
Sunday, September 28, 2014

SO close...................................

painted & stencilled floor - paisley pattern

Oh my poor aching knees LOL

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone

Hopefully this will be finished sometime this week to show you all - in the meantime I'll just bore you to death with progress !

More details to come when I'm finally up off my knees and can call this room done

Painted & stencilled floor - paisley design

Much love,

Come check out these fabulous parties - tons of inspiration!

I Should be Mopping the Floor                                Between Naps on the Porch
Coastal Charm                                                          Sand & Sisal
Kathe with an E                                                        An Extraordinary Day
Home Stories A to Z                                                 DIY by Design
Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson                             From my Front Porch to Yours
The Charm of Home                                                French Country Cottage
My Turn For Us                                                       My Romantic Home
The Shabby Nest                                                      Knick of Time
Ginger Snap Crafts                                                  The Dedicated House
I Gotta Create                                                           Remodelaholic
The Girl Creative                                                      Life on Lakeshore Drive
A Stroll Thru Life                                                     Cedar Hill Farm House


  1. wow. that looks wonderful. I've been absent for a few days so have to go to old posts to see what you've been up to!

  2. That is friggin awesome. I understand stencilling but WHERE did you get a large enough stencil to do the area without having to retape a multitude of times and .... my worst fear..... smearing the wet paint?

  3. Wowzer!!! That looks great! Can't wait to see the completed project!

  4. Not sure whether my previous comment was not approved .... I got a message that I was being deleted..... But here goes again. I think that floor is friggin awesome. How/where did you get the stencil. On that scale I would be retaking and smudging constantly. It looks great.

  5. Not boring at all! I just love this and can't wait to see the whole floor! It is going to be amazing...:) Have a blessed Sunday.

    Hugs, Vicky

  6. Wow Suzan...that looks amazing! Can't wait to see the end result!

  7. I absolutely love it!!! It is the bomb!!! I think I am going to attempt something similar in my craft area!!! Wish me luck, I think I will work it on a low to the ground roller cart!! I wore out my knees running!!! I think we have a furniture mover in the garage!!! That should do it!!! LOL!!! Have a blessed day!!! XOXOXOX Karen

  8. WOW! Looking good ~ how big is your stencil?

    Sending hugs & good thoughts~

  9. Wow, that is stunning! You are a miracle worker ~


  10. MERCY ME...this is bringing me to my knees already. I never knew they had stencils this large....

  11. It looks amazing... I found out last Thursday that French people invented yet a new rule: apparently, it's forbidden to have your bathroom directly on hardwood floor, so no plumber wants to do that for me because their insurance won't cover it. I wonder how many stuid rules our government can come up with?

  12. Just beautiful!!!
    Can't wait to see it all finished!

  13. I am totally loving this floor! Please tell me you have knee pads! I bought a pair when I started rehabbing houses in Seattle and was laying a lot of vinyl flooring. If you don't have a pair, get some! It will make a huge difference on how your knees feel.

  14. For sure, looking good!
    I hope you have some good tunes on as you are doing this. :-)
    xx oo

  15. Wow! This is stunning! I have no patience for stencils so I can imagine just how much work you've put into this. If you're looking for another place to share your projects, I would love to have you stop by Etcetorize and join our Make it Monday party. It opens on Sunday evenings.

  16. I love it! Would love to do this in our entry way! Thank you for the inspiration!

  17. All I can say is WOW too. That is a crazy amount of stencilling and I am in awe!

  18. WOW!!!!! I am already amazed. Girl that is extraordinary!!! Did I say, "Wow!"?? ;)
    I can wait to see the finished product!!

    Thanks for sharing the process with us a Project Inspire{d}!

  19. OMG is fabulous. My knees hurt for you.

    1. Thanks so much !
      It's a very simple process actually - just extremely time consuming !

  20. That is pretty awesome! I am thinking of painting our stair landing floor. First I have to be brave enough to rip off teh carpet and see what is underneath it!;)

  21. I bet you have aching knees. It is going to be fabulous Suzan! Thanks for sharing it with SYC.

  22. Now I think I see what I've been missing! Is it the whole floor or are you doing a rug-size masterpiece? Wow, that is beautiful and WOOOOW how much work. Your poor knees..Happy Thursday..Judy

  23. What a gorgeous floor! The aching knees will be worth it. :)

  24. WOW, that is crazy cool! How did you possibly do it so neatly?

  25. that is such a cool result, thanks for sharing the creative inspiration

    my blog moved to

  26. Wow that looks amazing. I'm sure it's back and knee breaking work. Thanks for sharing at DIYbyDesign.

  27. Holy cow! That looks like a lot of work...but ah-mazing!

    Thanks for sharing ;)

  28. It's beautiful. Sorry for your knees and the amount of effort this is taking -- but it is amazing. Ann Marie @ Iris Abbey

  29. Amazing transformation! Love the color. Reminds of intricate tile in Turkey!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!