As you know I'm constantly on the look out for pieces of furniture - here's a few items I spotted that stand out as exceptional ( in my little mind lol )
Some I love for the purpose they were built - but some I imagine repurposing altogether.
Isn't this gorgeous ? I absolutely LOVE the hutch ( I love all of it - but the hutch stands out, doesn't it? )
I don't care what style of home you live in - this would fit !
This next unit was listed for FREE !!!!!!!!!!
I would have turned this into a bathroom vanity - with all that storage - paint it - add a mirror and a sink in the middle and it would be perfect, don't you think?
However, had I known about this in time I would have grabbed it just for the cabinets alone - painted them black - added shelves and put them in my kitchen !
I think this piece would be gorgeous painted black and distressed ! ( so much so that I'm seriously contemplating it ) and filled with books - old books - new books - torn books - just books
I could see this being a really cool bar ( painted of course lol ) circa Mad Men !
Mojita anyone?
A mini hutch - painted - distressed and filled with mason jars ( to hold herbs and spices !!! )
An electric fire place - I want to grab this and paint it so bad - which I can because I bit the bullet and bought it ! The seller was kind enough to meet my price.
I think it's beautiful and could so easily look like a built in unit
With a pull out shelf
It'll either go in the office or dining room - neither of which has been worked on yet - so we'll just have to see. Knowing me it'll be moved up and down until I get it right LOL
The dining room would be great because I can store dishes in the upper cabinet and use the pull out as a sideboard when having dinners -
( AND a fireplace in the dining room wouldn't be too shabby ! )
It would also be great in the office - to store office supplies - and then I could work on the blog with a little ambience.
Pretty details on the fireplace section
Suzan says - Do you think you could pick up a fireplace for me?
John says - What the hell? How many fireplaces does one house need?
Suzan says - Phhhtttt - you can never have too many fireplaces.................
But secretly maybe he's right this time?
We have this one in the den ( which now has an electric fire in front of it - we still have to insert it )
There's the gas fireplace in the living room
and the " faux " one we built for the bedroom
So I guess I have to admit that this is borderline obsessive now -
BUT it's an old cottage - doesn't that lend itself to fireplaces everywhere?
Especially one that can look so old and " stately " ?
For 75.00 ?
Looks like 2015 is going to be pretty much the same as 2014 -
Let the arguing begin !
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope your year is filled with Health - Peace - Happiness and Prosperity - in that order
Love you all

I'll be linking up to these fabulous parties - join me !!!
French Country Cottage Between Naps on the Porch
Savvy Southern Style Beyond the Picket Fence
My Romantic Home My Turn for Us