very easily make me start believing in fairies again :)

Sneak peak for next week?

A twig ladder I made to rest against a house, complete with flowers growing up the sides - and maybe a butterfly.

John was breaking up branches and throwing them into the compost
Suzan yells out - Are those twigs your tossing out?
John says - Yeah, why?
Suzan says - I NEED them - don't throw them out please
John says - What the hell do you need twigs for?
Suzan says - A ladder
John says - I'm not even going to ask you about this one
John sits there shaking his head
Suzan says - For the fairy village
John says - You sound touched - absolutely touched..............I hope the neighbors don't hear you talking about this.................
John says - There's some wet leaves over hear - do you need them for a miniature swamp?

I'm telling you I could just pee my pants with the way he reacts to everything - literally !

Did I ever tell you that I run and write down these conversations?
Some nights he'll say something in bed and I jump up and he screams
So I have to lay there - concentrating on what was just said - and then casually get up for a drink or something and make a mad dash for my pen

Now isn't that the cutest?
Hmmmm - and he was throwing them out - I mean come on now

Care to have another sneak peak?
Of Bluebird lane?

A Fairy Church ( in the wild wood )
Have a wonderful weekend one and ALL !
Much love,

I'll be at these parties this week !

Remodelaholic                                             DIY Vintage Chic                              I Heart Nap Time
One more time events                                  Life on Lakeshore Drive                     Uncommon Design
Under the Table & Dreaming               Between Naps on the Porch               Coastal Charm
A Stroll Thru Life                                        Stone Gable                                       Kathe with an E
An Extraordinary Day                                 Not Just a Housewife                         Homework
Gingersnap Crafts                                       Redoux Interiors                                My Turn for Us
My Romantic Home                                   the Shabby Nest                                Simple Nature Decor
Funky Junk Interiors                                  The CHicken Chick                            Redhead Can Decorate
Homestories A to Z                                   I Gotta Create


  1. I love your Fairyville, and the girls will too!!!! I so envy your energy!!!! Wish I had half of it!!!! My to do list is so long, I resist adding to it, if I could only get done what is on it now!!!! Love everything you do, you have a beautiful style about you!!!!!

    1. Thanks so much Karen !
      And my to do list? Seriously ? It's longer than the years I have left - completely overwhelming ( it's why I blog - or I'd go completely insane LOL )
      Have a wonderful weekend girlfriend,

  2. OMG Suzan... I missed last week but this is adorable!! Have a great weekend! V

  3. Adorable! Reminds me of an English cottage. I will head to the Dollar Store soon, I've been looking for a birdhouse. Thx for sharing :) -Bev

  4. you are having so much fun, I love it!

  5. Sorry, I had to call my husband into the computer room just to read this one to him..... it is soooo real and close to home. Thanks..... I don't think he understands the fairyville stuff either but.... he sure recognizes the moment when I would also say.... wait we could make that into..... and he just shakes his head. Thanks for this morning's chuckle. Have a great weekend.

    1. LOL - I guess it's universal right?
      I don't know how many people ( male or female ) would get this fairy village stuff but I'm having a blast creating it lmho!
      thanks so much - you have a great weekend!

  6. You are brilliant! Love the checkered tablecloth! Now I'm glad I didn't throw out the little Tudor cottage I made last year. I might turn it into a Tudor fairyland. Like I need to add one more thing... And yet I'm bemoaning the fact that I just threw out about 10 of those little cottages which could have been made into all the buildings for a village. Ah, sigh, alas...

    You and John are too funny. But really, you should take him up on the swamp idea! :-)

  7. How many are there of you? No, really. There is NO way that all this gets done by one human. I'm suspicious of The Cult Formally Known as Suzan. You all sister wives or what? 'Fess up.

    1. OMG Cheryl – I nearly just spit up my tea LMAOROTF………………….sister wives – that’s exactly what I need!
      Come be the first one – we can be married in the Church in the Wildwood LOL
      I’m posting this reply on the blog too – you are too too funny – I WANT you to come for a visit
      ( and then you can see how much I HAVEN’T done !!! )

  8. I love that you are taking time to play, Suze.
    These are wonderful! I am in love with them.
    They remind me of times with my Mamaw- she loved creating like this.
    xo, T.

  9. LOVE the red/white tablecloth idea!! And I DO completely understand the attraction ~ I've loved miniatures all my life!

    Rock on!

  10. This is pretty cute Suzan. I love the little 'table' with the red and white gingham top, and the little church is going to be so cute. Fun! Have a super weekend!

  11. I love fairy houses and your Fairyville is simply wonderful!

  12. Haha. I love your conversations and the ladder. A Swamp! So funny.

  13. Love the fairy sweet.

  14. OMG!.....the ladder, the birdbath, the bicycle with flowers, the flower pot, the veggies, I'd dying it is all so sweet! Patty/NS

  15. Love love hearts is beating fast. Love fairy gardens and yours is so sweet. That bicycle and that fence. Adorable. Silly men. Your hubby should hear my conversations with the grands about the fairies. They do believe.

  16. You are still a nut! Let's see... if you break a wal- NUT in half, it could be a cradle for baby fairy. Whatcha think? You continue to amaze me Suzan! These fairy houses are growing on me.

  17. Oh Suzan when you visit me I smile and get excited to read on, you say the utmost beautiful things to me. And how my home inspires, I truly could not have deserved all the compliments you left me, but it will take and cherish them dearly, you my dear are so good for my ego who just truly wants to inspire others to hunt down those pieces and transform them into pieces again to love.

    I love your little fairy land here, when my daughter was young I would pretend that the fairies needed a home and together we would build them one, my daughter would come up with names to call them and would delight in all the twiggy pieces we would make them for the garden. Your post and little sweet creations brings me back to those younger days when creating fairy dust, and little twiggy furniture pieces and gauzed canopies for there shelter and all the believing took place with treasured memories looked back upon.

    I so wish we were neighbors so I could join in on your fun in designing a sweet mini garden for the fairies to love.
    Looking so forward to your next little sweetness you create inspired from the garden.

    Beautiful weekend to you Suzan dear, I have posted my latest post with my white rose paintings framed in with simple salvage.
    Will be seeing you soon.

    An inspiring weekend to you.


  18. Ahhhh your fairyland is coming along so beautifully! Here I am, two years later, and haven't even started mine. There always seems to be so much mowing, that by the time I'm done, I am ready for a shower and a

  19. Hahaha, I just trimmed some twigs and thought what nice little fairy furniture I could make from these.

  20. This is amazing! I am extrememly happy you brought this to my Party! You have made a work of art

  21. So charming! so many wonderful ideas and a great tutorial!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!