
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Oh Yeah...... I redo furniture, don't I ???

Good morning everyone !!!

I woke up this morning and thought - ok what'll I write about today ?
And then it dawned on me.............
This blog is supposed to be about furniture makeovers, isn't it LMHO !!!

All of last week took up givesaway and I WANNA live there Wednesday - and because I have the memory of a gold fish  ....................

Here we go...............this is the best before I can find of this.

I decided to paint it with Annie Sloan Pure White-  but because this little dresser doesn't have any details at all - it looked very I decided to add a little pizazz by using a graphic from the
The Graphics Fairy

Here's what I chose ( been loving this particular one for a lonnnng time and was so happy to find the perfect piece to use it on !!! )

I printed it out

cut it down to size

and applied it to the drawer fronts with Artisan Transfer Gel - I brushed the printed side with the gel -
turned it over - placed it where I wanted to go - brushed the gel on the top side and let it dry dry dry
( the MOST important part of the procedure really ) DO not attempt to do this before 4 hours )
you can quicken it up by blowdrying it - but personally I find it best to just let it dry on it's own.


I didn't take any photos of the next step - you can check out my tutuorial HERE if you'd like to see that part
( warning - it's not pretty )

The graphic was a little light for this particular dresser - I wanted the black to really pop - so I went over the entire scroll work with my black sharpie - I may have overdone it - not sure - but this one is being used
as MY end table so it's ok if it's not perfect lol

I'm putting this one in just to make you think your eyes are going on you !!!

Meet the Guinea Pig !!!  This little dresser has been changed out so many times that it's become my testing
dresser for any new thing I want to try out.................

You were expecting knobs too?

I'm really not sure what I'm doing for knobs - so for now this is all ya get LOL

Update - handles are on !!!
Not sure if those are the ones that will stay - but they're the ones I have for now :)

Have a wonderful Sunday all!
Did anyone notice my new water mark?
Does anyone think I should do a tutorial on it - or is that so 2012???
Much love,

Partying with the following Ladies !!!
I should be mopping the floor                        Uncommon Designs                      Homemaker on a dime
Coastal Charm                                             Homework                                   Not Just a Housewife           No Minimalist Here                                      Stone Gable                                 Shabby Creek Cottage     
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia                 The Charm of Home                     French Country Cottage
Chase the Star                                             My Turn for Us                             My Romantic Home
The Shabby Nest                                        Finding Fabulous                            Miss Mustard Seed
Mellywood's Mansion                                 It's Overflowing                             Confessions of a plate addict
Under the Table & dreaming                Common Ground                          Craftionary
Savvy Southern Style                                  Shabby Art Boutique
Glitter, Glue and Paint


  1. I've got a knob that lives here that I can send you!
    Cute little piece, Suzan! xo Diana

  2. I did a double take to see if you had invisible (clear) knobs and then I finished reading. :) It looks great re-made and it's not a plain jane anymore!

    Nice work, Suzan!

  3. I wondered about the knobs too.

    B E A U T I F U L - by switching bedrooms, I have 3 pieces of furniture that need painting. Maybe I will try a graphic this time.

  4. Love how you changed a ho-hum chest of drawers into a WOW piece!!!
    Mary Alice

  5. She's pretty...I wonder what you'll dress her in next week??? xoxo

  6. Susan you forgot to finish one curve on the top drawer, still it is gorgeous!!!!

    1. I was waiting for someone to notice that Nina LMHO - I only noticed it after I posted the photos!!!

  7. to read the tutorial! I love the graphics fairy. I do my Market posters for facebook with her graphics!

    I love your table too...I have a guinea pig piece too. Can't even remember how many times it's been painted, poor thing!

  8. Oh my! What a beautiful ooh-la-la you did Suzan!!Love it!

  9. Suzan! I love this! So fun! Now I don't know whether to use that graphic on my armoire or to just copy you flat out on my little 3 door dresser! Hmmm..I'll think about it! Love your watermark and I always say do a tutorial because there are new people starting up blogs all the time and you might save them a search!
    I'm surprised that in all of the furniture tips I've gotten NO ONE told me I should have a guinea pig piece! Thank you! I know just the one too.

  10. That is a sweet little side table Suzan. I love the graphics you used. I'd never attempt something like this. I'm such a fraidy cat. LOL I've never even printed off anything like that. Haven't a clue how. Doesn't matter cause I'm not into furniture refinishing anyhow. I like your new watermark. You are a talented lady! A happy week to you. Pam

  11. Oh Suzan, I love it. You really did a great job on the chest. thanks for sharing.
    Have a great week.

  12. I suddenly think the two top things on my shopping list should be "transfer gel" and "sharpie pen", much more important than flour and butter!

  13. Suzan, I think this dresser is adorable. I love the graphics they definitely make it pop. Have a great day.
    - Cathy

  14. Wow what a transformation! ARe you going to show it again when you put the knobs on? Cause now I'm really curious about what you're going to use...

  15. I have a guinea pig in the shape of a small table. She cringes in the corner of the attic begging not to be painted any more. Love the curly graphic. Are you actually going to put the knobs on it or leave it half-naked?

  16. Love it Suzan...:) And I love the things you have displayed on top of it too! I think glass handles would be lovely on it! Can't wait to see what you choose...:) Have a blessed Sunday evening.

    Hugs, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

    1. Hey Vicky - you all of a sudden are a no reply blogger!!!
      I agree glass handles would be gorgeous but I'm too cheap to buy them lmho

  17. So cute! I've been painting furniture furiously lately getting ready for an event - and I keep thinking about you and your transfers. I've been doing some stencils but after awhile I need something besides laurel wreaths on stuff! LOL! I need to get some of the gel and try this because I love all the great stuff over at The Graphics Fairy too!

  18. Whoa.....LOVE that beautiful graphic you added! It gave it beautiful charm!

  19. Wow Suzan, that is so pretty! I love black and white furniture. I really like your blue wall color too! Hope you're having a good weekend!

  20. Great makeover and thanks for the inspiration!

  21. Love it! I jsut picked up a similar dresser. Now i know what I'm doing with it.

    Struggling with doing watermarks myself - a tutorial might not be a bad idea.

    1. Thanks Heather!!!
      Tutorial to come in the not too distant future then :)

  22. I love that transfer gel stuff! Never tried it but I want to! The dresser looks great!

  23. Genius! This looks perfect with your whole vignette!!

  24. Fabulous! I have some of this transfer gel and really like it. A bit messy, but well worth the effort. Love the graphic you chose.

  25. I love this Suzan. How pretty and frenchy you made that little dresser. Great transformation.

  26. Neat graphic - reminds me of wrought iron. And I see little hearts in the scroll-y parts!

    1. Thanks so much Betsy!!!
      It DOES look like wrought iron - Montreal is loaded with that ( Irish influence ) so it's right at home here lol

  27. I love your style girl! Simply gorgeous! Definitely do a tutorial on your watermark. I still use Picasa's water mark and I would love a new one!

  28. That graphic is really fabulous on the drawers. It looks gorgeous!!!

  29. What an incredible transformation. I am always surprised by the changes you make because I just can't envision a piece that looks so drab to me looking so much nicer.

  30. Can you just imagine the conversations we would have if we worked side by side on furniture pieces, Suzan??? lol Oh my gosh. It would probably make the headlines in your local paper. :) Anyway, I so love visiting you to see what trouble you're getting in to --- and of course, what John has to say about it. lol Hugs to you, my talented friend! Have a fabulously creative week!!!

    xoxo laurie

  31. Love the black design on the white dresser.. looks awesome :)

  32. Love the graphic that you used...the piece turned out great!!

  33. What a difference, Suzan! Love the fresh new look and contrast of the pulls!

  34. wow you are keeping something.I think it looks great.Can you transfer the design using modge podge-love dee x

  35. Oh that's gorgeous I want some of that transfer gel!

  36. You would never tell that that is the same piece after it's transformation. It is so much more versatile and ... happy ... afterwards.
    I wish I had your ambition.

  37. Thank you for crossing my eyes...that's just what I needed this morning.

    The piece looks tres magnifique!

    Oh. We're not doing french words anymore are we. l'oops.


  38. wow, this came out so beautiful! I love the graphic you chose Suzan.
    And just so you know, I read whatever you post. Furniture re-dos or not. :)

  39. Suzan this piece turned out great and I really like the scrolls. My two cents, glad knobs would be great on this piece. I know none of my business but I had to give my opinion, girlfriend!!

  40. Hi Suzan,
    I just love your makeover. The Eiffel tower on top sets it off beautifully too! I wish that I had your talent! Have a wonderful week! Take care,

    1. Thanks so much Karen - but anyone can do it - honestly - anyone can!!!
      You're too kind!
      You have a wonderful week too!

  41. love these Suzan. I'm a black and white fiend. Did you notice that you left off the bottom of the bottom left circle? Do I get a prize if I'm the first person to notice?

  42. This is so pretty! I love anything done in black and white. I didn't know that gel stuff existed, so yay for new information!

  43. You are very talented, Suzan! Very pretty, in black and white. And who knew what you could do with a sharpie!

  44. Beautiful scrollwork Suzan! I agree that glass handles would be perfect... There's a nice acrylic alternative at home depot...

  45. I've never used transfer gel, just done it with Modpodge. What's the difference? That's not a plain Jane dresser any more!

  46. That little chest really got dressed up with this makeover! Love it.

  47. Totally gorgeous. I am not a furniture painter (well, not a good one!), I'm learning so much from your posts. It would never have dawned on me to add a transfer. Love it!

  48. What a difference your work made! It is just wonderful!
    ♥ Jil

  49. Absolutely gorgeous as usual! Love love love it! :) XO

  50. It looks wonderful beside your bed, staged just perfectly! I noticed your watermark right off...still collecting hearts I see :)
    I have some Artisan Transfer Gel, I really need to get to Staples and print off the graphics I love so I have them ready when it's time.
    Debbie :)

  51. This turned out really well! Thanks for sharing the process. Fascinating!

  52. What a great idea you had! Aren't Sharpies awesome? And the Graphics Fairy? That's funny, my post today uses both of them, for pumpkins. Take care - Dawn @ We Call It Junkin

  53. Great idea! I use Graphics Fairy all the time but I've never come across that scroll. Love it! Thanks for sharing! Stop by my Friday's Five Features and link up this post (and others)!

  54. I love how this turned out ... Love those handles too:) They are perfect.

  55. Another fun transformation Susan... well done. Don't the handles just finish her off!

  56. Love it! Keep the handles....although I could see others working as well. But they look pretty gorgeous 'as is'. This is my kind of redo: no distressing :-) Just a perfect paint job with pretty embellishments. Great!

  57. Is it appropriate to say I love you handles? Thanks for linking up at Throwback Thursday.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!