
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Give Away time again - and a day at Piorra Maison

Good morning everyone!!!

I had a very rough couple of days - couldn't sleep at all on Tuesday night - so spent the night painting and then went to Piorra Maison first thing in the morning - and was so exhausted when I got home, I can't tell you.
Came home to 86 emails that I haven't had time to reply to yet ( going to try my best after writing up this post ) and a pounding headache that seems immune to Tylenol!  My sleeping habits leave a lot to be desired and have been particularly bad in the last couple of years ( menopause ? ) but for the last couple of months
( after shaking off some stressful situations ) it seems to be under control - except for these " flare ups "
( that's what we'll call them ) where I just don't sleep at all.................... SO if you were kind enough to take the time and drop me a line - please note that I read them all - and am trying to play " catch up "!!!
I didn't have time to drop by anyone's blog either - wonder what I'm going to do the week after next, when I'm on site at a clients - sleeping pills here I come, I suppose!

Ok - ready to go shopping?
First of all when I walked in the door I was met with apologies that they are low on stock and have a huge shipment coming in any day now.
Any more items and I would have been on sensory overload.
It's filled to the brim as usual with such beauty, that once again I just jumped in with my camera ( she knows when I walk in there that the camera is going to come out and that there's going to be a lot of people joining me on these shopping days lol and it's really sweet of her to allow me " carte blanche ", don't you think? )
The first thing I gravitated towards was this gorgeous vanity that Caroline's niece Melanie did -
It's done in Paris Grey and White - probably my 2 favorite colors - and I'm in love with it - it's such a unique piece of furniture - and the mirror is just to die for!

here's my dresser - which has never sold - so I'll show it off one more time before she gets a complete makeover.............she's probably going to go all white - because that's what seems to sell

do you remember this paper weight from my Christmas give away?
Christmas Give-Away won by Heaven's Walk
Check out the new one!  Big Ben - Umbrella - Raincoat - that would be London lol - isn't it adorable?

Now to the back of the shop - this is where all the magic happens -
we worked together on a piece ( me learning a new technique ) which Caroline had already Mod Podged - isn't it fabulous?
a custom piece that a customer will be using for a wash stand in her powder room

there's something about a Studio - that just feels so " like home " to me - with multi color splashes of paint all over the place - what I wouldn't give to have a designated area like this................

and we went our for lunch......................walked all over the place looking for a salad ( because that's what Suzan wanted!!! stamp my foot ) and finally settled for a soup and panini )  do you really care what we had for lunch?  I didn't think so - but your getting a photo of it anyway - because a photo was taken and it's not going to waste LMHO

We walked around giving things names of ASCP - eg.... the sky looked very much like a mix of Louis Blue and Pure White lol
We browsed in shops................

And I finally bit the bullet and purchased some Transfer Gel - which Caroline carries -
and we called it a day.
A very full day.
A beautiful day.

Hope you enjoyed having a peak - if there was anything that caught your eye I'm sure Caroline would be happy to answer any questions ( if she can find the 5 minutes that that would require ) and although she doesn't have an on line store yet ( I keep telling her she should have one ) I know that she would be more than happy to ship out anything.

NOW -  time for another give away - as I'm writing up this post we're at 798 followers - too close to 800 not to say 800 so...................
Caroline and I are joining forces to present this

Transfer Gel by Artisan Enhancements

Transfer Gel by Artisan Enhancements® is a transparent gel medium that transfers a design/image printed from a laserjet printer onto a surface. 

Transfer Gel is a highly versatile product which works well with the entire Artisan Enhancements® line, as well as other decorative paint lines.

Recommended Use: Transfer Gel can be used over paint on furniture, cabinetry, mouldings, walls, ceilings, and any previously painted nonporous surfaces.

Value - 34.95
You don't have to follow me to win this ( but it would be nice )
and you don't have to follow my Pinterest site ( but that would be nice )
and you don't have to like Caroline's Piorra Maison Facebook page ( but that would be nice and my idea only - Caroline certainly is not requesting it )
you just have to leave a comment ( and that would be mandatory - because how else can you win lol )

Sayonara everyone - ( and then she called it a day )
Have a Louis Blue-with-a-bit-of-Pure White-in-the-mix kind of day,
and Good Luck !!!
Winner will be announced next Friday ( if I can remember lol - someone remind me if you don't see it up!!! )
Sweet Caroline - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for participating in this!

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  1. Oh...I would move to Montreal just to shop there! (Of course, I would have to live in a cardboard box.) What lovely stuff! I have read about the transfer stuff and I think I need to try it...especially with yard sale season upon us. I follow you here, and I think I follow you on pinterest, and I will go to fb. YOU need to get YOURSELF on facebook!

  2. Firstly I want to shop there, secondly now following all even though I not have to, thirdly now you're going to tell me it can't be shipped here. Supplies suck here and I'm so very jealous! Btw love the lunch shot, you should have a Facebook page to share that on!

  3. What a wonderful, but exhausting day! I want to shop with you in Montreal! I figure the odds are slim of winning 2 giveaways in a row from you...but hey...put my name in that hat because I'm feeling lucky! And yeah...get a facebook page!

  4. Well, I don't sign up for many giveaways but you can count me in for this one sister!
    It sounds like you had a great day -shopping-schlepping-eating. Hope you can get caught up on your sleep soon- I have the same thing- sleep very little- xoDiana

  5. I don't have a crafty bone in my body so I'm not entering, but I did want to say it's a great giveaway AND hurrah on the numbers!!!

  6. I'd like this! Maybe I'd get something painted once and for all, then be able to try it out!♥♫

  7. No sleep for me, either. What's the deal?
    Loved shopping and lunching with you.
    I haven't tried the gel, so sign me up!
    Hope you get some rest tonite-

  8. I haven't been sleeping well for a while now but it is mostly due to stress caused by family. What a great many wonderful goodies!!!!! Can't wait to see what you create with the gel too. Have a great weekend!

  9. I haven't been sleeping well either, must be something in the universe, the way the planets are lined up? I'd like to try that gel, so pick me!

  10. Suzan I can understand the sleeplessness right now. For me it's almost always thyroid related. Usually Hypo. Hyper and I want to sleep all the time. It never hurts to get it checked out. Headaches have plagued me since I was 7. Take an asprine with your Tylenol and chase it with a Coke (caffeinated and with sugar).
    Enough of the medical advice and on to why I'm posting.....PICK ME Sweatman!
    Hope some dreams find soon.

    1. Thanks so much Cindy - I'm going to try your remedy!
      I've been checked btw - I think it's just a menopausal thing to tell you the truth!
      Good luck !!! ( this is an amazing product )

  11. What a wonderful shop! I'd be in Heaven there. Thanks for the heads up on your giveaway! I'm a follower of your blog, just followed all your Pinterest boards, and 'liked' Caroline's FB page! So....hope I win this! That would be fabulous!!

  12. Well of course I will be and am a follower and I really want that transfer ware gel

    I am in the mood to play in my studio all weekend , however have family plans Saturday morning

    I think your dresser will be fab white and add a transfer to the top I have seen that on lots furniture lately

    Thank God I am over the menopause thing of not sleeping that was the worst thing , a girl needs he sleep

  13. Wow! That place looks dangerous. I'd be afraid to go in there with my wallet! So many pretties to love.

  14. Oh but this would be fun to win! And since I already follow you I followed Caroline too - and I followed you on pinterest since I for some reason hadn't done that yet. You know, cause it's the nice thing to do!! Have a great weekend my friend!

  15. Oooo...what a lovely shop! Heaven!! Of course that gel sounds marvelous! I need to find you on Pinterest anyway so THAT'S no chore!

    1. It's so beautiful in the Lorraine!!!
      You have a wonderful weekend - and the best of luck!
      Big hugs,

  16. Thank you for a tour of the shop - what a fun place! My friend told me about your funny posts with your hubby - I got a good laugh from the post of your husband's reactions to you painting your books! I'll follow you, and I'll go like Caroline's page, too!

    1. Thanks SO much Lulu!!!
      The best of luck to you - big hugs of appreciation

  17. Yes, it is nice of Caroline to allow so many photos, BUT it is the best possible advertising she can get. Here I am in Wisconsin and she might have my favorite store in the world AND I HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN THERE. I am so serious. I will second your suggestion for an online store. In your photos at Christmas was a clock faced keychain that I am still coveting. I've looked everywhere here for a similar one, even tried making my own (a 'fail'). Those paperweights! I viewed this whole post with my face about 4 inches from the screen so I didn't miss anything.

    I'm fascinated by the idea of that gel stuff. How cool.

    Are you not sleeping due to tension? If so, have you ever perused YouTube for videos with ASMR stuff? People doing weird ass things that trigger relaxation reflexes. They're awesome, if you're in need of some decompression.

  18. Me too, having a bad headache these days...but I can sleep....
    Hope you'll have a good night's sleep tonight and feel better!!

    Caroline's got such a beautiful store,I wish I could visit one day:)
    and...Oh My Gosh Susan!!
    I'd LOVE to have the transfer gel, I just read about it on the net and did a research if I can find it around here in BC with no luck...
    It looks like a wonderful product!!

    1. Caroline's store is dangerous Sayuri - LOL
      The best of luck to you my friend!
      Big hugs,

  19. me, me! :) ...loved the picture of your lunch...

  20. Hi Suzan. That looks like a wonderful shop. I wish there were some shops like that around me, there probably are but that would mean a trip into the 'big city' and I don't get to go there that often. Your give away looks like something I would like to try. I see much french on pieces but I really don't have french style (wish I had started years ago) but I'm thinking it could be used for any type of decorating. It would be fun to try..Hope your sleeping is getting better. That's no fun..Happy Friday..Judy

  21. Hi Suzan, I will take one of everything please!! Love this shop and what a great giveaway. Looks like you had a great day. I hope you are able to get some sleep. At least try and get some rest.


  22. Pick me! Pick me!!! I am in Montreal,,,just discovered your blog few weeks ago as I was only following US blogs. Buoy was I happy to find someone from Montreal. I even attended my very first "atelier" few weeks ago on ASCP..Loved it! SO when I looked at you pictures, I could remember the state of mind I was in that week-end! I was blessed to finally find someone who was carrying the ASCP paint! I am now so happy I discovered your blog as I can relate now!

    1. Hey Michele - welcome!!!!!!!!!!
      Did you do your workshop through Piorra Maison? Isn't Caroline the best?
      Bonne chance mon ( nouveau ) ami!

  23. This looks intriguing. Especially after spending an hour transferring an image with "graphite paper" (aka carbon paper for those of us old enough to remember typing mulitple copies of things) then hand drawing in the image onto a tray that probably won't sell anyways. Actually thinking of keeping that one.

    Count me in. And why I haven't been following you on Pinterest, I don't know. Am I following you on Facebook? I'll go check right now.

    Happy Weekend, my friend. I hope spring shows it's (until now ugly) head.

    1. Hey Heather - that's how I've been doing them for the most part - very time consuming!!!
      And yes I can remember typing multiple pages ( do you remember having to white out each copy when you made a mistake? LMHO )
      Facebook - I'm not on yet I'm embarassed to say - that's the next medium for me to hop on to!
      Good luck my friend!

  24. I'm a follower and would LOVE to win this! Thanks for the chance!!!

  25. Oh, I would love to see how that works... I've really been wondering how everybody did transfer on their dressers and trays! Don't laugh, I'm only a beginner there. I really wish you would show us a tutorial: I'm sure you're a fun teacher! I noticed the Annie Sloan cans are written in French... But the ones I buy in France are written in English!!! Oh, and don't include me in the giveaway - the posting fees would make you go bankrupt!

  26. What a gorgeous shop, the kind of place I'd be lost in for hours. I'd love to play with a jar of transfer gel, count me in! I'm already following your lovely blog, I followed Piorra Maison on FB, and your Pinterest page too. Love all your painted furniture!

  27. I don't know if the giveaway is open to the U.S., but it doesn't matter :-)I just wanted to say I love reading your blog; your conversations with John are hilarious and your furniture is so pretty. Anyway, thanks for the entertainment!

    1. Yes - all my giveaways are for North America - so you have a good chance my friend!!!
      And thanks so much for your kind words, - Best of luck to you!
      Big hugs,

  28. I have started a spreadsheet of things I want to do when I visit Montreal this year, and I HAVE to visit this shop! Wow, it's stunning!
    Debbie :)

  29. I have the privilege and the luxury to visit your shop. If it wasn't awkard, I'd stay till I get kicked out. It's truly inspiring and lovely. I dream of my own shop! It would be my pleasure to follow your blog...

  30. I saw your reflection in the mirror.


  31. Love to try this gel. Carole - from Toronto Shabby Chic

    1. Hey Carole from Toronto - well then the best of luck to you!!!!

  32. Thank you for this post. I was running low on inspiration and high on energy with no where to focus it. I saw one of the suppliers is called Bella Notte (pardon the spelling!) reminding me of a favorite part of one of my favorite movies. (Love, Actually) I love gel medium so definitely I am in for a giveaway. Do they allow overnight guests at the shop? I now absolve you of all your blogging sins. Have you tried cold witch hazel rubbed on your temples and back of the neck and lavender in the bed?

  33. Your pics are gorgeous!!!!! I posted the giveaway on my FB page to!! Good luck to all!!!

  34. Discovered your shop a few weeks ago. What a gorgeous shop! Been there a couple of times already. I've also ordered on your web site & received my items quickly.

    1. Hi Claudia - it's not MY shop - it's Caroline's ( I'm Suzan - simple vintageous by Suzan ) but we're friends and decided to do this giveaway together.............
      Her shop is spectacular, I agree!
      The best of luck to you!

  35. Great shop! Thanks for taking us along. I'd love to spend a day at Piorra Maison. The piece looks amazing. Wow! Congratulations on reaching 800. I just crossed over 700 on to 725 this week. I'm amazed!
    This is a terrific gift, but no need to count me in. I'm not one to get these kinds of projects done. You'll find me int he garden with dirty hands and knees. '-)

  36. Count me in, Suzan! I'm a subscriber of your blog, but not sure if I've seen your pinterest yet. I'm going to look now. thank you for offering this delicious giveaway!!


  37. Awesome giveaway Suzan! What an amazing shop! I've never tried a gel medium, so it would be fun to give it a go. Hope you get a good nights sleep soon!!

  38. I love your style! I have been dying to try the new transfer gel. Following you already, so I'll follow you on Pinterest!

    1. Thanks so much Beja - The best of luck to you!!!

  39. Damn. I meant to get back here earlier and comment yesterday. I would have been the first to comment yesterday and the first one NEVER gets picked. Now I will probably be the last one. And I really want to do the gel transfer thing. And I really am too cheap to buy it! (Just in case it tips the scales in my favor, I am going to the post office today to put something in the mail for you!)

  40. I just spent the entire day with you guys in my mind as I read about your wonderful day out. I also spent a couple hundred dollars as I 'shopped' the photos & for lunch I had GF broccoli & cheese soup. I needed that day out & about, thanks :) And what a wonderful giveaway! I am already imagining all the things that could be done with it. Of course I will be going over to like Caroline's FB page. After spending a couple hundred "figurative' dollars in her shop it's only the right thing to do. Hope your weekend treats you well & you get some rest.

  41. I love everything you showed at Carolines shop, the store looks amazing. and I do not know why you have to repaint that piece it is gorgeous. I would love to try this gel as well. Sounds like you had a great day, i think if I lived close by I would by everything in that shop. Going to go check out your Pinterest and Carolines facebook. hugs Tobey

  42. These pictures are amazing! I want one of everything. This transfer gel seems to get my creative juices flowing. I'm hoping you are going demo it for us. That would be especially great!

  43. Oh yes, I want to enter this great giveaway! pick me, pick me. :-)

    And I could get happily lost in that place for days. LOVE the photos, Suzan!

  44. Thanks for the eye candy and the great giveaway. Transferring images is one of my favorite things, so I know I would love this. Hope you get some sleep and get rid of that dang headache, two things that are not good company...bleech.

  45. Gosh I need to try this product, fingers crossed, please enter me in the draw. I started following you on Pinterest too. Patty/BC

  46. Hi Suzan,
    I already follow you and you are on my fav blog list. I have never even attempted the gel transfer but it looks cool to maybe take a stab at. Thanks for the entry.

  47. Suzan with a "z"' thanks for letting me know about this giveaway! Count me in!
    Susan (with an "s")

  48. Now Suzan, you know that gel is meant for me! I hate to creep you out any more than you are in the next post, but that first photo of a vanity is the same as the one in my bedroom.

  49. what an awesome shop and omg how many many beautiful things im going to go like on FB & follow your pinterst just to be nice ;) have a wonderful day

  50. I did all those that things that you suggested would be nice. :) So now I'll say that it would be VERY nice if I won this gel!

    Thank you for the awesome giveaway! I absolutely LOVE your blog!

    BTW, I loved your bench John built. I thought maybe I could get my hubby to build one for me, and I prefaced my request with, "See, honey, a man who never built anything in his life built this bench for his wife... wasn't that sweet? Think you could build me one? I would love you forever and ever!" I'm still waiting on that bench... :)

  51. Love this place. And love the beautiful paint job someone was doing on the dresser. I want to paint so bad!!! I have a few pieces that I'm going to paint I'm just a little nerves this is all new to me but I want to do it so bad :)

    1. Go for it Beth!!! Try painting your first piece on an old small item that you find by the curbside on garbage day - you won't be afraid then................
      GOOD luck for the contest!

  52. Love the fun photos!!! This giveaway looks so fun! I've never tried transfering anything before, but I REALLY really want to!!! :)

    Visiting via Wednesday's @ Adorned From Above!

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog
    Exercise Encouragement Group Blog

    1. Oh yeah! And I'm following you on Pinterst & GFC! :)

      Blue Eyed Beauty Blog
      Exercise Encouragement Group Blog

    2. Thanks SO much Helen - GOOD LUCK to you!
      It's such a great product!

  53. Hi love Piorra Maison, that is where I learned all the paint techniques from Caroline . Can't say enough about her workshops. They are brilliant and inspirational. And what can I say about your blog Suzan I am a total Simply Vintageous junkie. Would love win the gel . . . Can't seem to figure out how to do the transfers and I could use all the help I can get !!

    1. Hey Nancy - it's so nice to meet you!!!
      A fellow Quebecer!
      She's the best in the city, that's without a doubt - really knows her stuff!
      Best of luck to you!
      Big hugs,

  54. Oh wow!! All of these nice things!
    I like the dresser in white and pink! But it sure will look awesome all in white.

    Don't stress yourself out you workaholic! ;) You are all over the place and if there is not enough of time and/or energy to do something, just don't do it! I have to learn that too but it's a loooong way.
    We'll be back to read of you anyways, even if you are not replying to every single comment... ;))
    Much love, Dina

  55. That seems like a very dangerous (in a good way, of course) shop!! If I ever visit Quebec, it's definitely worth checking out! Great giveaway!

  56. Just found your blog and I have never heard of a transfer gel. I use Annie Sloan paint so would love to learn how you do this. Please enter me in for the give away. I will follow your blog to learn more!

  57. Just found your blog and I have never heard of a transfer gel. I use Annie Sloan paint so would love to learn how you do this. Please enter me in for the give away. I will follow your blog to learn more!

  58. i'd follow you anywhere -- to the bloody end of the earth, my friend!!!! pick me, pick me!!!! have a great weekend!!!

  59. Please count me in
    for a chance to win.
    My mind is swirling
    with ideas to use the
    transfer gel on. Now,
    I'm going to have a
    good look around your
    Thank you

    1. Oh the best of luck to you Cheryl!!!
      Big hugs,

  60. Je viens de découvrir votre blog en faisant une recherche sur cette peinture. Je suis admirative de vos projets. Félicitation!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!