
Monday, February 2, 2015

Thinking of summer.........................

On Craig's List  ( maybe filled to the brim with colorful flowers? )

I'd love these in the garden !

Not even sure what I'd do with this - but just love it !

Suzan says - I'd love to get that crib and pram for the garden
John says - WHAT?  FOR THE GARDEN?

Suzan says - Well there's these 2 elephant garden stools I'm in love with
John says - I hate 'em...............besides, you need Indian decor for them
Suzan says - You're really getting quite miserable you know..................

But he did agree to these - and I already know exactly where they're going

Aren't they fabulously weathered?

John says - We're just entering the first week of February - why are you looking for outdoor furniture?
Suzan says - I wasn't - I was looking for antique prams and cribs - and these just sort of found their way to me.
John says - Well there's nowhere to store them until summer - you've got the shed crammed to the roof
John says - There's too much in the back yard - and there's too much in the bloody house
John says - Why does every square inch have to have something in it?
Suzan says - Well I could put one of the chairs in the living room..................
John says - Sure - and why don't we just put a swing set in there while you're at it or better yet, a sand box ?
John says - We have an outdoor ladder in there anyway
( he's still going on about the ladder ? )

I sat on the first one and fell to the floor - like crashed to the floor

John says - Great deal you got there Goldilocks - laughing his head off

But it was a great deal - it's just missing a bolt - easy enough fix - and other than that these are the sturdiest folding chairs LOL ( really they are ) very solid ( as long as all the bolts are in )

Thinking of summer is the only way I know how to get through winter !

( And I still want those elephants )

Have a wonderful Monday everyone !
Summer's right around the corner - we just have to get through the end of Winter - and then Spring.............
Nothing to it really
I think I'll put up an outdoor umbrella in the living room just to see John's reaction!

Hugs -


BETWEEN NAPS ON THE PORCH                                       COASTAL CHARM
A STROLL THRU LIFE                                                           SAND & SISAL
KATHE WITH AN E                                                               FRENCH COUNTRY COTTAGE
HAVE A DAILY CUP OF MRS. OLSON                               MY TURN FOR US
FROM MY FRONT PORCH TO YOURS                              MY ROMANTIC HOME
MISS MUSTARD SEED                                                          I SHOULD BE MOPPING THE FLOOR


  1. Good way to start my week, Suzan. You two crack me up. John sounds like my husband, but at least John eventually goes along. I always end up pouting, saying I feel like a tenant in my own house. Nice chairs, look to be teak the way they've weathered.

  2. That crib would make an awesome daybed! If I lived in your neck of the woods, I would grab that in a flash! Hope you get your elephants!! John could learn to live with them, just like the ladder. Oh, love the chairs too!! Karen

  3. Love the chairs. Miss reading all the other comments. Around here we do take an umbrella skeleton and decorate with gauze and lace and baubles.

  4. I love that crib too!!! But not for my garden, for my little one.Your right about That pram , it would be awesome with flowers!

  5. I think the crib would be darling planted out with colorful annuals... a few vine-y things, purple & white alyssum, you get the idea...

    Love the chairs; check all the bolts!

  6. Oh Suzan, just poke John in the eyes a couple of times when he goes all Ebeneezer Scrooge on you. Then he won't see anything :)))
    ~ Christina

  7. Absolutely Love that baby crib. Wish it where mine. If you ever change your mind and don't want it, I know of a very good home it could go to :}
    The baby buggy can be used year round just by sitting different potted plants in it and can switch them out whenever you want.
    Susan, hope you didn't hurt your bum bum too much when the chair fell to the floor.
    Love those elephants. I have a pair of cement ones out in my rose / day lily bed plus I also have a set of painted ones sitting on my enclosed front porch that are being used as plant stands.

  8. LOL...such a cute post. I love those elephants, too.
    If I can find it, a blogger did actually use an outdoor umbrella in her living room for awhile.If I can find a pic of it, I'll email it to ya and you can show John...:)

  9. I want one of tose antique cribs to store the boxes I have for my shop. Can't wait to see the face my dad will turn to me when I tell him we need to pick up a crib when I have no child! But I think you have already an idea thanks to John!

  10. Love all those wonderful finds. Too bad you can't get at least one elephant (you know as a table between two of those gorgeous chairs. Oh and the crib would make a perfect settee, don't you think? As far as summer, well, I just keep reminding myself that it WILL eventually come...EVENTUALLY. Until then we can dream and imagine, can't we? Have a terrific day!

  11. I love the crib! I have one that I want to turn into a daybed.

    P.S. I double dare you to bring an umbrella in. That might just put John over the edge - lol!

  12. Hi Suzan,
    After getting a blizzard yesterday and 15 inches of snow I am sooooo ready for Spring and Summer. It cannot come fast enough for me. I love those folding chairs. They are so sweet. I am so dreaming of summer and flowers. I already am thinking about having Terry build me a chippy ole flower box to hang on my yellow front door. Ohhhhhh to plant flowers. I cannot wait. Have a great week my friend.

  13. I am still looking to replace my beautiful, comfortable garden swing I had to leave in BC. You'll be ready for spring when it arrives, which is smart! Love the weathered chairs. Patty

  14. I love the chairs and they are weathered so beautifully. All the other things are great as well. Spring is just around the corner! Have a lovely week! Oh...if you do put an umbrella in the living room, be sure to take a picture to!!!

  15. Oh my Goodness!!! I wondered where they went!!! The elephant stools! I swear my son-in-law gave these to my daughter for their first wedding anniversary! I happened to be at their home when he presented them to her. It was one of those moments in life when you know NOT to look at a person, but you can't help yourself and do it anyway knowing what will happen eyeball barely connected with hers before the laughter began! The more we tried not to laugh, the worse it got.....and the worse it got, the more insulted he became, which made us try not to laugh even more, with zero results! He has since forgiven us both, thank goodness, but I can't wait to email this post to her. It has been twenty five years and the mention of the elephant stools ....oh no, a play on words!......still leaves us weak with laughter! Thanks for the memories! hugs, nanny

    1. Well I'm giggling my head off here !
      I wonder if they were smuggled across the border or came here legally LMHO ???

  16. Your hubs sound like my Mr. C! Last year I found some twin wicker headboards and put them in my garden as trellises, he thought I was nuts? So now I just stop listening. well to be honest I always did! love the garden chairs.

  17. Funny comment above mine from JustNanny. :) I love the chairs. Have you seen those sets with 2 chairs like yours and a table in faux teak? I'd like one of them for the front deck. I must watch on Kijiji. I might get lucky like you did. It's so cold and so snowy. We're in another blizzard again tonight. Sigh...

  18. I thought John was so funny when he suggested maybe you should put a sandbox in the living room yet, but laughed out loud (really) when he called you Goldilocks. He is pretty fast on the recall, love that with you two...your blog never ceases to make me laugh..I can't wait to see the elephants in your you will be getting them....

  19. Love the folding chairs...and I think the crib would look great in the flower garden!!

  20. What a great find i like all of those things,especially the chairs.Have a great day.

  21. Oh my gosh....that crib is it die for?

  22. Beautiful find! Love the chairs.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  23. I love those chairs Suzan! You find the coolest stuff!

  24. I loved John's Goldilocks comment. I'm still laughing.

  25. oh just too funny the crib could easily be made into a lounge for the poolside with lots of fabric pillows on a mattress or foam pad. you just need to elevate the floor of it

  26. Well Goldilocks, I'd take the chairs over the elephants any day. Hate to admit it, but I'm kind of with John there about the elephants. lol! No, not my taste, but you would make them fabulous! I have a yellow chair like them. Well, I actually painted it yellow. Used it out on the porch for Fall. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  27. O.M.Goodness! That sounded so much like a conversation between my husband and me!! He gets very little of what I do....but luckily, he's a trooper and sticks by me....after he gets his say in. :) I love the chairs, and would be fine with the others, too. Whimsy is what it's about! Susan@simplystonecreek


Due to a large amount of spam ( that I'm tired of going back to posts and deleting ) I'll be using comment moderation from now on !!!
Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
to try my damnedest !!!