
Monday, March 3, 2014

I Paint Furniture ...................

Good morning All !!!

Lately for some reason I've been seeing people get upset about wood furniture being painted -
( not here - more on Hometalk to be honest with you )

There's a lot of beautiful wood furniture out there - I know that - some pieces leave me drooling at times ( not often because I truly love painted pieces ) so I kind of - sort of- get it - that it troubles some people to see a perfectly fine piece of antique or vintage  furniture covered up ( and in their minds " destroyed " ) with paint.

I GET IT - and so I never go to someone's site and say - YOU SHOULD PAINT THAT -

And to those people - I say - NEVER paint a piece of furniture - it's obviously not for you - and you can, after all, do whatever you like with a piece that you own.

But, there are, many many people out there that are very close to getting rid of a piece just because they're sick of looking at it - or because they've inherited it and don't like it very much - or they want to hold on to a piece for sentimental reasons but want it updated to fit the decor in their home because it just doesn't " belong " and then there are those that are thinking of the environment and don't want to put a piece in a landfill.

These are the people I paint furniture for.

It's their decision - and they always go from hating it to loving it.

They are not Antique dealers - they are not looking to hold on to a piece for financial appreciation down the road - they are simply people who are looking for an updated solution to something that is theirs to do with what they choose.

I hope I'm not offending anyone - I SO hope you know that - it would break my heart if I thought I was - I just want to clarify what I do - and gently remind you that often my customers come by the blog.

If seeing wood furniture get painted upsets you - this simply isn't a blog you'll be enjoying any time soon :)

A HUGE facebook page ( they had over 120,000 likes )  featured this piece recently ( most of you will remember it I think? )

and a LOT of people thought I shouldn't have painted it - that this piece should have been left alone.
I'm wondering what they would have had me tell my customer?

I don't take personal offence, honestly I don't - I'm really too thick skinned for that type of thing -
just thought I would put it out there though - painting furniture is what I do after all !

And I will be starting on this later today :)

The customer has decided on ASCP - Graphite - Even though it comes with a certificate

and a Crest

It's a gorgeous piece - and a pure joy to work on - except for a couple of scratches that were easily filled - it's in incredible condition.  And even if it's painted it'll be beautiful in a different way.

You'll see - I promise - you'll see :)
( and it's much darker than it appears in this photo )

Have a great Monday -
Much love,

Sharing With
The Winthrop Chronicles                           Chase the Star                       My Romantic Home
The Shabby Nest                                      Miss Mustard Seed                I Heart Naptime
Funky Junk Interiors


  1. Paint away, girl. It's no one's business if your customers want something painted, or if you paint something that belongs to you. I think you do beautiful work. Happy Monday, and happy March!

  2. Love the hutch you painted, it was much prettier AFTER the paint! I don't paint a piece unless there is NO hope of fixing it or it's not good quality or as you shared a customer wants it painted, so I get where you are coming from.

  3. Painting or restoring all depends on the owner and the piece. I do both. This hutch clearly needed paint. It has beautiful features that are simply very "dated". Your work added to this not only revived the life but turned it into an updated beauty. I turned a dated hutch, very much like this, into an island. The pine and design scream for the same treatment you did here. I'm painting it. ~ You did a beautiful job.

  4. I LOVE that white painted piece! How gorgeous is that! I keep looking at my china hutch - old colonial pine stain - and wish it could be painted. (not happening!) I can't wait to see the makeover of the Gibbard. Have fun!

  5. The hutch was dated and even restaining it in another color would not have brought it up to date. Painting it was really the only option and it came out beautiful. I think it's up to the owner of the piece. Keep painting because you do great work!!

    1. Thanks Debbie - I think it's up to the owners too - but there are a lot of furniture police out there LOL

    2. and a lot of trolls too unfortunately...I stumbled over your hometalk post and made my way here. I am looking forward seeing the piece you are working on now.

  6. Thank you for this post! I need to send it to my mother-in-law. Who insists on - every time - walking into my house and pointing at one of my unfinished pieces and asking if I really need to paint that? This while making faces at my painted pieces. I know - I have major mother-in-law issues lol!

    1. I know it bothers some people - terribly so - to see furniture painted............just as I sometimes see a piece and think - Oh wow - what I could do with a paint brush to bring that to life each his own :)

  7. I have to echo Victoria's comment. Well said.

  8. Different folks, different paint strokes! Personally I love that painted piece and would have walked straight past it in it's unpainted state. It's only wood, not the Elgin Marbles :)

  9. The first piece of furniture was hideous (IMHO) and the paint transformed it to something gorgeous. How can anyone argue with that?

  10. I love the new look of the one on fb, to each their own but seriously youre bang on when you say it's not theirs. Now I'm painting all my furniture and I probably shouldn't not because it's awesome antiques but because I'm kind of crap at it but hey it's ugly and I hate it now and painting practise will make perfect ( that what I'm praying for anyway). If you weren't on the other side of the love I'd LOVE to have a Suzan makeover, but I'm going to settle for sending you emails when I'm crying into my paint brush wondering where it all went wrong. Btw found another chalk paint stockist here, it's Aussie made so no offence to AS but I like buying Aussie made when I can and I love that the paint is named after Australian native plants and animals just used cockatoo white love it :)

  11. I am a wax and polish amateur restorer. So we have "browns" in our homes. You are spot on when you write it is up to the owner about painted furniture. Blogs like yours are making me wonder if I shouldn't try painting some pieces. I am sure I am asking for a big mess! Just in case anyone cares, I did not like the Facebook piece before or after it was painted. But I love your blog and the great comments! Linda@Wetcreek Museum Blog

  12. Well said Suzan. If you don't like it, don't read it. I love all your work. Keep up the honesty and sharing. {ChicByTab}

  13. I love the transformation you created with the first piece. I think you gave it a beautiful second life, as I am sure the owner of the piece agrees as well. I look forward to seeing the transformation on the second piece as well. I couldn't agree more, if you own a piece, it is yours to paint or restore or simply admire, however it makes you happiest.

  14. Everyone has the right to do what they want with their furniture. SHEESH!!! It's funny you posted this today, because I have a chest of drawers that my mom got in the 1940s. It really needs to be painted, but I am afraid she will be upset. However, as she gave it to me I guess I can do what I want with it. Maybe!!!!! xo Laura

  15. Suzan, I am a purist, I love wood, always have and it is so hard for me to even consider painting a true wood piece. However, with saying that, your blogs and blogs like yours that show before and afters and how beautiful pieces can be painted, well maybe paint isn't just for walls.

  16. I enjoy your work. Keep it up with a smile.
    I am always amazed at what you do.

  17. Why not paint a piece if it makes it work? I have pieces I'd probably never paint but some I think would look better if they were. Personal choice, right? Anywho, my grandmother painted some beautiful pieces of furniture and when my parents inherited them, they stripped them and stained them. Kind of like clothes-trends cycle.
    I think you do beautiful work and enhance each piece you do!

  18. Each person has a choice...and that choice may not be another's. It's ok! :) I love what you have a wonderful talent for transforming furniture. I was reading a favorite blog earlier and folks were admonishing the girl for the placement of a bookcase and the items in it. I was stunned! The girl is an incredible DIY'er and decorator and has a small space. You just never know....

    Keep doing what you love ~


  19. Suzan, I have been following your blog for a little while. I think you were one of the first people I found out in blog land regarding painted furniture. I think the transformations you do are great.

    People have to also realize there is a difference between VINTAGE and ANTIQUE. Vintage furniture right now is almost worthless. That's why you find so much for free on Craigslist, etc. If it were a true antique, I would have qualms about painting, but that piece, although nice wood, is not really worth any less painted.

    Those people who are complaining should be thanking you! All the painted furniture might make their wood pieces worth more some day!

    Back in the day, my mother stripped all her mother's oak pieces she inherited because she didn't like them so dark. Well, that ended up devaluing all those antique pieces, but you know what? She enjoyed them when they were hers, so who cares? To each their own.

    Thanks for the inspiration!


  20. What good is a piece you inherited from a great aunt that you keep in a back room because it is just plain ugly? I say better to paint it, give it new life and enjoy it every day.

  21. Love the painted piece, for me, the before was NOT pretty wood. I love pretty wood, but that wasn't it :) Keep doing what you're doing, the people who don't like it have other places to look at furniture and they are really irrelevant to you. Some people just have to tell others what they think...we can agree to disagree, right? :) Its like trying to tell a person I don't like there gluten free blog and they shouldn't eat that way just because I don't....kinda silly huh? Have a great day and keep painting!!!

  22. Ahh, Gibbard… BFF and I painted her bedroom set last year, much to her husband's dismay. But it looks awesome in ASCP Cream and has given this dated set a new lease on life. She hated it - too dark, too dated - and now even her husband likes it.

    Most (if not all) furniture has some sort of protectant on it - paint is just another form of that protectant - invented to make things last longer than raw wood.

  23. Stick to what you enjoy doing.......painting. The hutch is gorgeous.
    I just finished painting my dark brown hexagon end tables which are now a vanilla cream with brass hardware and what a difference it makes just giving them a whole new face lift.
    I enjoy coming to your blog cause I can't wait to see what you have painted plus I have picked up some wonderful ideas, tips, etc. just by coming here so I thank you.
    Keep doing what you enjoy.
    Enjoy your day and happy painting

  24. I like both wood pieces and painted pieces. I mean paint has been used for ages and so I don't see at necessarily modern. My contractor reminded me the other day that in Brittany, houses have shutters in all colours because fishermen would use the remains of paint they had after painting their boats... I bet they sometimes used some on furniture!
    And about that window have you decided to paint it or not?

  25. suzan.... i found you through hometalk and i am so glad i did your stuff is always gorgeous .. there has been a few woman on hometalk making it their job to be negative about so manyy things and i apologize for them ,there are far more woman who say something nice even if they don't care for something or they just shut up about it people that are so negative should grow warts xx

  26. Ha ha, I love what monkey said! I am shocked at some of the comments I have seen on hometalk, one woman told another that she "ruined" an old radio she redid. I was appalled, but monkey is right, there are a lot of wonderful women who leave very nice comments. As for you Suzan, I love your projects and I truly believe it's up to the owner as to what happens to a piece. The thing is, the wood is still there! I have stripped paint off many pieces of furniture, but I have painted a lot too. When I see a makeover that I don't like I just do as my Mom taught me. "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" Thanks for voicing your opinion!

  27. I absolutely love your painted pieces! You have inspired me to try my hand at this painting adventure - who knows could turn into my third career.

    Keep Calm and Carry on Painting

  28. Suzan,
    Just give yourself permission to go your own way. Those who throw glass stones have nothing else to do with their time. My house is a wood, old wood, milk paint, chalk paint. What I do depends on how I want 'it' to be. And THEY don't live in my home so what they say doesn't really matter to me. My taste has changed over the years (more than once). Enjoy what you do and what you have. You're the one who counts.
    Love ya, kiddo

  29. You always inspire me! I NEVER paint anything...don't know where to begin. But you make me want to walk around my house and find something to paint! haha! You're the BEST! Sweet hugs, Diane

  30. Well, I wish I could get you to put some paint on this tired old face to give it a new life..but...barring that I'll just drool over the pieces you paint. You know, MOST pieces I see painted don't have great antique value and IF they DO and they belong to someone that wants it painted or they are going to trash it- well, I say PAINT the darned thing. I like a mix- I have some really good pieces that I wouldn't paint and I have some pieces that are painted that I love equally as much.

    YOU do phenomenal work- MUCH better than most of us "painters". You are really an artist at what you do and I LOVE coming here to see what you have done.

    That being said- You DIDN'T paint that piece blue, did you? xo Diana

  31. I LOVE painted furniture! and that cabinet was ugly before you painted it! Just my opinion - but I really don't like most wood furniture. There are some exceptions to that but I prefer painted! You rock Suzan - keep up the great work!

  32. When we were first married, nearly 43 years ago, Steve went through my parents' garage and brought tons of furniture to our little apartment. I stripped anything that was painted and refinished all the wood. That was the look I loved at the time. Now, I love the look of painted furniture. If I change my mind, then I will strip and refinish everything.

    You paint furniture beautifully - keep it up!

  33. I just don't get why people care what OTHER people do to their own furniture! What, is stained wood an endangered species? Is there a "Save the Stained Furniture" group? Puh-leeze! Some of my favorite pieces are stained, but I always drool over the painted pieces. There's room for both, surely. Paint away, Suzan...That painted piece you did at the top of this post is stunning!

  34. I think this piece looks fantastic! I have both natural wood and painted pieces in my home. There is room for both. Good job!

  35. I've had people horrified when I tell them what I do, I totally understand your post. Even my husband has been hesitant (did not want me to paint our kitchen I started when he was gone...he now loves them!). I'm looking forward to seeing the finished piece you are working on!
    Debbie :)

  36. Oh my GOSH, you're kidding!!! That is my most favorite piece I've ever seen (not just of yours, but flat out period). In fact, I think it was one of my very first pins on Pinterest, if not my first. I love Love LOVE that one!!!

    To each his own, I guess, but I think it's lovely. Better than lovely, it's gorgeous.

  37. Don't you just love it when people think they are the boss of you? You are amazing at what you do and your love for it shows in every single piece you paint. You go girl!

  38. Well I love painted pieces and would have no problem painting antiques or vintage pieces. Neither would I have a problem with painting an entire house if it was full of old dark timber trims, skirting, mouldings etc. If anything, I would be excited about the transformation. So I really don't see why you have to be so apologetic about what you do.. especially when you do it so well. Keep doing what you love.. take care, Maryann

    1. Thanks Maryann - I'm really not apologetic that I paint wood - just apologetic if I'm offending anyone - can't help it - I'm Canadian LMHO............
      I paint wood trim in houses too :)

    2. LOL Cheers to the polite Canadian! I am totally with you Suzan. It is their furniture to do with what they want!

  39. Personally, I think people get so hung up on "stuff". I say, do what makes you happy. I really don't care how old something is or it's brand name or it's "worth" ... I like things to be pretty. And paint makes things pretty to my eye. I ADORE you and your blog. I love the makeovers that you do and I agree that it's nobody's business what you paint over... like you said, you PAINT furniture. :)

  40. I'm not a big furniture painter, but even I have to admit that the hutch went from crap to fabulous.

    In any case I'm pretty sure the unwritten rule for furniture is that the owner can do anything s/he damned well pleases with it. Great that you are able to help them out.

  41. Love the hutch above and people would be made me too. I painted and fauxed our dining room years ago. Still love it. It was oak and I didn't want the oak anymore. I did sand and stain the table top in Minwax Provincial. Do what you love t o do and anyone that follows you should know you paint furniture and that is it.


  42. I have hopped over from Hometalk. You have expressed my sentiments exactly. Some people get a bit touchy about painting wood. As I said on Hometalk, one would think we were tattooing a toddler ... not painting a piece of, most often, discarded furniture!
    Love the featured piece too!! I am going through a phase right now of mixing paint and stain as you have on the hutch. It's a great look!

    1. LMHO - thanks for the laugh Joan !!!
      and for the visit :)

  43. That hutch was gorgeous. And I just used graphite today for the first time! So far I'm loving it. :)


  44. love all your transformations and i totally agree what good is leaving a piece if you cant love it

  45. There's a big difference between painting a hand crafted Georgian or older piece of furniture. The patina that 200+ yrs. gives a piece and the quality of the craftsmanship tells us to leave it alone. From the Victorian era on, most pieces are mass produced and have no significant antique value. Paint 'er up, if you want to, I say!

  46. It's truly beautiful as a painted piece of furniture and in 50 years it will be a beautifully antiqued piece of furniture and we can all sit back and chuckle at the naysayers of painted wood.

  47. One word: CONTRAST. Before it had none and was flat and boring. The contrasts bring out the best in the piece.

  48. I adore your painted furniture,for those who don't, then don't paint yours.....the piece you have at the head of this post is so beautiful, made me drool....well, almost......have fun..hugs, Janette UK...xx

  49. That dining hutch is more beautiful painted than it was in it's all wood state. I think the way you painted it, enhances its features. I'm all for painting certain furniture. You did a fabulous job.

  50. I don't think you need such a conciliatory tone. You have NO need to apologize or worrying about offending people who shouldn't waste their time on pained furniture blogs, nor people who certainly don't give a thought to how they might offend you or hurt your feelings.
    You do beautiful work. You have a great attitude and are a very enjoyable person to read. Other bloggers don't think twice about deleting a post that even dares to disagree with them. I think you have that right, too. However, I think you're to straight forward for that, which also makes for interesting reading. Just, please, don't worry so much about offending someone. The world doesn't need another PC blog.
    The world needs more (well) painted furniture.

  51. Personally, I thought that piece looked much, much better painted. If I own something it's mine and I'll do as I please within reason. I had a friend once that didn't like to hang things on her walls in case they decided to sell. Meanwhile, I was banging nails into all the walls. It was my house to live in and any new owners in the future better have a jar of spackle. People should only be offended if you walk into their house uninvited and throw a can of paint on their furniture. :)

  52. I always say "when in doubt paint away"! This piece looks a thousand times better in the after. well done!

  53. It's funny I went out exploring my new surroundings today, and stopped in at two different antique stores. One store owner told me that painted furniture isn't selling anymore , and the other store told me that his painted furniture flies out the door. I love the painted version of your hutch, you did an amazing job. I think some pieces come to life with paint and that it gives them character. Paint away my dear, I will painting too. hugs Tobey

  54. Painting over wood is so old fashioned! My mother-in-law has those same feelings. To me, I think we can give a new look to an old piece by painting it and adding some color. I think the white hutch turned out AHHH..Mazing!!! It looks so beautiful and I'd prefer that in my home any day than the wood version!!! Nice JOB!!!!

  55. I'll be honest with you I'm one of those people who would think why did you paint it? But I am not one of those people who would say it though. I do believe everyone can do want they want with it. I like to preserve an old piece in good condition...that said I can also appreciate when it has been painted as well. dont' worry about what others think!

  56. I think painting breathes new life into furniture. Love your furniture art!

    1. From one Crazy Painter to another thanks SO much !!!!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!