
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I WANNA live there Wednesday # 61

So sorry this is going up Thursday - I completely forgot yesterday lol -
I'm completely discombobulated ( have no idea how to spell that - but isn't it just a fabulous word LOL ? )
I thought Monday and Tuesday were Sunday and Monday -and then yesterday ( Wednesday ) I thought it
was Thursday - God knows what day it really is today - let's just call it Wednesday though - for the sake of the blog lol....................

I thought I'd show a couple of Farmhouses this week - which I've always loved.
That love probably started here ( kudos is you remember this show )


Ok this first farmhouse up is in Vermont -
Woodstock actually!
5 beds - 4 baths
88.8 acres

Uphill Farm is an impeccably renovated, turnkey Gentleman's Farm on 88.8 acres of stunning countryside. A classic Vermont property, it includes an impeccably renovated five bedroom, c1805 main residence, barns, outdoor riding arena, two ponds, all convenient to the village of Woodstock. Also available is the adjacent Down the Hill farm with 4 bedroom guest house, barn, and pond on 15.3 acres.

Beware - Beauty Overload!!!  Farmhouse Perfection really :)  I think Eva Gabor would have even approved of this one - This is not called UPHILL farm for nothing!


But until I won the lottery I would be perfectly happy with this little one!

Lake Champlain - Vermont
3 beds - 1 bath
Built in 1890
Aprox 8 acres

Not a lot of images - but even just the outside is gorgeous!

This next photo should be a painting I think

as a sketch?

This post was LASSIE approved

Have a great Wednesday - Thursday everyone :)
Much love,

Sharing with!
Common Ground                                        My Romantic Home                   I Should be Mopping the Floor
Coastal Charm                                            Not Just a Housewife
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia                Savvy Southern Style


  1. I love the first one, but only if the staff are included in the price. What a dream place, and very beautiful indeed. Realistically the second one is more in our budget, and it is lovely, if compact. Gorgeous views though.

  2. I could cry my dream is a farm house but even my dream house didn't meet the level of beauty if the first one, ill take the guest house too! Beautiful homes!

  3. Wow wow wow! I love all three of these farmhouses, Suzan! I wonder if Uphill Farm was owned by someone famous like a movie actor or something. It's picture perfect isn't it? And the little one is so cute and reminds me of farmhouses here in New Brunswick. I don't like the paint colours or woodwork but I do love the little red barn. Have a wonderful Thursday!

  4. These places are WAY TOO BIG for me LOL but how fabulous! Love the surroundings, just give me the canoe and the keeping room kitchen from #1 and I'm good ;) (oh and maybe a horse too...)

  5. I'm packing! And moving into that first one! Oh, wait...I can't afford it. Well, then, I'll be very happy in the last one!

  6. First house: Look at all this room for activities!

  7. Love that first house...and will definitely need a staff!

  8. Timmy has fallen in the well! I glad the first has room for all four of my animals and I think my husband and I might be able to squeeze in. The second one is too scary - just look at all that snow.

  9. Ha! I thought that was Timmy! :-)) I want that first house, but I want the horse thrown in. Love the pond, love the kitchen, but I'd want you to stop in and paint those livingroom beams white. In your spare time, of course. lol

  10. If it's Lassie Approved it's got to be good. :)

    Nice choices. Happy Thursday to you!

  11. I too love the garden that is fenced off. Otherwise, I am going to try and get myself to believe that the first one is in nobody's reality... the second one...adorable, so cute. Hey, and affordable!!

  12. LOVE the first house! Gorgeous! My mouth hung open the entire time. A dream house for sure!

  13. I do love looking at some good farm houses! Thanks for the pleasant afternoon break!

  14. At the risk of sounding envious and like I am coveting my neighbors things.....I WANT THEM ALL!!!

  15. I will live in the guest house, OK? OMGoodness, a dream. Thanks for the hint but I knew it was Lassie, a real role model for children. Let's go back to the day.

  16. Oh my...I love farmhouse style and I could move right into the first house. Love it!!

  17. That guest house with the red and white check floor - I'm moving in!

  18. The first house's kitchen is perfection. My favourite house is the last one... from outside! But Id' put some white inside!!!

  19. Oh. You showed snow. That just froze the cockles of my ...cockles.

    I'll take the first one tho!


  20. O.M.G.!! House #1. Gasp! Perfection!! Better than perfection, even. LOVED Lassie. Greensleeves will always make me think of Lassie instead of Christmas or anything else. It always made me kind of teary.

  21. These are unbelievable Suzan. The views are outstanding and they are so pretty on the inside too!!


  22. Hi Suzan!!!!

    WOW!!! That first house is so gorgeous and all that land with two ponds and the
    waterfall!!!! I wonder if the horses come with it. I wouldn't mind!!! To sit out on the
    porch with a glass of wine to watch the sunset would be unbelievable!!!!

    Great picks!!! How's the packing coming along?

    Enjoy Sunday!!!


  23. The white kitchen is my dream kitchen! Some Day, Maybe?

  24. I want that first farm house, it is gorgeous. I have always been drawn to big old farm houses with big country kitchens. It has always been my dream to own one. I would not want to have to maintain that first property but I sure would want to live there. hugs Tobey

  25. You had me at Lassie :)

    The first house for me, please!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!