
Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 - Endings make me sad

don't go I cried - stay awhile
I need yet to remember
January through December
and the way it made me smile

don't go I begged - rest by me
I need to know
before you go
that you'll forever see

the joy you brought
the things you taught
the price I paid
the friends I made
the way I grew
just knowing you

don't leave just yet
lest I forget
the year gone past
it went too fast
I need to cling awhile more
before I close another door

you were my friend
where did you go? why must you end?
With heavy heart, I watch you go
you took my heart, you see
and so
though my mind knows
that time moves on
my heart's not ready
for farewell songs

but leave you must
I realize
as I wipe memories from my eyes
and file you in
the memory banks
under heartfelt - warmest - truest thanks

2012 you're always be
one of the very best years for me
you brought hundreds and hundreds of new friends my way 
and gave me new reasons
to smile each day...................

To all of my friends in blogland I wish you much joy - much happiness - health and success.
And the happiest of New Year's filled with, above all, peace.
Please know how much I treasure you all - and how you have made a difference in my world..........................

For auld lang syne, my friend,
for auld lang syne,
we'll take a cup o' kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.

See you all next year! ( tomorrow ) 


Much love


  1. Love your heartfelt poetry, Suzyq. I am so happy to have met you here in blogland- A new friend that is almost as crazy as I am...and that's going some! xo Diana

  2. Happy New Year...may 2013 bring you much joy and blessings!!

  3. Beautiful poem. Happy New Year, Suzan! Wishing you all the best in 2013.
    Debbie :)

  4. Lovely poem, Suzan! A woman of many talents. Happy New Year to you and John too!

  5. Love the poem! Wishing you health, happiness and living your dreams in the New Year!


    1. thanks so much Jody - wishing you all that's good for 2013 as well!

  6. Hey Girlfriend. I remember coming across your blog before I had the store and was flabbergasted upon finding a fellow Montrealer. I think you had 10 followers at the time. I am so happy for you and all your success. Here's to 2013 and much much more success. It is quite amazing how blog land can change people's lives and bring people together. Your blog is unique and entertaining. I know you are going places. Hugs to you and John. A lot can change in one short year and when we look back and reflect it just amazes me how things CAN change always for the better. Jan 1st is for reflecting and being grateful for all that we have and all the wonderful people who have come into our lives.
    Wishing you and John a prosperous New Year!


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!