
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Hello Malcolm !

His name is Malcolm  ( Better Furniture Maker ) 

Painted dresser Antoinette Annie SLoan Chalk Paint

But really, does it look like a Malcolm to you?

What kind of a Malcolm has such beautiful curves - loves to dress in pink AND wears flowers
( in his hair )

He even has a little change purse

I had no choice but to make this piece a sweet transvestite !!!
I mean, if any piece was screaming out to be a lady - this was it, no? Marie Claire !

But where do you go to my lovely
When you're alone in your bed
Tell me the thoughts that surround you
I want to get inside your head, ( yes I do )

Sorry - I can't find the before of this one - but let's just say we rescued this piece from a very bad place.

Antoinette Chalk Paint - French Provincial dresser makeover

And an email I received last night that makes all of this worth it

Hi Susan, 
I adore the pieces. Cant wait to show them off. You do fantastic work. 
Thanx again

Not really - I'm ALWAYS filled with doubt after I finish a piece - so validation literally makes me do a happy dance !!!

Now - back on my hands and knees to finish the floor

For those of you who don't know one of the 3 songs I've mentioned in this post
This is so beautiful - and I actually listened to it over and over again while I painted this piece !

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone !
Much love,

If you're looking for inspiration - join me at these fabulous parties !!!

The Charm of Home                          French Country Cottage                       My Turn for Us
My Romantic Home                          Simple Nature Decor                            Miss Mustard Seed
Classy Clutter                                    Life on Lakeshore Drive                       Coastal Charm
I Should be Mopping the Floor         Between Naps on the Porch                  Sand & Sisal
An Extraordinary Day                       Kathe with an E                                    Home Stories A to Z
Gingersnap Crafts                             Shabby Art Boutique                            The Shabby Nest
Savvy Southern Style                        DIY by Design                                     Knick of Time
From my Front Porch to Yours         I Gotta Create\


  1. Not at all a Malcolm but it is a lovely piece. I love the pink. That little change holder is too adorable. Have a great day!

  2. lovely! And I can't wait to see your floor all finished. :)


  3. I have never heard of that artist/song. Love the part about designing topless swimsuits. I thought I knew ALL your songs! sigh...
    Malcom/Marie Claire is lovely! Split personality there? Hope he/she does not have an identity crisis in his/her new home.

    I cannot BELIEVE THAT FLOOR! You are nuts, sister-nuts! (which is why I like you). xo Diana

  4. He/she is gorgeous! I love the sweet floral details. Simply beautiful!

  5. Love the chest and no it's not a Malcom - Claire Marie fits it so much better. Great job of giving her a new make over.

  6. This turned out beautifully! I remember my parent's bedroom set with the two dressers. My Dad's chest of drawers had a sliding tray in the top drawer with compartments (bowl shaped) for change, cufflinks etc. I'd forgotten that until I saw the one in your dresser.

  7. No, that's no Malcom! She's a beauty. And I get the need validation thing - I am in fear every time I do a painting for someone-will they like it or not? And omg Suzan, are you nuts? That floor! Wow! But so much work. Can not wait to see it finished! You go!!

  8. ♫♪...yes, it's me and I'm in love again....♪♫♫
    (can u guess my age by the 50's songs i keep coming up
    I do love every piece you do...and I'm floored over your floor....OH MY

  9. I love the dresser...gorgeous! But...I am seriously in love with the floor and can't wait to see it finished! Amazing.....:)

  10. I think she is suits her! Cheers!

  11. So pretty!
    Are you going to be able to stand up after you finish that floor? My knees are aching just thinking about it. It's looking beautiful. xo

  12. I never thought I would say this but I want a transgender dresser.

  13. Both you and Andi have transvestite furniture posts. That's pretty funny!

  14. Some men look better dressed as women... Malcolm is one of those!

  15. Well Suzan, Malcom is a gorgeous transvestite!
    Marie@The Interior Frugalista

  16. I am in love with Malcolm......Marie Claire! Just beautiful! That floor is going to be fantastic! I know I want to copy you already!

  17. She's a beauty!!! And I am so loving the floor, as paisley is a favorite of mine!!! The room is coming together beautifully, like I knew it would. You have such a talent for redo, such exquisite taste, love it!!! I've been trying to figure out chalk painting on some old pieces I've had for a while, haven't gotten to the waxing stage yet. I will tho'. Have a blessed day.XOXOXOX Karen

    1. Thanks Karen !
      It feels like I've been on my knees for a week with that floor ( because I have? )
      Soooo close to being done !

  18. Beautiful, as usual! You have such a talent...I so wish we were neighbors. I have about 5 pieces to "redo" and I need help! :)


  19. Beautiful!!
    Thanks so much for sharing Marie Claire with us at Project Inspire{d}!

  20. Suzan, I've met a couple of Malcom's in my day that had curvier bodies and prettier legs than I did. It turned out to be a beautiful transformation and no wonder they loved it. Don't sell youself short, I've never seen anything ugly that you did and speaking of beautiful, what is this floor. Did I miss something..Happy Thursday..Judy

  21. Well it's beautiful, not matter what its sexual identity is!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!