Good Morning everyone!!!
Start spreading the news......................we're leaving today ( back to the heart of it, New York, New York )
My second favorite city in the world - and my favorite city in North America.................
( and that is SO unfair I know - because although I've seen Paris - London - Milan - there are a a few other cities out there somewhere I think ) but oh how I love love love New York
John and I even discussed packing it all in and trying our luck there ( because if you can make it there - you'll make it anywhere ) before reality came crashing down around us with a thud..............
So.............we'll have to live vicariously through IWLT Wednesdays lol
I've mentioned before that I think I was meant to live a certain way - and something went horribly wrong.
I know - I just know that I was supposed to be surrounded by great wealth - with homes in several places around the world - I was SUPPOSED to have a Pied a Terre in Paris for instance..............and an apartment in Manhattan for when I wanted to go see musicals - or shop and a getaway in Hawaii for when I needed to be near the ocean...............I was also meant to have staff - you know the kind of staff that could do my hair everyday - pick out my clothes I prepared to sit down for the morning giving half of my fortune away to charities and friends.
" Oh Madame - your girlfriend Darlene called - she just saw the cutest town house "
" Buy it for her Gisele "
" But Madame - you don't know how much it cost !!! "
" I don't care what it costs - she's my friend - write a cheque and buy it for her - end of story "
And I suppose these are some of the homes I was meant to live in ( just to fulfil the fantasy folks - humor me a little )
Built in 1899 ( you know I love my old homes )
The mortgage is listed at 89,988 a month
( which would be a measly amount in the world I was supposed to live in - however in the world I accidentally ended up in I'd have to declare bankrupty about a week after I moved in - but oh what a week it would be )
6 beds, 8 baths
2,640 sq feet
Realtor: BROWN HARRIS STEVENS - Sami Hassoumi
Gisele would absolutely LOVE this kitchen, I know
True story - Picture it - 1979 - Montreal in it's Hay Day - ( done in my best Sophia voice )
I went on my first ( and last ) blind date - that I can remember clearly wishing I were blind for - with the creepiest little guy - ugghhh was he creepy - anyway during the course of the evening he casually mentioned that he was Royalty from Saudi Arabia - his ship, in fact, was at the port...............I inwardly rolled my eyes and feigned an acute case of something or other and fled for my life after he casually asked if I would be interested in marrying him LMHO - seriously this is a TRUE story -
I had stupidly given him my work number and he called every day for about a month - with me telling the receptionist to say I no longer worked there - until finally my boss threatened to take him to court.
Shortly after I saw his photo in the local paper - he wasn't lying....................
But still - that was not the way I was supposed to have great wealth - I think I was supposed to have inherited it actually - from birth ( you know, the easy way )
The next one up is a Condo ( prewar ) listed at 15,900,000
Upper East Side ( moving on up? )
5 bedroom ( 4 plus
5,345 sq. feet
SO..................are any of you living the life I was supposed to be living?
And if you are - could I be your friend?
Because there's a darling little place in the UPPER WEST SIDE - could you have your Gisele write me a cheque please?
310,000 ( an absolute steal )
Studio ( perfect pied a terre - or student's apartment )
With a private garden
Ok everyone - I'm off to live the life I happen to be living - which includes more and more packing :)
Have a wonderful Wednesday
Much love,

Sharing with!!!
No Minimalist Here French Country Cottage My Romantic Home
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia I Should be Mopping the Floor
Obviously if you lived in the apartment you would not plan on doing any cooking. I still can't figure out what that is to the left of the range! The first one is gorgeous and I can also picture you ftraipsing from room to room (ala Donna Reed coming down the staircase in the opening of her television show back in the day!) Now THAT kitchen is gorgeous and your staff would only prepare the most delicious meals for you.
ReplyDeleteBack in the day when I was a kept woman, we had "help" and I thought for sure that I would really like that. Turned out that I didn't and we found her employment with another family. I actually like cleaning and cooking. I may, quite possibly, have a screw loose!
It looks like a small refrigerator with a small freezer and on top it looks like
Deletea microwave....I think!! LOL
The second one is my choice, with the exception of THE HIRSCHFELD ON THE WALL in that third picture! (At that price, it better come with the house!)
ReplyDeleteI think I will put in an offer on the second one. It might be a cheeky offer, rather below the asking price, but you never know!
ReplyDeleteLive the life you've imagined. It's a plaque I have over my stove. Haha. As I cook my own meals and make my own coffee in the morning I read this plaque over and over and
ReplyDeleteWow what a great and wonderful life living in that first one would be. Ohhhhh so beautiful. I think the last one is my fav. With a few little changes it would make a nice apartment for when I fly into New York for my week end of theatre. Ok..... well maybe in my dreams but what great fun that would be.
Oh wow...mouth hanging open. I haven't moved beyond the price. Goodness.
ReplyDeleteAfter visiting that first one, I don't want to see anything else. It is gorgeous! And when your dream comes true and you're living there, I hope you won't forget us 'little people.' LOL
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the never-ending packing project, Suzan.
Ok. That first one was pretty but didn't look very liveable. The second one - well it looks very liveable. One question...does pre-war mean pre-civil war? Have a great day packing.
ReplyDeleteI will call my mom and ask her to buy me the first one. $89k is totally outside my monthly budget, and perhaps I have an inheritance coming that I am totally unaware of.
ReplyDeleteThe guy that lives there now will have to have his man servant pack up the 35+ white shirts hanging in his closet. His valet. I know the word valet now because you made me go and get all the old episodes of Downton Abbey so I'd be prepared for Season 4, and I am ADDICTED. You did that to me. Thanks?
Happy packing...and I enjoy dreaming with you. ;-)
ReplyDeleteHappy and Packing are 2 words that should never be used in the same sentence Carla LMHO
DeleteBut thanks for the sentiment!!!
I love the formal elegance in the first one, but my family has no respect for formal elegance, hubby first and foremost, and gym socks thrown on those floors, or coats thrown across that couch would make me crazy. And so I'll stay put in my non-formal environment, and live vicariously through yours posts instead of having my own. :)
ReplyDeleteGorgeous! I want to live in the 1st one the most!!
ReplyDeletehmmmmm.......isn't that first one Michael Feinstein's home? I saw it on a tv show....they bought two townhouses and joined them. It's been on the market for a couple years. Can't imagine why! My Gisele will call your Gisele.
ReplyDeleteUh huh...we think alike....I have always said I wanted a brownstone in NYC and an apartment in Paris. I could just fly back and forth. Why not? It could happen...right?
ReplyDeleteLove that house! I just mentioned you in my latest blog post about a trip we just took. I think I found another house you could live in! Check it out at
ReplyDeleteDid you see Overboard with Goldie Hawn? She was slaving away in poverty just knowing that something was wrong and that she really did come from money - just like you.
ReplyDeleteHave fun in NYC, a favorite city of mine also, but only for a few days and then I am ready to return to reality.
I have to read backwards because helping my daughter get settled means no time for work at my house and with a sandy floor, Steve questions why I am blogging. I am almost caught up today.
The first property used to be owned by Michael Feinstein and was featured on an episode of "Selling New York" in early 2012.
ReplyDeleteWow - thanks for that trivia Denise -
DeleteNow for the second home - I think I see 3 " awards " sitting on the kitchen counter
Emmy's or Tony's or Oscar's or one of each lol - wonder who lives there?
These are just unbelievable. John and I laugh sometimes , we say that we would be the best rich people. We would by places for our family members and friends and we would donate, donate, donate money to great causes that mean a lot to us. The one thing that is sad about us is that if we had people working for us in our home we would be having dinner with them. We have said this since we have been married - 25 years. In our dreams this may happen because John works in NYC and we don't have that kind of life. I must say though we truly love our lives and wouldn't change anything with good decisions and the bad that we have made. We would only change me being sick, that is it.
I knew it all along. We were twins separated at birth and neither one of us got our rightful inheritance. I'm coming on up sistah 'cause it's time we got our due. (Ummm maybe we don't want we are actually due) SIGH!!! See you on the bread lines. xo Laura
ReplyDeleteGorgeous. gorgeous, gorgeous. Did you know I went to school in downtown Manhattan? It was wonderful and I loved it- but did not want to live there. I am so anxious for you to hear about your house that it is a done-deal. Love to you- xo Diana
ReplyDeleteThe heck with the really glad you didn't go off with the Saudi prince. Those stories just never end well.
ReplyDeletePS. My husband and I are born and bred New Yorkers...he even grew up on the Upper East Side! Every once in a while we 'long' for all things 'New York.' A trip in for a couple of hrs is all we need to remind us that we are happily ensconced in the 'burbs.... :)
Hey Susan!!!
DeleteWhat " burbs" do you live in?
LI ???
It would have never worked out with the " prince " lol
I'll take the first house. And I know just how you feel. There must have been a mix up at the hospital and I was accidentally switched with a baby of one of the "commoners" and sent home with the wrong parents. haha. When my ship comes in, I hope that creepy little man isn't on it. lol
ReplyDeleteAre YOU my sister from a different mister Betsy LMHO???
Hi Suzan!!!!
ReplyDeleteVery nice!!! Remember Home Alone in New York? It "showed" one of these Townhouses getting renovated and I thought If only I had the money!!!
I like the first one too and would love to add my personal touch!!
These sure are beautiful and very expensive homes. I can't imagine myself in any of them, even the small flat. I'd go stir crazy. Give me wide open spaces please. Take Manhattan and give me the countryside! lol Interesting story about the blind date guy. Imagine where you'd be today. :)
ReplyDeleteSuzan, I loved the first house but is the square footage correct? 2640 sq ft, with six bedrms, 8 baths? The bedrooms must be closets. No, smaller than the closet I saw. I love the decor of the formal rooms but I could just live in the closet. The lady's section of course.
wow some nice ones there but nothing is going to top the wealthy creep story...figures he was a creep oh well your house will be lovely when you do it without a Saudi Arabian prince to pay for it :)
ReplyDeleteYou were definitely born to be wealthy girl!! I'll be on your staff! LOL!!
ReplyDeleteOh, seriously. That first house isn't fit pour mon chien. I lie. I want to live in the outdoor space. I love that covered patio. Waaaaahhh!
I'm so behind in my blog reading, Suzan, so when I opened this I thought for a second you were really coming to NY! Oh, well. Sadly, I am not living the life you were meant to be living, but if I were, I'd take that first apartment in a second!