
Sunday, December 30, 2012

I'm not ready to let go yet

I can't bear the thought of saying goodbye to Christmas yet - even though half of blogland is busy taking down and putting away -  I walk by my Tree and I think " Oh no, I can't throw you in the garbage, you need to stay for just a little longer....................

and how can I pack away all the glitz when I'm still in love with it all?

It can't possibly be over

When it still makes me happy to look at it

So I'm going to pretend it's still December 24th

for another week or so

until I'm ready



ready to let go

of the beautiful memories I have of this Christmas

Have any of you vanquished decorations from your home yet?
What happened to waiting  until Epiphany?
I always thought that was kind of like a rule, you know, as in you can't wear white after labor day, type of thing lol?

Sharing with
Setting for Four
I should be mopping the floor ( New Year's Party )


  1. My tree will be up until Epiphany. I truly believe in celebrating 12 days of Christmas. The whole idea of taking down the tree the day after Christmas and slapping up Valentine's crap makes my head hurt. I have a dirty little secret. One of my trees ALWAYS stays up with its white lights, tulle garland and sweet Victorian non-holiday specific ornaments. I am a renegade!

  2. I keep mine up until Jan 1. I think the house is still supposed to look festive right up until New Years.

    I shake my head at the ones that stripped the house on boxing day. It's not about 1 day, it a season.

  3. Ha! If my decorations looked that gorgeous, I would have left them up a little longer too! But....Christmas is gone from my house!! Let Valentines decor begin!!

  4. My tree is still up but not by choice. After all you went through to get your tree up I can see why you want to keep it a while longer. Happy New Year!

  5. Suzan, I am with you!! ! I also agree the house should look festive at New Year's. I don't decorate for Valentine's Day at all, and I am way not ready to jump to Spring either. My husband is Puerto Rican so we celebrate through epiphany, Three Kings Day. Isn't the whole purpose of 'winter' decor to brighten up the dark, cold days of winter??

    1. OMG everyone it's Anita with the voice -
      Anita you have no idea - absolutely no idea how many times I played your
      O holy night during the holidays - I blasted it from my office so everyone could hear it Christmas Eve...............
      And yes the whole purpose is to brighten up the dark cold days of winter - maybe we should keep it up till March lol
      Much love,

  6. I will keep our Christmas decor up for a few more days. We have been away and I really want to enjoy it a bit longer....

  7. I think it's turned into an extension of your beliefs. We are Roman Catholic, and keep everything up until at least Epiphany, and sometimes until the Feast of the Presentation. I know other Catholics who take everything down on Boxing Day.

  8. Yeah, I'm with you. Christmas decor is staying put for at least another week. Unlike a neighbour of mine who couldn't wait to put up Christmas, she would be the first on the street, but, boom, come Boxing day, she was busy putting every single item away in the most anal way.

    Valentine decor? Nahh, so not ready to see that and so not into it. It seems we've been trained by stores, because they merchandize so early to make us buy more and if there was ever a commercial holiday, this is it. I hate to be told that I need to buy a gift and spend $5 on a piece of paper (card) to tell someone I love them.

    Listen to me rant, must be Soapbox Sunday, lol!

  9. Love your decorations! I'd keep them up longer too :) We keep ours up until at least Jan 2nd and usually take them down the weekend after New Years. I count New Years as part of the Christmas season and extend it as long as I can. I'm still wearing my Christmas pj's and drinking tea from my Christmas mugs too :) Happy New Year to you!

    1. Hi Hilda - I'm trying to extend it as long as I can too!
      The happiest of New Years to you and yours as well - stay in those p.j.'s as long as you can!
      Much love

  10. I usually keep ours up until Epiphany, too. We'll see this year- I may have to take them down a day or so early but I really love to have them up through New Year's Day. Blessings- xo Diana

  11. I am still waiting until 12th night, Epiphany.I must say, this year I have had my moments of wanting to take some of it down, but I have resisted!!! I have held strong. I still luv the lights, the warm glow of all the little white lights on all the many trees and garlands....
    Holding firm... waiting.
    Happy New Year to you and yours,

    1. Hi Gee!!!
      Me too - too soon - I'm holding firm too
      And the happiest of New Years to you and yours as well my friend
      Much love,

  12. There seem to be very few true southerners that adhere to the Epiphany with decor...or maybe I just haven't met them. Your decorations are simply stunning!! I covet that deer head my friend. :)

    I took everything down last Thursday. Honestly, I was claustrophobic after about 3 days of all the decor being out...and I honestly didn't do each room. I live in a small space so I'm sure that's the reason I feel that way. It's amazing how the sunlight (when it's here) can shine through now and I feel like I can walk around without dodging things. LOL

    You do exactly what makes you happy, Sunshine!

    P.S. And I'm NOT ready for Valentine stuff yet either.

  13. I took down the decorations on Friday. I was in the mood to get it done. However, I did do a Valentine craft yesterday while we were snowed in. I couldn't help it. I feel like Valentine's Day already happened when I saw Joann Fabrics had Easter stuff out the day after Christmas. :)

  14. My stuff is still up - always leave it up till after New Years is over. Probably start taking it down on January 2nd when the world (meaning my hubby) goes back to work and I can work on it slowly. Usually have it down before January 6th though, I must admit.

    Having friends for New Years celebrations tomorrow and wouldn't want them to not have the tree and glitz around.

    Happy New Year to you and John (or should I say Merry Christmas as you're stuck on the 24th)

  15. I did think about doing it yesterday but couldn't be bothered!
    I used to wait until the 5th but now I usually take it down just after New Years.

    1. I have a friend that sometimes still had her tree up on Valentine's day - I kid you not! Out of laziness - not out of loving Christmas so much LOL

  16. We have talked about this in church and it made me feel better about leaving mine up! My kiddos go back to school Jan. 7th so I will probably leave them up until then so they can enjoy them! Plus I am not quite ready to take them down yet either! :)

    1. It's just far too much work for me to put them up - need to enjoy it for a little longer!

  17. Nope, I'm not ready yet. I don't take anything down till the me it is still the holiday season till then. And I don't blame you, I wouldn't want to take down your decorations either!
    Debbie :)

  18. I considered taking the tree down today VERY BRIEFLY. I'm not ready yet either, it's staying a bit longer. :)

  19. I can't take stuff down yet...I've still got stuff sittin' on the table to put UP!!!


    1. this made me LOL - seriously? I was still decorating Christmas eve - about 20 minutes before everyone arrived!
      I think you're off the hook - you can pack up what's on the dining room table darling!

  20. I leave our tree and decor up until (at least)the Epiphany, when the Magi got to Jesus. That is also the day (Jan 6)when the children get their stocking (in Italy) as a symbol of the gifts the Magi brought to Jesus.

  21. Cute, cute Suzy! I usually leave my decor up until after New Years. This year I started the day after Christmas. Hubby and I have decided to finish our basement. We needed to start cleaning it so I thought I'd better start early. However, I leave anything that just looks glittery or Wintery until the end of January. It helps to make the house not seem so empty. Keep enjoying your beautiful decor!

  22. Hi Suzan,

    Definitely up till, at least, Epiphany!! In Greece, most people exchange gifts on New Year's Eve. So, the tree and all its trimmings stands tall and proud! Last year, I didn't put things away until something like the 10th of January, as the house just felt so warm and cozy and nostalgic.

    Hope you have a Happy, Healthy New Year!

    It has been fun reading your very entertaining blog and getting to know you!

    Poppy xo

  23. totally agree ppl need to wait until Jan 7th lol

  24. I just found your blog and so glad I did! I too have a tough time letting go of Christmas, next year I am starting early! Happy to be following you my friend. Diane

    1. Hi Diane! Welcome to my world - won't you come on in tee hee
      So happy you're following - I'm following you now too
      I'm in Montreal btw -so we're neighbours

  25. I took mine done the other day because I was bored. Plus being away from family at Christmas makes me sad. Hubby came home and said he is going to miss the ladder lol He wanted to have me committed for putting it up in the first place, then he misses it. Next year when I decorate our new home in Ontario I will probably want to keep the decorations up longer. Yours were so pretty I can understand why you would want to leave them up. Happy New Year my friend, looking forward to moving closer to you in the New Year. Hope 2013 is all you want it to be and more. Wishing you success, contentment, health and happiness. hugs Tobey

  26. Your decorations are beautiful and I can see why you want to keep them up longer. I don't have the energy to take mine down. I did remove all of the outdoor decorations, but I just plopped them down in the sitting room, waiting to be put away. My son moved back home after living on his own for so many years. This is a major adjustment for all of us and I'm worn out from it all. Trying to get back to crafting, but I'm hitting a wall there too. Hopefully, things will turn around soon! Happy New Year!!!

  27. If only we hold a remote control to pause events:)

    Hopping by and following your twitter, FB, G+ and Pinterest.

    Blogging @ Getting Healthy with Essential Oils

    1. That would be a dangerous thing that converter - my kids would still be in Kindergarten then LOL
      Will be by to follow back shortly!
      Happy New year - and thanks so much for following


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!