
Monday, November 24, 2014

Busy busy busy

Trying to write up a post on what we've done in the past year as the anniversary of our purchasing this place comes close - very very close

So far all I've dug up is this

and then I realized I never even did a post on that floor ( it's in the reading turned t.v. room )

so...........................bare with me please - while I search old photos for the next 2 days LOL

Have a wonderful Monday -
It's gloomy here today - raining and damp and lonely looking
there's no snow -  and they're calling for 15 C ( which is almost 60 degrees ) and THAT my friends is as weird as it gets here in Montreal a week before December!!!

Much love,


  1. that paisley floor is amazing, its pouring rain here too,

  2. Hi Suzan,
    We are having rain today too that will turn to snow later ughhh! Happy new week my friend.

  3. Yup! It's the same here. Just got back fro grocery shopping ... now I have to put it all away :(

    Hurry up and dig up those pics!

  4. I was wondering when you were going toshare that amazing floor! It's seriously too pretty to walk on Suzan! Looking forward to the 1 year anniversary post.


  5. How about you sit down in that room and read? Relax!

  6. I love all of your decorating ideas! Love the floor and it is about 62 degrees here in the Cleveland, Ohio area but super super windy!

    1. Thanks so much Rhonda !
      It was windy right across the board yesterday !

  7. That floor is so beautiful. I hope the sun comes out soon.

  8. It looks great. Good luck finding the pictures... It sometimes takes me hours!

  9. I can't wait to see more.. That floor looks amazing. The weather is weird here too. We actually have Fall color and got our first freeze already. But we are back up in the 60's and sunny after a rainy weekend.
    Oh, busy is my new four letter word. Ugh.

  10. I love that floor and I know the painstaking work it took you to paint it. So worth it! Did you put something on it so the paint wouldn't wear? You and John have done a LOT of work in one year! It's quite a transformation. Drizzle and +14 here tonight! Feels like spring out there. Big snow coming on Wed./Thurs. so I'll enjoy this 'heat' while it lasts. LOL

  11. Love the floor. We are having rain here in Ohio...a very cold rain and high winds!

  12. I'm waiting to see more,,,,love the floor and see the work you put into it. It's cold and snowing here...can't remember such a cold November before. Just stopped by to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

  13. Your floor looks amazing!!!! Gosh this year has flown!!!! Our weather is weird, in the 50's and rain this morning, very windy all day. Gusts up to 40 mph. Crap blowing all over the place. This sure is a messy time of the year!!! Jim sucked up the leaves over the weekend now he has to do it again!!!! They are everywhere!!!! Glad that's not my department!!! LOL. He uses the lawn mower with the bagger, and he ran over a hydrangea that I had planted this year, he's in deep deep trouble. Anyway, hope you have a wonderful day!!!! XOXOXOX Karen

    1. This year has flown more than any other year in my life !
      John raked ( again ) this morning - normally in Montreal we'd be shovelling - strange weather indeed !

  14. That floor is just amazing Suzan.....what's with +15....I am a little jealous. We are in for more snow tomorrow and crappy weather for the rest of the week. I think I saw a low of -30 coming soon in the weather report last night.....burrrrrrrrr.

  15. I am so envious of that floor...sadly, I'm not that ambitious and I suck at stenciling! LOL!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!