
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Paris Themed Giveaway Day # 4

Happy Friday All !!!

If you missed DAY 1 - you can click HERE - winner will be announced Monday morning
If you missed DAY 2 - you can click HERE - winner will be announced Tuesday morning,
If you missed DAY 3 - you can click HERE - winner will be announced Thursday morning.

And now on to today's sponsor.
Meet Julie from FOLLOW YOUR HEART WOODWORKING - and say hello to her sexy legs
( because that's the only photo I can find of her LMHO ) but they are sexy!!!

I wish I had a photo of her hands because they create some pretty incredible woodworking projects..........
Like this

and these trays - which she makes from scratch so they can be customized!!!

GORGEOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm getting carried away here - her woodworking skills are just incredible............really!!!
AND she does custom pieces - including BARN DOORS !!!

Julie ran to her workshop to create this for the Paris Themed Give away

John says - WHY are you banging nails into the wall if we're showing the house next week
Suzan says - because I have to hang this up
John says - Can't it wait till we move?
Suzan says - most definitely NOT
John says - what's with the trees growing out of it?
Suzan says - they're baby's breath - mind your beeswax please
John says - looks like trees - not the right look for it at all..................
Suzan says - listen - Nate Berkus you're not
John says - Who the hell is Nate Berkus????

My interior decorator - laying on the bed watching t.v. -  anyone want to borrow him for a month or two???
A half an hour later I went in the bedroom and the baby's breath had vanished

It's the most darling sign..............perfectly shabby - and PARISIEN !!!!
Wish I had a black and white bathroom for this ( not that it belongs in a bathroom Julie - but I have a vision here of a black and white elegant Parisien Salle De Bain  lol )

Back to the rules part everyone!!!

#2  You have to go visit and leave her a comment
#3  You most definitely need to leave me a comment LOL

I'm not making it a rule that you have to follow me ( nice if you did but definitely not a rule - except for those of you that already do - YOU are not allowed to leave - ever!!!
But I've been having so much fun with the number # 4 from the previous 2 giveaways that I'm leaving it in - so.............

#4 - You have to say at least one French word on your comment - tee hee - can't tell you how much I've enjoyed reading them!!!
Winner will be chosen next Friday ;)
Open to U.S. and Canada

And another silhouette for my Paris Skyline Silhouette - Sacre Coeur - it looks likes it's floating in the sky - but that's because it's on top of Montmartre!!!
All of the black will need another coat - but I'm more concerned with getting the skyline done first!!!

That wraps up this week's giveaways - but stay tuned - Monday we're back - up and running with another FABULOUS Paris themed giveaway - and it doesn't disappoint - you're all going to want to see it!!!

And lastly - I had a huge panic moment yesterday with my inbox - I went to delete a comment that I had just replied to and every comment disappeared - gone - not even in my deleted file ( of which there were 6000 comments ) - don't know what I did but I'm sure there are a lot of people I didn't reply to - so I'm sending out a big BONNE CHANCE to everyone that signed up!!!.

Have a wonderful weekend all - I had a blast doing this!!!
Much love,
Bisous a vous


  1. Love the sign! C'est tres jolie! I'm having so much fun checking out your themed giveaways! Love them all!


  2. I have just been looking at Julie's blog. She is so clever!

  3. And just when I was so pleased with the fact that I owned a laser miter saw I checked out Julie's blog and I KNOW she has better tools than me! Je suis jaloux!

  4. These giveaways are sooo fun. Thank you. Jo @ Let's Face the Music

  5. Love that sign!!! I just popped over to follow her blog. She's amazing!!

  6. Julie's work is simply amazing! I love all the attention to detail she puts to everything she creates, I'm glad she is part of this Paris themed giveaway. J'adore ce signe!

  7. I bet your blood pressure went up when that happened, oh my! This a very talented lady, wow, I just love them all, the bunny is so cute, amazing talent,

  8. Bonjour mon amie. Comment ca va? Je suis tres bien. Just stopping by to say hello. Have a great day! Hugs. Pamela

  9. Bonne journee aujourdhui! Loving the sign :)! Talented lady!

  10. Thank you all for the kind comments and to Suzan for inviting me to participate. How could I refuse her, she is so funny and friendly and has such a pretty blog!

  11. Je dois absolument voir ses talents de menuisier.

  12. Wood stuff is my fav. As in John, or Susan WOOD! Ah ha ha ha, no really I love things made out of wood, so here is my French word of the day....Vous sentez comme le boeuf et le fromage.

  13. Good Morning Suzan,
    This is really fun to see all the neat Paris theme gifts. This sign is so pretty and I too agree it needs to go to a home with someone with the black and white theme. How beautiful would that be. I am going over to follow this talented lady because I love the bunny, the bike tray, the cheese tray ohh my I love it all. Ha Ha John thinking baby's breath is tree's. He is such a MAN sometimes!!!!!

  14. I already follow Julie, she`s fabulous! This would fit so beautifully in my decor you should just give it to me now and forget the draw. yes you should. you know you want to... :)

    Merci ma chère! Bon weekend! See, I can be français français too! lol

  15. Oh wow! Julie's is a new blog to me, but I'm loving her stuff!! vous avez un cœur d'or!

  16. Oh Suzan, j'adore ce style de peinture! Merci d'avance! ;)

  17. I didn't leave a french word in my earlier post. J'ai oublié! I was just checking out some of Julie's other work, and she really has some great stuff.

  18. Another great one! For some reason I have the Little Mermaid swimming in my head today, so your Frenchie for the day is,

    "Les poissons, les poissons
    Hee hee hee, haw haw haw
    With a cleaver I hack them in two
    I pull out what's inside
    And I serve it up fried
    God, I love little fishes, don't you?"

    Happy Friday!

    1. Andi, you are always making me crack up. Now I'll be singing it all day!

  19. Zut alors! It's stuck in my head now so I'll add to Andi's song-

    Now I stuff you with bread
    It don't hurt 'cause you're dead
    And you're certainly lucky, you are
    'Cause it's gonna be hot
    In my big silver pot
    Toodle loo mon poisson, au revoir!

    1. Sacre bleu
      What is this?
      How on earth could I miss
      Such a sweet little succulent crab?
      Quel dommage
      What a loss
      Here we go in the sauce
      Now some flour, I think
      Just a dab
      Now I stuff you with bread
      It don't hurt 'cause you're dead

  20. I am now following Julie, too at Follow Your Heart Woodworking. I am amazed at what she can do. Lovely work.

  21. Im out of French words by now. I am following Julie. Love all her creations. Merci!

    1. Merci will do just fine Dori!!!!
      et merci a vous aussi!!!
      Good luck - and have a great wknd

  22. You are killing me with these giveaways!!! I am following Julie, she is one talented lady!! Thanks for all these great chances!! Merci bien!!! So original, but that is all I have. I could've looked one up but to be honest way to lazy today, LOL!!!!


  23. Suzan, you know the most incredible people on the blog. This woodworking is fantastic. What a talented woman she is. I laughed out loud at the mention of Nate Berkus!

  24. Oh, too bad about deleting all your messages....I signed up for the other giveaways and came up with TWO new French words and YOU MISSED THEM! Darned if I remember what they are now! Going right now to visit Julie and leave her a comment. My French word again has to be Pepe Le Pew, considering the other ones were deleted!

  25. Oh no on the messages!! Yikes. How do you ever find time to reply to all these comments???????? I can barely keep up and I have less than 250 followers!! ;) Well, I'm headed over to follow and comment on her blog. I know right where I'd hang the sign. :) My word is: Le collier


  26. I'm now following Julie on Bloglovin'. She really has done some great work. Et je suis tellement content que je vous ai trouvé, mon ami!

    1. Isn't she something else Betsy???
      Bonne Chance et Merci mon ami!!!

  27. Hello,
    I have enjoyed this so much. I am following and enjoy her work! Beautiful.
    I also want to mention if you do this again, please count me in. I have a shop on Etsy...maybe a Winter Theme...LOL...I know how you like winter. :-)

    ce sori en pique-nique


    1. I'm putting your name down as a future contributor Carla - thanks SO much - and thanks so much for entering!!!
      AND you're a brat - not winter themed, 'K ?

  28. Fantaisie things! :)

    She is quite talented ~ LOVE those wooden trays.


  29. P.S. I'm doing all the things you asked! And....I do agree with John on this ~ :)


  30. OMG! You lost all your comments!?!?!!! I can't imagine- well, yes I CAN imagine but I don't want to! You mean you LOST my email with that wonderful FASHION BLOG that I showed you! Hope you are having a great Wednesday, my sweet friend. xo Diana

  31. Oh, une œuvre d'art en effet!
    I did all four things again today! How sweet of you! Sweet hugs!

  32. Bonjour Petite....Ok, that sucks. I'm a southern florida redneck, and French coming out my mouth is usually french fry's...sorry!

    Everytime I visit your blog I laugh, smile and totally relate.....You tell your pain mind your beeswax. I tell mine, "don't you have some searing out in the garage to do?" shoo fly!

    Men can be so needy can't they? lol

    1. That's more the type that come out of my mouth too Christine LMHO - and I live in a French speaking province!!!
      I tell mine more than to mind his own beeswax lmho
      Thanks so much for the visit and following Julie - Bonne Chance!!!

  33. Oh My Goodness, My computer must be acting up...seems like all my follows did not go through but they are now so NOW I am following all (I thought I was).
    Anyways, love all of it and I love your picture!

  34. Bonjour. How could I ever leave you. Where else would I get my daily dose of John says...Suzan says.
    P.S. John was actually right on this one, but don't tell him so. We wouldn't want him to get the big head. :)

  35. Hellooooo.... I have a black and white bathroom! This is very pretty. I followed Julie. She has some great ideas over there.
    Dieu merci, c'est vendredi!!! It's been a long week over here.
    Have a wonderful weekend friend.

  36. Beau Monde! (sorry, I couldn't find the words 'beautiful work' in French. This is as close as I could get. Anyway, her woodworking is amazing! off to visit her blog and follow. Have a great weekend, Suzan, mon voisin. (and absolutely no idea how to pronounce it.) Hey, I just found Google translate:

    beaux projets de menuiserie! :-D (I hope Google isn't lying to me. I'd be so embarrassed.)

  37. #1 Done - #2 Done - #3 Done LOL - #4 •À la prochaine fois... Patricia Ann

    1. 1 - merci
      2 - merci
      3 - merci
      4 - Bonne Chance LOL
      Bon fins semaine!

  38. Bonjour Mademoiselle!!

    Amazing talent...
    J'espère que vous avez une très belle journée.
    Gros calins mon ami!

  39. Love the sign and I am following her on Bloglovin' and so glad to find her. Merci. These giveaways are awesome. Dire bonjour John.

  40. Oui, I'd love to be a part of all the Frenchy fun!
    I'm following you and Julie as well. Merci for the great giveaways!

  41. Julie is tres chic. *snort* She is making me a custom sign of my logo (The Serendipity House) for my furniture painting biz! She is all kinds of awesome.

    I'm not all kinds of awesome because I'm so damn busy I missed all your giveaways. How do you say *shite* in french?

  42. I love love love her shutter shelves! Now I know what I will do with some of mine. I have been hoarding them forever! Thank you for featuring her work!

  43. What a cute sign! Suzan, you are pushing the limits on my knowledge of French, so all I can say is "ooh la la!" All of Julie's woodworking is beautiful!

  44. Bonne Chance Amy - it would appear that those are the only words I know in French LMHO
    Bonne Journee mon ami!

  45. Oo la la! What a cute little sign! I visited and followed ( her work is fabulous! I like that we get introduced to new people through this!) and now I'm talking to you! :D I really, really hope I win. Love all things French ( I have French blood in my veins after all! )

  46. I followed "follow Your Heart Woodworking" She is very talented.

  47. I did comment on Julie's blog. She is a very talented lady. I love her work.

  48. Hi Suzan, I love the tête à tête that you and John had over the "trees". xoGinger


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!