
Thursday, March 14, 2013

I LOVE books - ( so does John )

Good morning everyone!
Well it's Thursday - which means it's almost Friday - which is the day before Saturday - which means Sunday is just around the corner - which means it's almost MONDAY - UGHHH.............

Ok - that's definitely looking at the glass half empty - but life is flying by - absolutely flying by and I seem to barely be hanging on by the seat of my pants.

A couple of nights ago - I came across Karen's ( from Shabby Sweet Cottage ) latest project - her books are just gorgeous!!!  I knew I absolutely had to jump on this bandwagon .................I have a lot of old books - Reader's Digest Condensed books to be precise - that have seen better days.
I can't get rid of them - I can't get rid of any books - if I have a problem with hoarding anything at all - it would be books................
I would so love to rip out a couple of pages to Mod Podge them onto drawer interiors - but I can't help thinking of it as almost sacreligious ..........can't help it - another one of my disorders quirks.

Anyway - I set up my workshop ( the dining room table with green garbage bags spread across it )
Turned on some music and happily got to work..............

I started off with these -

it was so peaceful and relaxing - John was watching hockey in the bedroom - Soda was laying at my feet -
Bob Seger was playing in the background - appropriately enough Turn The Page was on the CD I was playing LMHO...............and I'm singing along while creating my masterpieces.................

OMG - I just deleted all the photos of the process - you see?  I really have no business having a blog!
I mean who does that?  I.D.I.O.T.
Ok - have to run in the bedroom and take photos of the finished books now!
You don't need a tutorial for this - I just painted them and then stencilled designs on the cover...............

Annie Sloan Duck Egg Blue - stencilled with Pure White - and dry brushed a little with Pure White as well

Pure white cover - stencilled with Duck Egg Blue

Antoinette - dry brushed with Pure White- stencilled with Duck Egg
( my colors seem to be off - the lighting is terrible at 4 o'clock in the morning )

At this point John strolls into the dining room - ( in between periods of the hockey game )

John says - WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING???????
Suzan says - I told you I had some painting projects to do
Suzan says - Relax - they're MY books - and they're probably 50 years old - and they're in pretty rough shape - I had them hidden on the bottom shelf of the bookcases anyway
John says - Well they're not going to be worth anything now, are they?
Suzan says - If you were planning on retiring through the value of MY readers digest books..........then we're in worse shape than I thought
John says - You've painted the #&$^@*#^ bedroom floor - wasn't that enough for you?
John says - DO NOT PAINT ANY OF MY -
Suzan says - Ok already!!!!  I heard you !  I won't touch any of YOUR books -

John storms out of the dining room - and I'm giggling my head off

John yells from the bedroom - Soda - come - she's got her weapon in her hands again...........

Now I'm in hysterics - the poor dog doesn't know where to go - she keeps looking at me - and cocking her
ears as John keeps yelling at her to come in the room with him.............
And all I'm thinking is " Oh God - please let the Canadiens win tonight - because if they don't he'll be in a miserable mood - and I won't hear the end of my book makeovers............."

John yells out - Soda - get in here - she might paint you - you're the last thing in the house that hasn't been attacked with her brush...............
And he's MAD folks - let me tell you he's MAD..................
And I'm screaming with laughter -

John says - could you stop your cackling please - I'm watching t.v.

Because the spines are embossed a quick dry brush stroke highlighted the ridges

I'm in love................( I'm removing the silver on the white book - just something I wanted to try out - but the dry brushing looks so much better )

John says - the house is starting to look like it belongs to two children -

hmmm.............not sure if I agree with that - but I do know - for the most part - it most definitely SOUNDS like 2 children live here.................

Suzan says - I COULD paint yours in Graphite you know - that's quite masculin actually

Sorry - can't repeat what John said but I think I'm very quickly reaching his threshold here.

Have a wonderful day - I have some Paris Grey and Emile paints I'm dying to try out on a few more books

Much love, ( and laughter of course, always, laughter )

P.S. The Canadiens won - Thank God....................
P.S.S - it has come to my attention that Debbie from  Annie Sloan Unfolded first published this on January 24th and although I didn't find the idea there - I really feel it's only fair to mention her - especially if she's the one that got this whole idea started -  her books turned out stunning!

Thanks so much to Craftionary for featuring this project as most viewed!!!!

Sharing with!
Craftionary                         My Romantic Home            The Shabby Nest        Nifty Thrifty Things
Life on Lakeshore Drive     One More Time                   Lines Across              Homemaker on a Dime
Keeping it Simple               Under the table and dreaming
Coastal Charm                   Cedar Hill Ranch                 Beyond the Picket Fence
A Diamond in the Stuff       Ginger Snap Crafts              The Shabby Creek Cottage
Savvy Southern Style         The Charm of Home            French Country Cottage
Clean and Scentsible          Shabby Art Boutique           Rooted In Thyme         My Romantic Home
No Minimalist Here            Happy Go Lucky                Funky Junk Interiors
Overflowing with Creativity
Classy Clutter


  1. Thank you Suzan you always brighten my day!
    Those books look amazing can't see why John is making so much fuss lol!
    hugs Alyson x

    1. Thanks so much Alyson - he makes a fuss EVERY SINGLE TIME I TAKE OUT MY PAINTBRUSH

  2. They look amazing. Love the soft colour combos you used.
    Caroline xxx

  3. Well, I had to check in and see what you (and IT) were up to before I head out to meet The Mins and The Boys for some thrifting. I LOVE THIS idea. Those books look GREAT! I have more books than anything else in the house and I have read every one of them. I just can't seem to part with them NOR can I bear to cut them up for crafting. I even bought some "bad books" to cut up for projects and I can't seem to bring myself to use those either!-It's a sickness I tell ya.
    Did you wax the books to "set" the paint?
    Have a great day-hope you got SOME sleep last night- xo Diana

  4. Men! They just don't understand our crafts, do they? I've seen books painted before and thought what a great idea! I think yours turned out great. Now, you can set them out instead of hiding them away! The inside is still intact, so they are still readable too. (Just remind your hubby of that.)

  5. LOL, I've never thought of it until just now, but if I took a paint and brush to any of my husband's handpicked beloved wood furniture around this place, he would not make it. 911 wouldn't be able to get her fast enough. If I tried to do his books....buwahhahahaha, oh my.

    I have a lot of RD books too, I can't get rid of a one. And I don't even read them! Not that I'm adverse to reading them, but I haven't for the last twenty years, so I probably won't be any time soon. ;)

    Your books came out nice!!

    1. get 'here' fast enough...not get 'her' ROFL! Laughing because my son calls hubby her (and his sister 'him') on accident sometimes and it makes me laugh.

  6. I'm glad the Canadians won too, or you might be moving, alone, to that house in the country sooner than you wanted!

    I have a friend who goes to library sales to get books to cut pictures out of for crafts. She suggested I do the same. So I went to the library sale and I come away with an armload of books that look interesting to read - to add to our already thousands of books in this house!

    It's forgivable to paint a Reader's Digest condensed book, but don't get started on those leather-bound antique editions of the classics, Suzan... lol

  7. The books look beautiful, such a great idea!! Vicki

    1. Thanks so much Victoria - I'm in love with them................
      Have a bunch of books and paints in mind LOL

  8. Well I think this is a genius idea! They look beautiful! You know my wheels are turning now.. LOL!

  9. Just lovely Suzan...I have never painted a book in my life!

  10. The books came out beautiful and will look good displayed.

  11. I had never seen that done before, yours turned out beautiful, especially the spines, how cool! Go LEAFS Go!

  12. Some people see dead people, I see bookmarks.


  13. poor John lol I love the idea of painting the books, I have painted everything else in the house, and the books you did look amazing. From talking to friends that have fallen in love with the paint craze, I can tell you that conversation is happening in many households lol . poor boys maybe they can start a therapy group. I always point out that show on TV of people with strange addictions, and say to hubby, its not like I eat laundry soap lol. My painting craze is part of the reason why hubby keeps his harley very far from the garage. I am so glad I am not alone, just read your post to hubby and his thoughts are, we are all nuts. So thanks for not letting me go insane alone my friend. I told hubby about the therapy group he said next time he is finding a normal wife. I hope he ends up with the girl who eats laundry soap lol. love ya Suz hugs Tobey

  14. I think they are beautiful..and I so look forward to your should write a book yourself! Love it! - My hubby can feel his pain..ha!

  15. Why did John left his TV in the first place? But I do have to agree with him: don't paint the dog, even a little dry-brushing, that could be a case of divorce.

  16. My sisters say that I'll paint anything that walks in front of me. Sounds like the same at your place.

    It must be fun living in your house!!!

    1. lol - I find it fun - John? Not so much LMHO

  17. You are too funny. My Bob was asking what I was laughing about. I didn't dare tell him, lest I get HIM started.
    Love the idea and you books look great.
    I have years of magazines, Southern Living, Traditional Homes, Colonial Homes, etc. dating back to the 90s. Do you have any idea what to do with them? They are so beautiful I don't want to take them to the recyclers. The older one are much higher quality than the new ones.
    I know you are enjoying your beautiful new books.
    XO Ginger

  18. The spines did it for me. Maybe if you had shown him those first he would have been mesmerized too. Then again...


  19. Oh yeah!! I'm definitely going to do this! These are wonderful!! Oh, I'm following you too!

  20. Your old books look delightful now! OH JOHN, really get a LIFE!!!! HEEHEE!

  21. Love the look of the painted books. I hope you put these with the white mirror!

  22. You sure have me laughing at your story:-) Do men really get it? Your books look fabulous!!

  23. haha, too funny! Men just don't get it. You did a fantastic job!
    Jamie ~

  24. They turned out gorgeous! Thanks for the link back. I hadn't seen the other blog, but I'm gonna go take a look. I guess it's true what they say about great minds LOL.

  25. I've never seen this, and I like it! You chose nice colors, too.

    So, my favorite part is when John tells Soda she's going to get painted and to watch out. Never a dull moment with you two. You really need a reality show.


  26. Your books are absolutely gorgeous Suzan!! I would never have thought to paint a book. But why not?!!

  27. So, so pretty, Suzan!! I just love how they turned out! Thanks for sharing with us this week!

    Take care,


  28. Such a great story and I like them better paintd. Great idea. I found you through Under the Table. :)

  29. You are so brave! I don't think I would dare to do that but they look absolutely amazing! They truly do look better painted. I connected from Under The Table and Dreaming :)

    1. Thanks so much Krista - they were really in rough shape - wouldn't have attempted this on books in good condition lol

  30. so the question is: will you ever paint the dog? :) ...btw, love the painted books!

  31. What a great idea! They look awesome. Would you consider linking this up at my Pinworthy Projects Party? I hope to see you there!

  32. LOL, Suzan, I just did this myself this week after seeing Karen's post! Yours came out really pretty. I like that even though we are copying Karen, our books have taken on a look of their own, which is good. I don't know whether to laugh along with you or commiserate with your hubby. : )

  33. SOOO pretty! I love your style! Thanks for linking this up to Monday Funday!

  34. This will be the next big're a pioneer!
    PS I love how my mouse is a martini when it's on your page!

  35. I have covered books with fabric but never painted them. They turned out great!!!


  36. This is a great idea! The books look so much better. They can be used as decorative accents on bookshelves..

  37. Clever idea. These turned out great! It's a nice use of books that aren't in the best shape anymore but are hard to part with. I'm sharing this special idea on my Once Upon a Firefly FB page.

  38. LMAO
    Oh Suzan...did poor Soda escape your weapon??? LOL
    Love your books, so worth the argument...had he hidden his books yet?
    Debbie :()

    1. I don't get why he was so upset - really I don't lol
      Soda is in tact you'll be happy to know!

  39. I absolutely love this idea! Thanks so much for the inspiration! :)

  40. Hahhaa... that looks like the story of my house. My husband is always on the edge, afraid what I might do next ;)
    The books look gorgeous! Cheers :)

  41. I have skimmed through the previous comments madly trying to plot how to paint the Great Books of Western Literature that I inherited that have not been fully explored. Could they not make a wonderful collection in new paint?

  42. so pretty! These would look beautiful on a shelf! Hope you can come join the link party with this next week!

  43. Oh, boy! Your husband was ticked! That had me laughing! I can just picture you enjoying painting and then he walks in and is shocked at what you are painting. Thanks for painting us a picture of this. It had me laughing.

    I too have a hard time with all the book projects that involve changing or destroying them. I always think they are lovely, but not sure if I could do it with my own books. Your painted books are pretty.

    1. I'd say he was a little more than ticked lmho..........
      The books look so much better - and everything on the inside is intact - so win win lol
      Thanks so much for coming by,

  44. I could just not stop laughing at what your husband said. I made my husband read it. I said, "who does this sound like?" I will say to me, don't even think about pulling that out of the garbage and of course I will. They are so funny. I usually am laughing while is is ranting too.
    Oh by the way, love the books. (He said, don't even think about it!)
    Have a great week,

  45. Hey Suzan!!! Saw you featured in today's post on Roadkill Rescue!! Congratulations! :)

  46. don't know if this will make it to you--very late post, but if you pick up the book to read, does the paint stay on? BTW my husband has the SAME response. I want to paint our kitchen cabinets--he has an absolute FIT. He does ignore/tolerate my other decorating projects so I give in on this, but I think they would look soooo much better painted! The painted books would be so decorative and add to a beautiful bookcase or table.

    1. Yes Debbie - the paint stays on!!!!!!!!!! It's amazing -
      I painted my kitchen cupboards ( they were that honey colored wood and I just couldn't live with them ) lol


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!