
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Paris Themed Give Away day # 3

Good morning everyone!!!

If you missed day one - you can still enter HERE - it's open till Sunday evening
If you missed day two - you can still enter HERE - it's open till Monday evening

But on to today's giveaway.- which is sponsored by another sweet friend of mine
This lady's life parallels my own in a very frightening way lol - not only do we spell
our names the same ( not Suzanne but Suzan with a Z ) but our lives have very eerily
followed the same paths - from childhood on.................
AND she once dated a JOHN SWEATMAN - now that is truly bizarre - and if you don't know
why you can hop over here to read why HERE

Ok - meet my blogging Doppleganger!!!

Suzan's a quilter - a baker - a candle stick maker - ok not sure about the candle stick maker but she does beautiful quilting like this fabulous Christmas table runner

and it's reversable - which I LOVE - because there's always spills on my Christmas dinner table lol
Isn't it gorgeous?

and beautiful pillow covers

She also does the most amazing " transfer " work - I absolutely LOVE this one!!!

and cloth coasters - which are soooo pretty and perfect for a give away I thought, except..................

they didn't match the theme of my All Things Paris Give away - so - because I have more nerve than a toothache and Suzan has more patience then Job - she graciously agreed to make some Parisien ones!!!
And wow - did she deliver - check out these beauties!

Is that a beautiful graphic or what?

A set of 4 are being sent to a lucky reader !!!

And once again we come to the rules part

#1  You have to follow  HAZELNUT DEUX
#2  You have to go visit and leave her a comment
#3  You most definitely need to leave me a comment LOL

I'm not making it a rule that you have to follow me ( nice if you did but definitely not a rule - except for those of you that already do - YOU are not allowed to leave - ever!!!
But I've been having so much fun with the number # 4 from the previous 2 giveaways that I'm leaving it in - so.............

#4 - You have to say at least one French word on your comment - tee hee - can't tell you how much I've enjoyed reading them!!!
Winner will be chosen next Thursday ;)
Open to U.S. and Canada

And lastly I've added another silhouette to my Parisien Skyline - some parts are still wet because I'm literally doing one a night but it's supposed to be the Notre Dame Cathedral - just pretend the door opens all the way to the back and that's why you can see through it lol - I'm going to have to paint the doorway in I suppose - because it looks like another Arc of some sort like this!

Have a wonderful Thursday - and Bonne Chance everyone!!!
Much love,


  1. I followed Hazelnut Deux. Jo @ Let's Face the Music

  2. I left Hazelnut Deux a comment and now I'm leaving one for you. This is a lovely giveaway. Jo @ Let's Face the Music

  3. You have found so many talented bloggers!I love the Paris theme and I also love meeting all the new bloggers! Dianntha

  4. My French word is actually a short expression which if tacked on to the end of a sentence means something like huh? or right? actually it means "isn't it?" It's a nice expression, n'est-ce pas? Jo @ Let's Face the Music

  5. Isn't it amazing (and unsettling, when you run across someone whose life parallels yours? And she's just as creative! I love her work; it's very beautiful. I haven't really entered any of the giveaways yet because I haven't met all the terms. This is because I haven't had time to really check out the blogs. I don't want to follow a blog just for the giveaway; I really want to explore each one and get to know them. So, even though I haven't officially entered the giveaways, I do enjoy coming to see all the fabulous things that are being offered. And I think it's really wonderful what you and all these amazing people are doing.

  6. Ooh-la-la... I really like these fabric coasters! I'm headed over to follow Hazelnut Deux right now. This is so much fun Suzan!

  7. beautiful!!!! This is a fabulous give away, such talented crafts people, wow!

  8. Sacré Bleu!! You sure have great friends. How could you not? I'm one of them! :P


  9. I always admire people who quilt. I've never sat still long enough to do that, but it looks so gorgeous! And another Suzan!! Okay, I'm going over there now to visit her blog, mon ami. (I think that's what Poirot always called Hastings.) :-)

  10. Bravo! The coasters are incroyable! LOVE 'em! Can't wait for the big draw :).
    Off I go to visit the The "other" Suzan!

  11. Trés belle! What a fun giveaway, Suzan! Suzan's transfer work is amazing.

  12. You are such a sweetie to sponsor this giveaway series! I am heading over to give some "love" to these bloggers!

  13. Just back from leaving the other Suzan a compliment on her beautiful Paris coasters. Merci!

  14. You Suzannne-s are amazing, such beautiful work! I'm heading over to check her work.

  15. Too nice to use as coasters! I'd have to frame them. You're turning me into a Francophile.

  16. Wow Suzan,
    Another wonderful give away. This is so much fun. You know all the talent out there!! Wow how fun about the two of you and the connections. They say each of us has a twin out there in the world maybe you have found yours. Suzan's pillows are beautiful. I am heading over to follow her now.

  17. I love the coasters! Great giveaway. Following Hazelnut Deux on Facebook and through Bloglovin.

  18. more nerve than a toothache?!?! bahahahha you crack me up girl! merci for the laugh my friend!

    1. LMHO - stick around you little whipper snipper - I have all kinds of those old expressions LOL
      Good luck Lauren ( bonne chance )

  19. Ok, I absolutely love these. Tois times the charm, non? Love Suzan's work! Thanks for introducing her to us!

  20. This is a great one!!! This whole series is fun!

  21. C'est le mystere. Who will get this great giveaway?

  22. What gorgeous items! I am praying that I win one of these giveaways. They are just so perfect!! Going over to visit and follow right now.


  23. I did everything for this one, too....I put her Etsy shop in my favs! Ajoutez-moi me prends

  24. Love your graphic and can't wait until it's finished. Is poutine a french word? J'adore les frites. Hope I win one of the prizes. Great giveaways. Having fun with this contest.
    Linda O.

    1. LMHO - yes I suppose Poutine is a French Word!!!
      Moi j'adore les frites aussi Linda!
      I'm having a lot of fun with these giveaways too - they're amazing ladies!!!
      Bonne chance!
      Va mange une poutine lol

  25. Thank you for introducing us to the new not that you'll be the old Suzan, but...ummmm, know what I'm saying...I hope!! Anywhooo...she makes some great stuff, love those coasters....and the pillows are gorgeous!!! So here it translation...hope it's understandable!! o.O

    Je vous remercie pour un jour le contrat , Je vous aime votre blog it's superbe!

    1. Bienvenu !!!
      She makes beautiful things :)
      Et merci ( for your kind French words )
      Bonne Chance -

  26. I'm now following the other Suzan on Bloglovin' and Pinterest. Her pillows are darling! Avoir une belle journée. (I have to admit I cheated with Google Translate, but don't hold that against me ;-)

    1. Bonne chance Betsy - that seems to be all I'm saying in Francais this week lol
      Passe une belle journee aussi mon amie!!!

  27. Hope you get TONS of entries. I am too embarrassed to win a giveaway when I haven't used the product that I got from you yet (last win). Hope you are having a great day- I am painting a telephone!-seriously- xo Diana

  28. Replies
    1. I think that's half French - half Spanish LMHO - I'll take the French part for the giveaway lol
      Bonne Chance Anj!!!
      ( you're a no reply blogger again :(

  29. Oh yay...more lovely things to win! I visited Suzan and looked at her goodies.
    L'ouvrage qui ne touche point et qui n'attache pas ne vaut rien.
    I so agree!

  30. Bonjour!

    Sorry I've been MIA but wow, these creations are gorgeous!! Like you ~ :) She is so very talented!


  31. Thanks for introducing Hazelnut Deux. Beautiful items and I signed up for her emails and left a message for her, too.

  32. Love Hazelnut Deux! Left her a message. Thanks for the chance to win! bonne soirée

  33. Those coasters have a certain je ne sais quoi...I am going to stop by Hazelnut right now!

  34. Okay, I just visited Hazelnut Deux and following her via Bloglovin. Here is my French word,actually a phrase (I had to look it up on Google because I don't know any!) and then I am going to enter day 1!
    "Je vais gagner cette!"

  35. My coffee table said it must needs these!!! Wow, these are great!!! I visited, commented, and am happily following Hazelnut Deux!

  36. Hi Suzan, I visited and loved Suzan's blog and her quilting is gorgeous.
    Thanks to both of you for such a generous gift.

  37. I am following Suzan on "bloglovin". oxGinger

  38. Merci pour votre générosité.

  39. Les russes sont très belles. Aller sur son blog pour le moment.

  40. #1 done - #2 done - #3 done LOL - chic minable... Patricia Ann

  41. Bonjour Suzan, Well, how amazing to find a friend whose life has ran a similar course to yours and who spells her name the same way as yours!
    These coasters are gorgeous.... if I was lucky enough to win, do you know, I don't think I would allow anyone to put a cup on them them.... I think I would have to frame them.
    Suzan has put such a lot of work into making the coasters, as the fringing must have taken such a long time.... yes definitely they will be framed!
    I am now off to visit your lovely friend.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Best Wishes

  42. I know you are waiting for this. Well not the actual word, just for me to type one in French, Couilles.

  43. I'm now following Hazelnut Duex and I've left her a comment and now I'm leaving you a comment too. Thanks for the chance to win those cute coasters. Love your sense of humor "more nerve than a toothache"! I took French for several years and even went on a short trip to France, you think I could come up with something to say in French but alas "Je ne sa pas". I'm not even sure I spelled that correctly. :)

  44. June Pope
    I love everything Paris and Eiffel! And I absolutely stay glued to your blog Suzan S. you're a hoot! I satisfied all the requirements so Merci Beaucoup!

  45. Merci for the opportunity, Suzan! I'm heading over to follow and comment.


  46. Ok the only one I know... Merci! Followed and left message!

  47. Oh Suzan... I am and have been a follower of yours and will be forever :) I love your blog!!
    Beaucoup d'amour

  48. Wow, those are pretty! Merci, for the opportunity. XOXO I won't give you a ballet term or a music term today, though that is about the extent of my French, besides petite choux or some other little phrases. My father's mother was French Canadian.

  49. Je n'parle pas francias bien. And I can't spell either. But I do know Suzanne 'cause she's like awesome. Tres awesome.


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!