
Monday, March 11, 2013

A Custom Job

Good morning everyone :)
New job coming -  custom dining room set for a client - below is the furniture I'll be working on (  the painting will be done on site )  should be set to start next week -

The client is looking to lighten it up - she'd like more of a " cottage " feel in her home -
She's chosen Annie Sloan French Linen - with Old White - with a special technique done to the surface,
More on that as I get to that stage.

In the meantime another repeat customer has some furniture that I'll be working on at some point this week
( from my place )

And just because I love to torment you all by leaving you with songs in your heads for a couple of hours.....

Ah Monday monday, so good to me
It was all I hoped it would be..............

Have a good one all - don't forget tomorrow is our Linky Party - tongue in cheek - Junk in our trunks or wherever we keep them.....................

From Danni at Silo Hill Farm

If you want to join in...we'd love to have you.  Just write up a post poking a little fun at your junkiest area and link it up at any of the following blogs on Tuesday,March 12th. (That's a week from today.)
We don't really have any rules, like you have to post a button or you have to follow us or any crazy jumping through hoops.  Of course, we'd love it if you did those things, (especially the jumping through hoops...if you do that, include a picture) but really, we don't  take ourselves too seriously on Tongue-in-Cheek Tuesdays!
We hope to see you there....c'mon.....everyone's got a litte
come share yours!



  1. I have a lot of junk in my trunk. Haha. Hope you are feeling better.

  2. Can't wait to see what you do with this - I have that exact dining set and have been itching to paint the legs white but just can't bring myself to do it yet! I painted the chairs a seafoam color but they're ready for another coat as well. Maybe you'll inspire me to paint this thing already!

  3. Let me finish the thought for you that will now be whirling round my head all morning- But Monday morning, Monday morning is no guarantee...that Monday evening you will still be here with me... See, I DO remember the Mamas & Papas!
    Can't wait to see that set all lightened up. And, I am laughing thinking of you painting a set of those chairs. You SOOO deserve to do those- I did ONE of those ONCE. You will come to know those spindles on the back by name- trust me. Y'all have a good day now, you hear? xo Diana

  4. You'll be working on site?? Wow! You'll have to actually get dressed and everything!! Looks like fun to me! Enjoy!

  5. wow can't wait to see the afters & gonna write up my junk post now ill be back lol {in my best Arnold voice}

  6. It sounds fun. Happy painting. :)

  7. ...♪but Monday morning - Monday morning - couldn't guarantee (yeah yeah or something)that Monday evening you would still be here with me♫... BUT, we will be here with you, and I cannot wait to see the finished project, Suzan!♥

  8. Can't wait to see it done-looks like it's a big job.
    Thanks for the song ;-(
    Have a great week.

  9. I'm sure you will make these pieces into something fabulous!

  10. Suzan,
    I can't wait to see these pieces done. I bet they will be so pretty. Have a great week too.

  11. You'll be busy! That's great!

    I haven't heard of the Junk in the Trunk linkup? Where have I been?

  12. I liked their songs more when I wasn't get fat like Mamma Cass.


  13. ooo, can't wait to see the transformation...but girl, you are going to be seriously busy! Better get your "oldie" music all lined up ( thanks for the blast from the past!)
    As for my junk, ha! I try to keep it contained for the hubby's sake but it does tend to spread!

  14. Wow! This is going to be fun to cottageify this dining-room. And what were you saying in your mail that Brittany wasn't cold? We had a snow storm today and it took me more than an hour to come back home from work (for 10 kms)!

  15. cant wait to see how they turn out,will it take you long?-i am sure though that they will be stunning.-love dee x

  16. Those pieces are going to be fantastic lightened up! Don't forget to tell her that the carpet is too small. She'll thank you for it some day.

  17. This looks like a fun project. Can't wait to see the transformation.

    By the way, used your idea for a key graphic on a little wooden tray the other day and took it out to my booth - it's sold already!

  18. This made me laugh--and look in my purse. Bottle of water--that adds weight but I may have to take a pill somewhere without water. A kindle which has lightened my purse since I always carried 3 books--because what if I wasn't in the mood to read the one I put it. I want choices!

  19. Have fun working on site. I think that is easier. Enjoy!


  20. Can't wait to see what technique you use, and the final reveal! The furniture looks gorgeous, I know you will do a fantastic job!
    Debbie :)

  21. Let me draw to a close the consideration for you that will now be revolving about my head all morning- But Monday daybreak, Monday morning is no promise...that Monday evening you will silent be here with me... See, I DO retain information the Mamas & Papas!
    Can't kill time to see that set all sun-bleached up. And, I am smiling philosophy of you work of art a set of those chairs. You SOOO be worthy of to do those- I did ONE of those ONCE. You will come to know those spindles on the back by name- faith me. Y'all have a good day now, you hear?
    ” Internet Marketing”


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!