
Sunday, December 7, 2014

A Blogger who really shouldn't be a blogger

This is a story about a blogger ( who really shouldn't be a blogger )

She tries ( really really tries ) to keep up and is always behind

Most evenings find her in a panic trying desperately to respond to comments ( of which she usually fails miserably )
For this reason
A simple thank you seems so unfitting because there's a connection with the ladies who leave them -
But the kind of replies she wants to type up are lengthy which leaves her completely overwhelmed - so she mostly replies in her head.

She also fails miserably at visiting people site's.....................

Her photos leave a lot to be desired

AND the number one reason she's a blogger who really shouldn't be blogging is when she tried to delete some posts she had in her DRAFT file - she accidentally deleted current posts ( which have been linked to parties ) so when people click on the link they get

This blogger who really shouldn't be blogging has been thinking a lot.

Deeply on this subject.

New Years resolution this year will be one of 2 things.

1)  Become a better blogger
2)  Fade into the sunset

Either way there's still 3 weeks of being a blogger who really shouldn't be blogging.

Now you know why you don't see the last few current posts.
How embarrassing.

One of the posts she accidentally deleted showed a photo of this

Just a pile of wood she had laying around from other reno projects -
It now looks like this

The blogger ( who really shouldn't be blogging ) recently got a new camera ( cheapy ) and couldn't figure out how to turn off the all photos of this project are going to be crap ( even pic monkey can't save her here )
But she HAS to show you a tutorial on this one because it's the simplest project you can imagine.

Now the blogger ( who really shouldn't be blogging ) has to go downstairs and finish this baby.............

Have a wonderful Sunday one and all !!!

Much love,
A frazzled Me,


  1. Please don't fade into the sunset!!! Where would I go for all my great big belly laughs and grins?!?!?!?
    Slow down, and don't sweat the small stuff... It's all good!
    Hugs ~

  2. Hey- I'll take you any way I can get comments....bad pictures (you say)....tired and overwhelmed....losing posts....projects that aren't quite done----any old way at all. Can't wait to see your project. Have a wonderful Sunday! xo Diana

  3. LOL Suzan, but just know you're not he only one! absolutely cannot....I repeat, cannot fade into the sunset! I think it's safe to say that we all love visiting your blog because you are not only talented and we love what you do, but we also love you! You keep us laughing and sometimes crying. You are such a light and I look forward to my visits here. Life gets busy and we don;t have time to keep up with everything, but I know you need to keep posting. We would all miss you if you didn't! Now...I can't wait to see that tutorial! Have a blessed Sunday.

    Hugs, Vicky

  4. Don't be so hard on this 'particular blogger'. I bet she is so busy with things around her house that she can't keep up at the moment. Give her some slack ok? And I bet she's busy with Christmas too. We all are and often can't find time to blog and comment. Meanwhile, I think you have a very nice project in the works and I can't wait to see it. Please don't accidentally delete it like the other blogger did. xo Pam

  5. Please, oh please, don't even think about fading into the sunset! You have no idea how many times your blog has been the one highlight of my depressing day. I can always count on your posts to bring on a smile and lots of giggles. You have inspired me to tackle some DYI projects and to be fearless when painting furniture. So, please, hang in there, we all love what you do and your blogging IS JUST FINE!!!!!!!

  6. Please don't fade away into the sunset. I enjoy your photos (crappy or not). And I laugh out loud at the "John says - Suzan says" posts. Your blog posts are easy to read and really make my day.

  7. Suzan, you do realize you've just described about 50 percent of us who shouldn't be blogging by your standards, but do so anyway. Your standards may be too high...or maybe mine too low...but if you aren't blogging for the pleasure of it, why blog? Lighten up please and let us enjoy some crazy posts along with your perfect ones. One of my favorite quotes: You wouldn't care so much about what people think of you if you knew how little they do (meaning people think about themselves and their own imperfections far more than they think about yours)

  8. But you have to be a blogger, I live to read your blogs!!!! LOL!!! Miss Suzie Sunshine!!! We all get busy and behind, just take a deep breath, tis the season, I wish you a happy blessed day, and know that it's all good!!!! XOXOXOXOX Karen

  9. I thought for sure you were talking to me!!!!. I'm trying so hard to get better but I take forever with projects. I'm determined to get better. You are a fantastic blogger and person. Your talent is unreal.


  10. Hi there! I so appreciate your transparency and sense of humor! I know I can relate! Merry Christmas! Blessings, Cecilia

  11. Suzan, I love your blog just as it is. I don't ever post comments though I have written you quite a few, then deleted them. Yours is the only email I receive that I open immediately. It brings me laughter, tears and warms my heart with your care for others. You and John remind me of Don and I, and your attitude reminds me that these 'discussions' around the house are not the end of the world. Your pictures are good enough to get the point across and personally, I never critique them. (I have 2 sons who are photographers/videographers so I can appreciate pictures from the rest of us normal people.) I have a creative, wonderful & talented daughter who is teaching Annie Sloan techniques now but I still come back to your blog to keep falling in love with new colors and decorating ideas. I often share your blog emails with others because of the humor and ideas. I hope your New Year's decision is to continue blogging. I would miss you so much! THANK YOU for all that you share, and I would imagine that everyone would agree with me when I say that blogging should be for your fun and pleasure. With all you do, blogging should be what you do for fun in your free time. In fact, can you imagine how much you could have accomplished if you didn't have a blog at all? Having said that, please don't stop though unless it's too much for you. There's a season for everything. Stopping because of what you consider to be crappy pictures is...a crappy reason. lol You do know that if your blog wasn't enjoyable, we'd unsubscribe. With that, give John a hug and tell him thank you for all the ways he helps you do what you do. (Even the verbal motivation! Haha!)

  12. My dear daffy friend...your blog is the first one I look at when you have a new daughter isn't even a blogger and yet she has you at the top of her favorite blogs.
    We don't come over to look for spectacular happenings...all we want is to see what JOHN is funny.
    We love your don't even THINK of fading into the sunset...
    Now, get busy on those instructions to show us how to do this....:)
    hugs, bj

  13. Suzan, you tell that blogger (who really shouldn't be a blogger) that I love the way she blogs and to keep things just as they are. We all hit buttons too quickly sometimes and can't get back what we just deleted. You're too hard on yourself. I mean.... she's too hard on herself! NO FADING INTO THE SUNSET !!

  14. I think WE'LL be the judge of that :-D If there is one thing I can't stand it's people who get EVERYTHING right (it makes me feel so inadequate). If you became an uber efficient blogger I'd probably stop reading - not my style at all. It's good to know there is someone else out there who understands and shares the chaos that is my life...

  15. If the Blogger who really shouldn't be a blogger stopped blogging, where would I get my laugh for the day? The Blogger who really shouldn't be a blogger would be responsible for lots of moping blog readers!

  16. End of the Suzan Pity Party - get back to work!!! I mean it!

  17. Oh girl...Plzzzzzz..sigh...You should be blogging because you are real....your life is real...and imperfect like the rest of us...we look forward to your messes....and love Love you because you are a go Google how to use that camera and get busy.....Sheryl

  18. That blogger can write, she has the ability to reach out and make a reader laugh out loud. Many bloggers don't have that ability. Many can only write where they moved a lamp and see the new things I bought. That blogger is talented if she can produce that mantel out of that wood. That blogger is gifted. I hope that blogger really does know that deep in her blogger heart.

    1. Well, Janet - you just made me laugh out loud - " where they moved the lamp " I'm still giggling !!!
      Thanks so much for your kind words -
      MUCH love,

  19. Please don't stop blogging! You and your stories are a riot! I like the way you keep it real. You always make me laugh. You don't need to stress out about it, it's only a blog. Enjoy life and blog when you can. Life is too short. We will all be here no matter how often you post.

  20. PLEASE don't stop blogging! You don't need to blog everyday and you don't need to answer every comment!

  21. You crack me up! Pleeeeease don't stop blogging! Do like I do, don't answer every comment and only read blogs when it suits you. Oops! My secrets are out! Hugs, Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  22. You are one of the funnest (is that a word?) bloggers to read and have amazing talent! Besides, as was said above most of us do those least I do...and anyway you are loved...and I can't wait to see that rest of that project!!

  23. Ok you just can't stop. 1) I read out loud to my husband the "John says" posts. 2)Because one day I want to blog and this is how I imagine how we'do be.
    At first I didn't get who you were talking about. Because to me your blog it is truly one of my favorites. I guess because you seem so real. Others I read seen so perfect. Perfect home perfect style and all the money to do their home perfectly. You come across as real. And sharing your feelings with us is another way you are real to me. So lighten up. Your probably stressed out. Give yourself a break. I will be here waiting for the next post. And if I can add " Barbara says, your doing great! "
    Barbara Ann /shop/barbaraannscreations

    1. Awww BarbaraAnn - you're so sweet !
      And because you're so kind - I'm going to return the favor and offer you some advice -
      Do NOT hold my blog up as your standard LMHO - aim a little higher !!!
      The only thing I'll agree with is that things are just about as " real " as they get here - sometimes that's not a good thing lol
      Much love to you

  24. Don't you dare!! You make me laugh way too much and I need that. :-)

    Love You and keep up the great work.


  25. I think many of us feel that we are bloggers who really shouldn't be bloggers. Too much to do. I feel guilty on a regular basis for not reading blogs and not responding to comments, but the best thing about blogging is how forgiving other bloggers who shouldn't be bloggers are. xo Laura

    1. This is true - overwhelmingly true - bloggers are some of the most kind hearted people I've " met "

  26. It would be a terrible mistake for a blogger who "thinks to herself" that she shouldn't be blogging to stop. What a void this blogger would create in the boring mundane lives of the voyeurs who read her blog (which they think the blogger is blogging well) for their daily Suzan and John fix. We need your wisdom, humor and John's negativity (sometimes) to brighten our day. Please reconsider being the blogger we love to read and learn and laugh with! <3

    1. Would it be ok if she went down to 3 or so posts a week instead? She's really busy with projects right now LMHO !!!
      You're too kind - really - these comments are just so heartwarming...............

  27. Hope you do not head off into the sunset my sweet friend. You know what I think you should add a number 3 on your list. Blog post when you have something to share, visit your blog friends when you can and do not worry about being full of words. Everyone that knows you Suzan knows your heart and know you care. Words do not have to be left to show someone you care. I think you will do great if you just enjoy what you can do and not worry about the rest.
    With this said have a wonderful start to the week.
    Love ya,

  28. Well if you shouldn't be blogging, neither should the rest of us. I don't care if you don't answer evey one of my comments or visit me all the time. I do care if I won't get to read about your reno sag and John's comments CAN'T quit. I'd cry. Seriously. Post when you can; we'll be here!
    Your photos are not crap! I think they're beautiful!

  29. Bad, bad boggger! Santa will remember that! I'm going to forgive you, only because that new mantel project looks awesome!

  30. Oh Suzan! You know that the one rule of blogging is that no one is perfect. I for one am very happy that you are a blogger and I'm guessing you couldn't stop even if you wanted to. You have so much to say and so much to share and we are always glad to hear it and see it.

  31. I love your don't go away....I am also a blogger who needs to sharpen her blogging skills, and you remind me to just have fun with life.

    1. Thanks Debbie ! I may just slow it down a little - ( this blogging saps a lot of our time up, don't you think? ) So when I have major work going on I end up overwhelmed!
      Even though blogging has been like therapy for me..................
      Much love,

  32. LOLOLOL. I wondered what happened to the blog posts you had on here! You can't ever fade away. What would we do without your stories about John that make us laugh out loud at our desks at work reading your blog when we should be working?! Shh...don't tell my boss. Blogland wouldn't be the same without you!

  33. Clearly you will be missed if you go. But you must do what's right for you. I know EXACTLY how you feel having come "this close" to quitting several hundred times in the last few years... :) And look, here I still am! Either insane or stupid or both or something else.... :P

  34. Dearest Suzan - Who put those expectations into your head? If we didn't love you exactly the way you are we wouldn't be coming back every single day to see what you and John are up to!! I don't write comments to have a personal reply from you - you are definitely too busy and I wouldn't want to interrupt the creativity. Aren't you and John supposed to be taking a postponed cruise? A break is just the ticket I think. Especially after this mega busy year you two have shared. We'll miss you and be patiently awaiting your return!! Another Suzanne

  35. Oh Suzan, you are SO human! My unrequested advice: "Get of your own back!"
    Nuff said.
    With love, Christina in Cleveland

  36. No No No, don't you dare fade into the sunset Suzan!!! Who the heck is going to give me my morning chuckle? Obviously all those should of/could of's you point out are not impacting your blog negatively because you have a loyal following. Didn't you recently post that you've had over 1 million pageviews? The blogosphere needs you Suzan and our Canuck Blogging Tribe also needs you.
    Hugs from out west,
    Marie@The Interior Frugalista

  37. Oh just stop it! WE all love you girl! Good blogger, bad blogger??? Who's deciding who's what? And who cares... YOU have had some kind of year my friend. Hopefully the next one will be less stressful. JUST write... we read.... and the world keeps spinning. I've had too much cold medicine today :)

  38. I can't tell you how many times I've read your posts and felt like you were reading my mind! I agree with Barbara-your blog is REAL-it's life. We are not perfect. Sometimes we make mistakes. But for me, it's your ability to laugh at yourself (and your hubby), and your honesty and heart, that keeps me coming back. Please don't change Suzan. You're perfect just the way you are!

    1. Oh C.D. - thanks SO much
      You guys Lift Me Up - like you can't believe

  39. BEGGING you not to fade into the sunset, Suzan! You are such an amazingly talented writer, as well as extremely talented at all of your DIY and decorating -- a perfect combo for blogging.I would be so sad if I didn't have your posts to look forward to, as they always make me smile. I think you are a blogger-who-is-one-of-the-very-best-bloggers-in-the-blogosphere.

  40. OK, here's what I think of you. I just wrote a long, mushy comment about what a great writer you are, how talented you are at your DIY and decor projects, how I would miss you if you left the blogosphere, because you never fail to make me smile, and how I think you are a-blogger-who-is-one-of-the-very-best-bloggers out there. And then, I think I clicked away before the comment was posted, so you see, you are worth me taking the time to write it all over again. Of course, I'm sure it will show up after I click publish for this one...DON'T GO!!!!

  41. Oh Suzan... SNAP OUT OF IT!! lol. You don't really want to stop blogging and we don't want you to. I'm often late at commenting (as you can see) and replying to comments, but I do my best and don't stress it anymore. Bloggers are a wonderfully understanding bunch because we can all relate. We're all juggling many things and know how it is. So make some decisions, maybe less posting, less blog parties... whatever... but please stop stressing. Life is just too short, and it's Christmas. Enjoy!!! XOXOX


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!