
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Morning has broken

Well sort of - this is what I awoke to this morning

Oh wait - I just had a great idea!!!

John says - what the hell are you doing?
Suzan says - I see a great photo op !
John says - are you crazy?  No one is out there - there's a blizzard
Suzan says - I just want to put this on the bench - how can I do it without putting footprints
on the balcony?
John says - Use your broom and fly out there
Suzan says - Merry 2 days after Christmas John -
John says - Put a sign out for the mail man Suzan - ask him to throw the mail and you'll catch it - and
then explain that you prefer not to have foot prints on the snow.........................

and 10 minutes later just to keep things in perspective

My work at Evita's was cancelled today - she has to be at her shop - and she's leaving on the weekend for a couple ( few? ) weeks - so work has been delayed at her place.

I get to enjoy this for a little while longer

Suzan says - You have to walk Soda
John says - Nah - think I'll let you do that this morning
Suzan says - You know the rules John - I take care of what goes in her
John says - yeah, yeah - I take care of what comes out
John says - why do I get all the shitty jobs?
Suzan says - because I'm the one that makes the house look cozy to come back into

Suzan says - and I'm the one that made sure there's a fresh pot of home made Turkey soup for lunch

Suzan says - And I'm the one who made you a belated Christmas Breakfast

John's son's wife's parents gave us some home made jams - John says they were delish  - I was too full to try them
but apparently these will be good for another 20,000 years tee hee - do you see the date?
I only noticed it when I downloaded the photo

 Suzan says - and I'm the one that makes you a hot cup of tea to take the chill off

John says - Well I'd like to switch places with those rules
Suzan says - Oh no - impossible - you can't just change the rules in the middle of the game
Suzan says - Sorry about that buddy
Suzan says - Here's your boots
Suzan says - and take the garbage with you on your way out please

John says - did you just take a picture of my boots?
Suzan says - Yup
John says - another photo op?
Suzan says - Yup
John says - you didn't include the garbage, did you?
Suzan says - Yup
John says - I'm going to start taking photos of you taking photos -
John says - I can guarantee you you're the only one who puts photos of garbage on her blog, really, it's insane
John says - Can you please tell everyone that YOU bought those boots for me - and that I hate them -
I absolutely hate them
Suzan says - well they do the job don't they
John says - Suzan gets her boots in Paris - and John gets his from a big box crap store where everything's made in China -
John says - tell everyone that you bought the wrong size - and I almost lose one of them every time I walk the dog
John says - tell everyone that I absolutely hate them
Suzan says - you're repeating yourself again
John says - Well I do - I can't stand them
Suzan says - Can you please put them on and walk the dog?
Suzan says - and later today can you deliver Turkey soup to all the kids?
Suzan says - I have to take some photos of my Christmas presents - out of my way !
Suzan says - and why do you have to follow me around while I take photos anyway?

vintage inspired dress form from my daughter and SIL

Vintage inspired cd player / radio from my son

Vintage inspired shoe ( bank ) with a gift certificate ( think I'll buy something vintage ) from my other daughter.
And lots of other goodies including the Keep Calm and Carry on Cup set above from another of John's son's wife

Suzan says - Do you want to play scrabble today by the fire?
John says - that sounds like a plan
Suzan says - I'll set it up
Suzan says - but we can only play after you

You all have a beautiful day -
John's off to WALK THE DOG  ( I HOPE..........................)
Much love,

Partying with:
PJH Designs
DIY by Design
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Savvy Southern Style
The 36th Avenue
No Minimalist Here
Common Ground
Rooted in Thyme
French Country Cottage
Chase the Star
Life on Lakeshore Drive


  1. Sounds like a great day to me. How long have you been married? I see there is no hitting involved yet!;>)
    I LOVE to play Scrabble so let me know if he doesn't come back from the blizzard- xo Diana
    ps. the bad news is that I always win...

  2. I wish I had a John here to shovel all that snow that fell last night. I'd even buy him boots he liked! Looks all snug and cosy in your after Christmas house.

    1. all of a sudden you're a no reply blogger Maureen? Strange!
      It's all shoveled!
      But it hasn't stopped snowing since this morning so pretty soon it'll look like it hasn't been done lol

  3. We had the blizzard first, then sent it off into your general direction. It can be your gift from me. (If I were you I'd return it, but the rest of the gifts you received are fabulous!)

    Tell John those boots are stylin'! They have the total wintery lumberjack vibe. Manly yes, but I'd wear them tooooo.

  4. So glad we don't have to walk the dog in the snow here!

    1. Just coming in from the pool are you Deanne?LOL

  5. Sometimes I wish I had a dog just for an excuse to walk him/her. But not on days like this!!

  6. Haha, I'd love to hear John say "Why do I get all the shitty jobs" with his British accent, lol!! Priceless!

    We got a lot of snow here too, not enough to keep the outlaws from coming to dinner though, lol.

    Your house does look cozy and inviting and that soup very comforting.

    Have a lovely evening by the fireplace.


  7. You're hilarious! John is a lucky man...has he not been informed of this fact?
    I'll take a bowl of your turkey soup...I'm down with the flu.
    Love your photos of the snow.:)

  8. Your photos are gorgeous! We had a White Christmas here in Texas...can you believe it? :) Not to the extent of your snow but it was beautiful, especially when the huge flakes were falling.

    I love your gifts too. Your home is just beautiful! I'd love to have some of that soup right now. Poor John, having to walk the dog in boots he hates. ;-) I so hope that you break down and buy him some good ones before winter is over.


  9. Ok you really are too funny (you can't deny it!!) I love the conversations with the hubby- men truly just don't understand. You know what? My hubby made some amazing pieces as gifts and asked me to take pictures- a few shots later he is yelling/asking why I need to take so many of the same thing *more on that later* tsktsk lol.
    btw I LOVE the bench pictures and also hate footprints in the snow. always have.
    enjoy the day :)

  10. Lovely, lovely... your house looks beautiful! Want some turkey soup! I spent my 2 days off sick in bed :(

  11. Love the dress form! Looks like you scored this year! I love taking Jet for walks in snowstorms...the world seems so close and cozy...even when I'm out in it. Hate to drive in them though.
    John seems to call you crazy a lot, eh? lol
    Debbie :)

  12. Hi Suzan!!!

    WOW!!!! What a lot of snow!!!! Great picture with no footie prints. Love the dress form!! Lovely gifts!!

    Who won the Scrabble game?

    Have a great weekend!!


  13. LOVE all the pretty snow! What a great day! The soup is perfect for a snowy day! YUMMY! Very witty post!

  14. Too funny! Love the snow, we didn't get that much but yours looks lovely and I totally get not wanting footsteps in the photo.

  15. Only a blogger would worry about footprints in the snow...I so understand! The snow looks really pretty but I can not take the cold. Today in central Florida we went for a walk on the beach and enjoyed the sun. There were lots of people on the beach and even a few in the ocean. Thanks for linking to the Open House party. xx, Sherry

  16. Suzy, Thanks for sharing this cute post at Simple & Sweet Fridays. Wish we had snow. You're photo of the Christmas basket is beautiful!


    1. thanks so much for having me Jody!
      ( the snow can leave now - the holidays are over lol )

  17. The freshly fallen snow provided such a lovely backdrop for your photo. I enjoyed visiting your blog and became a follower. I am new to the blogger world, and would love for you to visit and follow my blog at Maddiebella Home as well.

    Looking forward to visiting again.

    Betty P. (Maddiebella Home)

    1. Thanks so much Betty!
      I'm following you back
      Will see you around the blogmosphere!

  18. So happy to follow one another, and share our creativity.

    Hugs to you!



Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!