
Friday, December 28, 2012

Oh the weather outside is frightful

Some photos of the storm that has hit Montreal - 46 centimeters ( 18 inches ) and more expected!
It's broken records -

Hey buddy - get some winter clothes on!

I ASKED you to pick up milk on your way home from work yesterday!

I've got to get to work - must get to work - God help me - I need to get to work

How to get to the pub in a snow storm - the submitter of the photo's caption - not mine lol - brilliant!


Can I come in now Mom ?  I'm tired of playing in the snow


It's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood


O.M.G. - I dropped my keys!!!

BUT before we whine and complain - take a look at what got dumped in Watertown N.Y
146 inches in 2 weeks - now that's a lot of shoveling


And on a final note -

Is anyone else as excited as I am about this?
I can't tell you how much I love this show!

 Downton Abbey, Season 3 — The Phenomenon Lives On!

The acclaimed cast returns with guest star Shirley MacLaine
January 6, 2013 on PBS

I think I did a post not that long ago lamenting the lack of snow in Montreal ;)


  1. How I love snow, too! (Surprised?!!?) We get more on Saturday but only a few inches. I like enough so that I don't have to go to the office and can work from home! One of my dearest friends lives near the Finger Lakes in NY. They get a lot of snow but NOTHING like Watertown. That is just crazy.

  2. I will be glued to the TV in January. I have been catching up by watching the reruns of Downton this month. Can't wait.

  3. You can have our snow. :)

    That last picture is just crazy. I'd be a nervous wreck driving through. lol!

  4. Winters and Snow!!
    I'm not a fan yet, wish you enjoy the winters this year!!
    Happy new year~

    Take Care :)

  5. We received 17-inches of snow in Round One. Round Two is one-quarter of the way through four more inches, it started overnight. We'll send this one your way also!

    I DID have to go to work in our blizzard, but my boss came and picked me up with a plow truck. I'm such a princess.

  6. I hate snow but it sure makes for some gorgeous photos. I cannot wait for downtown abbey!

  7. Don't throw a snowball at me when I say we have only had a light dusting of snow.Every time we are in for a storm it passes us by.I am nervous that are time is coming soon for a big one...YIKES!

  8. Love all the snow, we are snow people in my family. The kids have already been downhill skiing. We didn't get the amount you did, but more snow is on its way. Yes, I am excited about season 3 can't wait, what a great series Downton Abbey is.

  9. We got missed completely by the storm. I hope you got dug out okay! (I've never seen Downton Abbey).

  10. We got a pile of snow (about a foot) at my sisters on Wednesday and in the process did some after Christmas shopping :) Nothing too crazy. When I got back home we barely had anything- but it is still pretty!

  11. We went to Chicago hoping for a "White Christmas" and it snowed in our hometown in Texas, but not in Chicago...go figure!

  12. Be careful what you wish for!

    I've been wanting to see Downton Abbey, I wish I had known they were replaying it.

  13. Yes you did. Be careful what you wish for!

    Watched the Christmas special from Season 2 last night as a refresher for NEXT SUNDAY!!!!!!!!

  14. Now, that's a bit too much snow for me! ;-)

    I can't wait for Downton Abbey either!!! Love that show ~


  15. Great and funny pics. I am holding my breath (well, not really) for Downton Abbey!!!!! xo Diana

  16. Ok, so I'm an odd one, I've never heard of Downton Abbey...and it looks like a 'w' is missing in Downton? Guess I should turn on the TV more often...
    Debbie :)

  17. Hi Suzan!!!

    OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!

    I remember snow like that when I lived there. I keep hearing about Downton Abbey and have yet to watch it and I do want to. It's probably because I can't pry the tv controller out of my husband's hand.

    Are you sitting by your fireplace with a glass of wine in your hand and all the lights turned off? I love doing that when there's been a snowfall. It's just so cozy.

    Have a great weekend!!!!!


  18. Snow is beautiful. I'm from Louisiana and were in Branson Missouiri today and it snowed. Really enjoyed this little bit here but I don't think I would enjoy as much as you get. BURRR---and Oh I've so been waiting for Downton Abbey! Can't wait !!!! Have a great year Suzan


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!