
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Bathroom number 1 makeover

Well I have something to show you ..................finally!

The upstairs bathroom was never a huge issue in my mind - as unappealing as it was, I knew I could do something on the " cheap " with it -

Here's the before ( this is the actual MLS photo that appeared on the original listing )

and here's what very little work did for it  ( and I do mean very little ) so don't be expecting any huge miracles here lol

I had just enough left over paint ( from a few years ago actually ) to do the walls's a very pretty sort of aqua.............

I had bought the shelf unit for our last home.

I painted out that heater thingamabob and the window frame with paint I already had on hand - switched the towel rack for the one that was downstairs ( since that bathroom has to be gutted )
and then I simply shopped around the house for accessories - so not one dime was spent on this little
room :)
Oops sorry - I bought the mat..............19.99 - and it's totally the wrong color because I bought it before I knew what I was doing in there!

The accessories are strictly what I could find because truthfully we still haven't unpacked most of our stuff and so they will most likely be changed before it's finished - but since I change things weekly it won't exactly be out of the norm for me anyway lol

My little bird cage bought at Michael's a year or so ago - and the jewellery box Lindsay and Tony gave me at their rehearsal dinner.

My " star " tea light holder ( with the chain beside it - it's supposed to be suspended but the chain fell off and I have no idea where it goes - so I have to go back to Pier 1 and hope they still have them - so that I can inconspicuously examine it ) Inspector Clouseau at your service once again

 The biggest change came from painting the heater vent white - don't you think?

I still have to hang something on the window - but it does have a privacy film on it for now at least.

John says - What the hell is a wreath doing hanging on the towel bar?
Suzan says - I think it's pretty
John says - How am I supposed to grab a towel from behind it?
Suzan says - It took me 20 minutes to fold them the right size
John says - Here we go again - candles we can't light - dishes we can't use - now towels we can't dry with?
Suzan says - Take a towel from the linen closet - what's the big deal?
Suzan says - BUT DON'T MESS IT UP WHEN YOU GRAB A TOWEL.........PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

The linen closet makeover is Here

Tomorrow I'll show you the bedroom - and the curtains I found to almost - oh so close - match these

But for now I'm going to soak in a very hot - very bubbly bath

Oh - and then I'm going to run downstairs and look at my sanded floors - before they're stained dark
and torment myself for a couple of hours on whether dark was the right decision after all :)

P.S - had I changed the floors I would have most definitely went with wide planks - but since we're NOT changing them - I have to tell you - I'm really loving these skinny slats almost as much!!!
( except that we had to pay a fortune to have them replicated in areas where they had to be patched e.g. where walls used to be - they don't make them this size any more )

You all have a wonderful Sunday everybody :)

Much love,

Sharing with!
My Romantic Home                               The Shabby Nest                         Uncommon Designs
Between naps on the porch                     Coastal Charm
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia            Remodelaholic
Savvy Southern Style


  1. Oh Suzan, the bathroom is so very pretty. You did a great job here. Love it.

    Big hug from here

  2. Looks beautiful so far! Can't wait to see the rest!

  3. What a difference, great job!

  4. What a difference a little paint and a few accessories make! I love the aqua color with the white fresh. The accessorkooies look at home in the space as well. The star tealight holder is so pretty....:) Looking forward to the bedroom reveal....and I love the narrow slats on the floor.....gorgeous! Have a blessed Sunday.....Vicky

  5. Wow! You may be motivating me to reprint mt powder room! Love the results

  6. A little vision goes a long way and you certainly proved that in this bathroom! I have to agree with John though, I don't understand the concept of not using things in the bathroom for bathroom purposes. That's probably why I'm not a great success as a blogger - my spaces always look very used, um, I mean lived in :).

    Lovely job Suzan!

    ps I am so in love with that floor!!

  7. Love the bathroom...looks pretty freakin' miraculous to me!!


  8. That looks divine Susan! You did a fabulous job using what you had to make a gorgeous space!

  9. Wow your bathroom looks great! Its amazing how paint and accessories can transform a space. You did a great job and the colors are perfect! clean and crisp. It seriously looks like a whole new space. Love it!

  10. Wow, it looks so beautiful now! I was wondering what that box thing on the floor next to the toilet was... it's a heater? It always amazes me how much just paint can change the look of a room!


  11. Suzan,
    Your bathroom is so pretty. Love it. So happy you have a place to escape and soak the world away!! I bet you are excited it is beginning to feel like a home. Loving your posts on the transformations.

  12. Looking good and I imagine that hot bath felt SO good!♥♫

  13. Steve doesn't get it either. I used to keep a white starfish on the top of a stack of towels in the bathroom. He asked why I kept putting it there and of course my answer was that I liked how it looked. He kept letting the starfish fall and break so I just gave up.

    Things are coming together at your end.

    Happy New Year

  14. Wow Suzan, what a difference a can of paint and a good eye for accessorizing makes! Looking forward to seeing each room transformation as you work your way through the house.

  15. How come you didn't paint the wall unit shelves white?

  16. Well....of course you need a wreath in your bathroom! What's wrong with John, anyway??? lolol! And a Christmas tree in your gorgeous linen closet is just a fabulous idea, too! lol Oh Suzan...I am just so thrilled for you that this is all coming together for you just the way you imagined it! You are doing a wonderful job,girlie!!! Love it alllllll!

    xoxo laurie

  17. Lovely! Amazing what you did! So much prettier and fresher! I will be envious of your bathroom and dreaming of what I can do to my own avocado gem once we move into our next place mid-March. Let the dreaming and scheming begin!!!! Patty/BC

  18. It is truly amazing what paint can do. It doesn't look like the same bath. Love the white woodwork and aqua is a favorite color.
    After 55 years, Bob has finally learned NOT to use the hanging towels. So what…it's a girl thingie.
    Happy New Year, Ginger

  19. Gorgeous! I think, it's a huge difference! I really like this aqua color.

  20. One simple word.....AMAZING!

    Happy Sunday!

  21. The bathroom is great... paint makes a world of difference. The house I grew up in had those thin slat floors, it was made in 1959/60. Can't see why it's a big deal to make slats narowwer... you just rip them on a table saw... now making wider ones would be a different story!

  22. Oh Suzan, it looks beautiful and I'm so glad you get to enjoy a hot bubble bath! I think I'll get mine in like February. Great idea to paint the heater thingy and I love the blue. I think I'm painting my bathroom ceiling that color! Be a shark girl and keep moving!

  23. Oh Suzan, you are so funny. I showed your bath and just like John he wanted to know how a person would use the towels. I feel your pain. I love your sanded floors just the way they are. Skinny, blonde boards are beautiful.

  24. It looks AWESOME! You really are a whirling dervish!

  25. Your bathroom looks sweet. The blue is about the same as our bathroom so I love it. Amazing what a little paint will do. Have a great week and Happy New Year to you and John!

  26. Love the looks awesome!!

  27. I literally LOL'd at your conversation with John. :) Love how honest you are about all the staging, because that's how it is with us decorators! Your makeover is quite a transformation. Very pretty indeed. XOXO

  28. Yay on the freebie bathroom reno! I love seeing how someone did it without breaking the bank. That heater cover looked totally strange before and now it looks quite interesting. A+ on this room for sure!

  29. great job! I can't wait to see those floors too!

  30. Lovely! It's a very serene room now and looks like the perfect place to have a hot bubbly bath. Enjoy your last days of December, remodelling and soaking in the bathtub!

  31. Suzan, regarding your chainless star.... I have one just like this. See at the top left of the picture.... the point of the star which has partial glass cut off on two sides ? That's where the top is, so heat escapes through the holes if you have a candle inside. There should be a small round link soldered there that the chain attaches to. It looks as if yours broke off. I'm sure you'll come up with something though. Can you solder ? The bathroom looks lovely though!

  32. Love the bathroom! That aqua and white is very pretty. Freebie makeovers are always the best. It's looking awesome!

  33. Love the bathroom. I am getting ready to redecorate mine and this has inspired me. Thanks for all you do and share with us.
    Blessings and happy new year.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  34. I love it Suzan, perfect!!!! John cracks me up every time. Happy and a very healthy New Year!!!!


  35. Your bathroom looks one hundred percent better!! Good job.

  36. Beautiful job on finishing your bathroom for next to nothing, Suzan!
    Debbie :)

  37. oh the bathroom is darling i love it in just new colors and the wood accents really pop looks great

  38. For your era house, the narrow floor plank are best. The wide plank may be trendy but they would not fit as well. I would also go with a light stain, about the color your floors look just sanded. But the dark stain is probably already applied! Your bath is a huge success!

  39. The floor is awesome. It looks so cozy and peaceful in there. The color is my favorite color.

  40. Suzan your bathroom looks fabulous!! What a difference paint makes!
    Love the painted floor!!

  41. The bathroom looks looks very tranquil and spa-like. Amazing what a little paint...and great accessorizing...can do!

  42. Yet another Fabulous Make-over! Great job Gurl :)

  43. What a fantastic difference. Great conversation with John, men just don't get it. Hi, I'm Connie at a new GFC friend, and I added you to my g+ circle. Thanks for sharing your awesome makeover.

  44. I LOVE it!! You guys did an awesome job!!! Pinning to the Monday Funday pin board. Thanks for linking it up!


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