
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Black is the new Orange....................

I LOVE black furniture

Especially Restoration Hardware style pieces !

They look like they have substance  and like they've been around a hundred years

and just one piece can add sophistication and a little drama to any room
( like every wardrobe needs a little black dress )

So I just knew when I saw this listed on Craig's list

That it was meant to be black .....................

Because as you all know - I love painted furniture - but this " orange " colored finish is what I like to paint most of all - the change is so amazing.
A lot of wood tones are timeless and fit in any decor no matter the era -
But Orange?
Sorry, but the 70's are calling ........................
It's just as dated as a Farrah Fawcett haircut .....................

Let the makeover begin!
A sneak peak because I'm nowhere near finished ( the top half is still in the van - it's huge and it's heavy - even if it's the piece I'm most excited about )

It's for the dining room - which hasn't been touched yet - that and the office are the 2 rooms for Spring 2015
And they're going to be doozies to work on - the thought of transforming them is overwhelming ( since they currently also look like something out of a 70's sitcom )  but once they're done - the majority of the work will be done in this old house, I just have to keep on keepin' on.

Did I just say the majority?
Did I forget that the windows have to be changed
Or that the downstairs bathroom needs to be gutted
Or the mud room off the kitchen is literally falling off the building?
Or that that entire exterior needs to be patched and painted?
Or that the garden shed either has to be ripped out or redone ( whichever way is quickest and cheapest )
Or that every single " finished " room still has finishing touches - some way more than others?

Agggh - it's only details !
And in the meantime I have a cool fireplace that I purchased for 75 dollars !!!  ( which the seller graciously agreed to )
Orange you in agreement that it looks a little better?

Gotta run - there's a piece of sandpaper calling my name !

Or maybe that's John watching the hockey game ?


Here it is completed

Have a wonderful day everyone
Big hugs,

Looking for inspiration?
Join me at the fabulous parties !

COASTAL CHARM                                               A STROLL THRU LIFE
SAND & SISAL                                              STONE GABLE ( the scoop )
KATHE WITH AN E                                              CUPCAKES & CRINOLINE
IVY & ELEPHANTS                                       FRENCH COUNTRY COTTAGE
MY TURN FOR US                                                MY ROMANTIC HOME


  1. Black doesn't go in my house - I tried it - but I love the look of black furniture.

    You did another great job!

  2. I love black furniture too, Suzan. I'm impatiently waiting on a bookcase in my basement that my husband is clearing of his work papers now that he's retired - can't wait to get my hands on it. You put a different front on that piece too, didn't you? It looks good.

    1. That's the same front - you just can't tell from the original picture -
      Thanks Rita - and good luck with your bookcase ( or with getting your husband to clear it lol )

  3. I've never seen a piece of furniture like this before, and I think it's a fantastic idea. It's going to look awesome in black. I can't wait to see all of it!

  4. what a magical transformation, I am not usually a fan a black but wow, this is amazing!

  5. Love it! I knew it would be fabulous and yes, black was the perfect choice! I can't wait to see it all completed. Have a wonderful Sunday!

    Hugs, Vicky

  6. That piece looks amazing as is - and can't imagine how beautiful it will be when finished and put together!

  7. Oh what a cool piece, I've never seen anything like that before! Black is going to look so beautiful on that, can't wait to see it finished!


  8. Beautiful! but my black days are over. My current house is WAY.TOO.DARK. Sigh...

  9. Replies
    1. Thank Kathy ! ( better than orange anyway lol )

  10. Oh I like that! The black makes it look very elegant and expensive. I can't wait to see what all you'll be doing this year to renovate your house. Exciting! And yes, hard work. But it's going to be worth it.

  11. Suzan! Where are your shoes ??? I see you're barefoot in the reflection.... makes me cold just thinking about it ! Brrrrr ! Lovin' the black furniture and will plan a piece of mine in same color. Looking good.

  12. Love the black, can't wait to see the whole piece. Great piece you found. Patty

  13. Very unusual piece. Is the FP functional with gas or electric? I agree it will look great when you have finished working your magic. I actually have that RH piece, only in the weathered wood tone. I wanted the washed white, but it was not available when we bought it. I think I am going to lime wax it when I get around to it.

    1. It's an elecric fire - with heater............
      That RH piece costs a fortune - 3500 - lucky you !
      And I love the weathered wood tones that RH does - they're perfect

  14. I am a RH girl at heart. Love everything they do in black, especially their beds. Can't wait to see how you complete this piece cuz I have that heavy oak armoire still waiting for a paint job and I think I'll copy your finished product. That's flattery right, imitation and all?

  15. Definitely a thumbs up! I've never seen a piece like this.

  16. Black is my favorite for furniture, too...and the natural wood has to be REALLY pretty for it to escape being painted.. I love painted furniture to the moon and back...and if I could, just for 1 solid day, look as good as Farah did in her hairstyle, I would do it in a New York Minute
    I would love to have a fireplace like yours. I'm stalking Craigs List....:)

  17. Loving the black! This is going to look awesome when you're done :-) I have a problem selling things in black (conservative Brits, now you know where John gets it from ;-) but I love it so much I just did a small hutch and a chinese style cabinet in it anyway - wish me luck in selling them!
    On a totally different subject (and it's not even Friday) I am seriously considering removing myself from Hometalk. I've been feeling a bit under the weather and spent the weekend curled up on the sofa browsing various sites, but the comments on HT are getting beyond a joke, even the most harmless projects are getting slated for the silliest of reasons. God help you if you do anything controversial because they really go to town. You should check out Refunk your Junk's kitchen makeover, on second thoughts don't, it shakes your faith in human nature :-(
    All around us we can see the results of intolerance and aggression, the danger of believing you have the right to hurt people just because you can and they don't think the same way as you do, and then you see it (albeit on a lesser scale) on a site for home improvement and craft projects for goodness sakes!!!
    It's such a shame, I've met some lovely people, that's how I discovered your blog :-)) and seen some great projects, but I don't think my blood pressure can take too much more...
    Phew - good to get that off my chest :-D

    1. Well Gerry - as you know I was attacked over there for painting a piece - so viciously in fact, that Hometalk contacted me to talk about it..............
      I had one lady say that she cried when she saw a piece I painted.
      I asked her - with everything that was going on in the world - did she really feel it was worth crying over a piece of furniture I painted.
      I'm going to try really hard to not go over there and see this - because it upsets me too much!
      Good luck with your black pieces - actually John likes black furniture so maybe there's hope for the conservative Brits LMHO !!!

  18. Wow what a difference - really gives it some substance. Curious what you're going to do with the top half!

    1. The same thing lol - black black black !
      Thanks so much Marie !

  19. I love the wings of a Farah!! What are you talking about? Haha. I love the fireplace. I can't wait to see what you do with the dining room.

  20. Orange, really?? What was the thought behind that decision?? Even in the 70's I wouldn't have said, Hey you know what John, we need a big piece of orange furniture. I mean really.

    Love the start of this piece. Good luck getting the monster piece out of the van


  21. Love it painted black!! I have some black pieces of furniture in my living room and dining room...and I love how my white accent pieces go with the black.

  22. Hi Suzan,
    You know me and whites lol! so black would not work for me but this piece is gorgeous. It should looks so pretty in your dining room. Gorgeous. Stay warm my friend.

  23. I could spend days looking at the RH catalog, well of course, it's so big you do need days!

    I like black when it's distressed and matte, And I have somewhat orange pine cabinets and a fireplace that should have been toned down before we had the most recent app of varnish. Sigh Hubby thinks they are beautiful. And no one agrees but we just have to let him have his say around here which isn't often.

    Jane x

  24. Oh, you got the piece! It looks fabulous already and I can't wait to see it all done. That orange was an abomination and had to go.

  25. Amazing how a little paint can change the looks of a project. What a Wonderful improvement.

  26. Be still my heart! I absolutely love it! Hope you're keeping's been a bit of a doozie of a week in Totonto as far as cold weather and snow. But...I guess it IS winter!

    1. Thanks Laurayne LOL
      Yeah - it's been super cold here in Montreal - but it was such a late start - and we're in Janaury - and February's a short month - and March is only a couple of week's worth - it's amost over LMHO !!!

  27. So much better...I love it!! Can't wait to see it complete!

  28. LOVE the black Suzan. Looking forward to the final reveal!

  29. I too love touches of black in a room. Your project will be a knock out!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  30. You have great vision! The piece you found has a nice substantial size like the RH piece- it's going to be great!

  31. I like it in black. And at least you DO your changes/repairs over there. We are clueless about them or make them worse trying to fix them, so we leave them until we want to shell out for a repairman.

  32. What a huge improvement! The black is so beautiful!

  33. Gorgeous!!! I'm painting some doors and a window black.. sometime this year!

  34. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. Carry on, carry over, my mutually frozen friend. I just sneezed 75 times during this post.

  35. I had to look three times to make sure it was the same piece - the change is that dramatic! I have a couple of old orangey pine pieces, and I keep thinking that I'm going to paint them, but then I'm terrified I'll ruin them. But then I think, I hate them as they are, so what's to ruin, anyway!

  36. Can't wait to see it finished. I know it'll be great!

  37. What a great piece! I've never seen one with a fireplace underneath!
    It's going to be fabulous! I have faith, I know you get around to it! LOL

  38. Black furniture is a must. It goes with anything anywhere. I admire you for taking on these huge pieces.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!