
Saturday, March 1, 2014

John's Asking for your help

John says - I have a question for you
Suzan says - Shoot
John says - WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE TOILET PAPER IN A BIRD CAGE in the bathroom????????
Suzan says - To keep Soda from eating it ( Soda eats toilet paper - weird I know - but she DOES )
John says - Could you ask your blogging friends if they think it's normal please
Suzan says - You really want me to ask them that?
John says - Yeah - I want to know if I'm the only one that think it's completely abnormal to have to unlock a tiny little birdcage every time I have to wipe my...............
Suzan says - I think you always make a big deal out of every little tiny thing
John says - Can you ask them please - I'm curious -
John says - You ask them for all of YOUR decisions - just ask them this for me

So guys - here you go - John's asking for your help - on the most ridiculous matter possible

Personally I would never bore you with something like this.
BTW - it's our upstairs bathroom - I wouldn't expect guests to have to fiddle when they piddle.........

Tell me you guys get it :)

Suzan says - I think you need to start a blog
Suzan says - I'll put it out there this time - but you really need to have your own blog - this is a waste of a post for me
John says - If you think you're the queen of decor - you're not -  It looks like it's there to catch Bird Sh*t.................
Suzan - Thanks sweetheart - thanks very much...................

Vulgar post - but this is what you get when you let a man dictate your blog.


  1. It's better than shreds everywhere!! You could have a cat that loves to play with TP. Then it all ends up in a paper puddle on the floor under the roller OR a trail down the hall. Your way is so much cuter!!♥♫

  2. We buy our toilet paper in bulk, so we keep ours in a dog crate, John! What's your problem, anyway??? ;-)

    (Does that help, Suzan?)

  3. To the long suffering John - yes, it is unusual to keep toilet paper in a birdcage. However, I think it a very creative way for Suzan to keep the the paper from being shredded and eaten by the dog.
    Your wife's doppleganger

  4. Howling with laughter! Only you could right a great post about toilet paper! It's a very classy look and a clever solution, but I could see it being a bit of a pain in the "arse" to reach for it each time. HOWEVER, it sure beats cleaning up shredded paper all the time. I'd say, "John, get used to it!" Or - you could make him clean up after the dog every time if he prefers to keep it out!

  5. I agree with John - it's strange butt, "Necessity is the mother of invention." :)

  6. Have to agree with John on this one. How about just the extra rolls in the bird cage but the current one could be out and easy to use. That's a fair compromise don'tcha think? Thanks for the huge laugh, Suzan!

  7. Super cute idea - love it. My extra toilet paper is in a beach bag :)

    1. ps you don't want to hide it - how would your guests find it???

  8. Having 3 dogs who LOVE to eat TP, it makes perfect sense to me!!

  9. I like the idea, however I am sure that it is a pain to get when you need it. Can you put the TP holder up higher so Soda can't reach it?
    This was such a great post, you made my morning.

  10. I think this is actually a very clever solution. By the way, I was really laughing at this one.


  11. Dear John,

    You may remember how often I've been on your side in the past. But, really this time, I think Suzan found a super cute idea to prevent you to wipe with shredded paper toilet Soda just destroyed... I wish I had thought of that as my cat always plays with toilet paper.


  12. Tell John that I said that it is a fabulous place to store the toilet paper and to get back to work!

  13. I think that the TP in the birdcage is a cute idea....and practical as well. I had a dog who LOVED to take the edge of the toilet paper roll and run through the house with it. Paper everywhere!! Keep the paper in the cage or if he prefers, take it out of the cage and let him clean up the shreds!!

  14. You guys need to take the right brain, left brain 30-second quiz I took on line the other day. It would explain all of your issues. P.S. I like the toilet paper in the bird cage. How hard is it to gain access? You see I'm 67% left brained and only 33% right!

  15. I am screaming with laughter. I also keep mine in a birdcage!!! Our lab LOVES toilet paper too.
    I have never had any complaints yet though. Tell John it beats chasing after the dog with your pants around your ankles.

  16. TEHE-Just like a normal Man.Nothing wrong with Him :) My Man would say the same thing.I have always kept Him in mind when decorating-like....(Would this be too feminine or too trendy for Him?) I think if You keep it unlocked He might be OK with it-What a crack up-Enjoyed ,Denise

  17. I get it. If Soda eats it, you've got to protect it, plain and simple. :)

  18. Hahahaha Love your 'vulgar' post Suzan! We have a toilet paper roll holder and if you do too, then the bird cage is perfect for extra...if you don't, I can see it being a pain to get it out every time. But, still better than shredded paper. Or keep the door closed so Soda doesn't get in the washroom.
    Debbie :)

  19. Hi Susan and John. Ok I get this. I think it is a very creative way to store your toilet paper to keep Soda from getting to it. But man usually don't like creative. They like it the easy way. So I think John would prefer this one: Or this one: and than you can to this to it:
    Thanks for the good laugh. I had so much fun reading the post and then go find solutions on Google :).

  20. Its a good thing that Soda does not drink from the toilet would hate for him to have to unlock that.....Love the deocrative and alterior motive for the cage...Catch ya later Gal....Sheryl

  21. John dear - really. It is perfectly acceptable to keep TP in a cute white bird cage. Of course, if you would prefer to use the shredded up stuff your dog leaves behind then I guess the bird cage could be nixed. Or if you prefer to just not use TP as it sounds as if your dog will just eat it all :D I am sure you will learn to live with it though, you usually come around and resign yourself like a good sport ;)

  22. Clever idea Susan but a bird /floral arrangement belongs in a birdcage so I do have to side with John on this one. If you don't want your cat to eat the toilet paper just close the bathroom door so your cat get in. Problem solved.

  23. Sorry Suzan, I am with John on this one. TP should be readily available. I would drop the TP and it would unravel all over the bathroom. The Soda problem could be solved by just keeping the bathroom door closed.

    1. that's ok Pam - I still think I'm winning LOL - John would never in a million years remember to keep the bathroom door closed !!!

  24. I like this idea it is so cute.

  25. Is that one of the heat units it's sitting on? So it's warm? Geeenius.

  26. I agree with John! If I were in a hurry, I'd most likely pitch that cage to the other end of the room. :) No, I'm not a violent person at all but hey, the guy needs TP quickly!


  27. i too agree with john this time but....just for sh..s and giggles put a sears catalog out lmao xx

    1. LMHO !!!!!!!!!!
      ( I'm still winning on this one though )

  28. Sorry John but I absolutely get it and agree with Suzan on this one. Having a little shredder in our home I've had to learn to outsmart her. In one bath, the to is in a wire basket with a cover. Can't use the dispenser on the wall because she would jump up and shred whole rolls at a time! In our other bath I have a high wicker plant stand that I store towels and toilet paper in. It's high enough that she can't see it so problem. No doors are shut in my home.....I love the natural light to shine from every doorway. Oh and John.......I think she IS the queen of decor!

    1. Thanks Pam lol - I don't like closed doors either - but truthfully? John would never remember to KEEP them closed anyway ! And that's why I don't put toilet paper on the dispenser - she just jumps up and grabs it!!! She'll can eat the paper right through to the cardboard - ( she doesn't like the cardboard LOL ) XOX

  29. You both have legitimate points! Thanks for the LAUGH!!!! ;)

    1. I think I'm winning on this one LOL - thanks !

  30. I'm on John's side, there must be an easier solution than locking the BW in a cage. Put it high enough where Soda can't reach it, or teach Soda how to wipe John's ____.

  31. Functional and pretty. Suzan wins!

  32. My vote is for John. I am a "p" in the dark person and would hate to have to fiddle in the dark after a piddle. Linda@At Vintageous Blog

  33. Suzan, that's hilarious and sounds just like a conversation Paul and I would have. At first I thought you were storing extra tp in the bird cage. But you have the actual toilet paper in there? That's tough.....have to go with John on this one. :)

  34. My vote goes with Suzan, unless John is willing to clean up the shredded TP each time. Something tells me he isn't :)

  35. Relax John - I think the TP in a birdcage is very clever and decorative. I like it a lot !!

  36. he could have his own special place for tp :)

  37. Hi Suzan!!!!


    I love the bird cage!!! What a great idea!!!! I have bird cages all over the house holding items, including 2 real birds!!! Now why didn't I think of putting TP in a bird cage?

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!!!


  38. I think it's a very clever idea Suzan, sorry John :) Jacqui from Brooke Eva

    1. Thanks Jacqui - think I've won this one LOL

  39. Suzan...I'm with you on this one. We have 2 little Yorkies that unroll the TP and shred it. So I now have the TP roll sitting in an old crock up on the top of a vanity cabinet. I think yours in a bird cage is a very clever idea.

  40. He's lucky that he doesn't have to run down stairs to get hisTP! It's right there in a birdcage where it should be looking all 'stylin' and French!!

  41. Ok so truthfully it looks gorgeous but I'm putting myself in John's shoes (or butt on the throne) I'm checking the cricket scores in the sports section (well he his English) suddenly his done and all those manly, sporting thoughts are killed as he un latches the pretty bird cage to wipe....bahaha weirdest comment ever, John really needs his own blog I'd so be there to read the other side of these rants :)

  42. Lol, I get keeping it away from Soda and I love the decor but I understand John's point too. Haha, still smiling!

  43. My hubby grew up with the whole package of extra toilet paper right beside the toilet, so me even buying a holder for spare toilet paper he thought was ridiculous. its a guy thing. They want accessible toilet paper and magazines in the bathroom. But they are not the only one that lives in the house, and with having a dog that eats the toilet paper, this makes total sense to me. If John doesn't like it, he could always walk around with his own roll, and just bring it in with him every time he has to go lol Sorry John but I am with Suzan on this one. Better then cleaning up shredded toilet paper and Soda puking up toilet paper .hugs Tobey

  44. I did used to keep the tp in a wire bingo wheel to keep one of the cats from shredding it. We have a baby gate across the downstairs bath to keep the dogs out - they love to unwind the roll. So John has a decision - tp in a birdcage or a baby gate across the doorway. Tell him to think emergency trips!

  45. Oh, Suzan, you two are a riot! I soo get's a perfectly logical solution to your problem of Soda eating the t.p.! :)

  46. Well, I think that's a pretty adorable idea. Everyone needs their toilet paper in a cage. Different dogs have different oral fixations. Mine are freaks for Qtips! They will steal them out of the cabinet they are in. They are on a high shelf but sometimes one or two will fall...and they grab them and eat them. They even come in the bathroom and beg for them. I used to give them to them occasionally but decided that can't be good for them. Another of my dogs likes to eat paper. She will steal the mail and eat it. She used to love to eat bed clothes...thank goodness she has moved on from that one. She chewed holes in at least 8 quilts. Not antique ones..but not good just the same. The quilts would end up looking like swiss cheese cause she'd chew while I was asleep at night. It wasn't a puppy thing. She did it till she was like 5 years old. But thankfully has given up quilts now...but still likes paper.

    Loved this post! Now I need to find a birdcage to put my toilet paper in! I think you've started a trend.

    I'll have to get back to you when I stop laughing .... :-D
    diane @ thoughts and shots

  48. Dear John,
    If Maui lived in your house you'd be protecting the paper, too. Cats adore toilet paper. They unroll it, nibble here and there leaving soggy sections so when you pick it up it all falls apart. And....if it's on the 2nd floor watch out! You'd really have something to wail about if it took you for a ride down the stairs. Thanks Suz for me. Never thought of protecting it with a bird cage. Now which cage should I use.........

  49. lolol! You two are so hilarious!! First of all, I can't believe that John actually wanted to hear what we bloggers think! I feel very honored! lol Second, my vote must go down the toitie with Suzan, John. We keep our rolls in a wire basket next to my loo because there is no dispenser on the wall there. Rog's loo, it's a whole 'nother story. I keep it on a dispenser on the wall. However.....when that roll runs out, where does Rog put the new one? In the basket of magazines next to his loo. I really don't think he knows how the dispenser works...poor guy.....

    xoxo laurie

  50. LOL ~ I love it.
    Our cat Little B loves tp too. I still have it on the roll, maybe I will have to get a birdcage and see how that goes in my house full of boys. ;-)

  51. Sorry, sweetie!! I am with John on this one. Put the TP on a roll holder where it belongs, not everything needs to be accessorized.

  52. This post made me have to go poop. I think it's a very fun and creative idea. And as long as the birds aren't living in there WITH the toilet paper, you're okay.


  53. OMG! i love this! My golden doodle is obsessed with TP! What a cute idea!

  54. You guys are nuts! I guess dogs get bored. If that's the worse thing he does, that's pretty low maintenance. And leave it to Suzan to think of putting the toilet paper in a cage. Genius :-)

  55. I think it is too adds a deorative touch to the basic human function...who can't smile at that? I was thinking the tp holder should be out of reach of the dog or is there a way you can pull tha tp through the slats of the birdcage. just fyi I keep the extra roll of tp on a kidney on a stand you lift off the kidney model opens....and put the roll on the stand. the ureter coming off of the kidney looks suspiciously like something else I won't say but being medical people most of our guests 'get it' Tell John the birdcage is probably more suited to his tastes than the kidney/ureter model...just saying

  56. hysterical but im with you i get it when the doggie gets at it who has to clean it up lol

  57. I know I'm late to this party but OMG but this is post along with the comments is absolutely gut busting funny! If you're still counting votes, I'm down for keeping the birdcage.

  58. MEN!!! They are totally exasperating! I keep our tissue (and we have no animals, unless you count my hubby) in a little metal basket that says "No. 1". So Mr. Smarty Pants wanted to know what he was supposed to do when he needed to go "No. 2"....sheesh!! I hope you kept the cage! I'm catching up on your posts. You will see stray comments from me all over! :-)

  59. Looks like I'm not the only one who missed this originally. Do you still keep it in the birdcage? I think it's a genius idea. We had to start keeping ours in a cupboard with a childlock on it. My granddaughters cat found a way to get to it no matter where we tried to put it. He even learned how to open the cupboard so we had to get the childlock. Tell John that opening a birdcage is a lot easier than working a childlock! My only suggestion would be a bigger birdcage!

    1. No - sadly Soda's now completely blind so that habit has stopped.
      But yes a birdcage would be easier than in a cupboard with a child proof lock lol
      I'd let Soda rip all the toilet paper apart in the world to have her see again - my poor little girl :(


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!