Thursday, July 12, 2012

New Pieces

This post is for you Caroline!!!!

and this beauty

nice and small ( for a change )

and the sweetest young couple expecting their first baby bought these as a nursery " ensemble "

they felt the stripes on the chest were to " matchy matchy " so I painted them out and put a stencilled detail on it -
on the small end table I put a chrystal knob and a silver back plate for a little bling

so they're all painted the same color combinations - but each piece has their own special details and character.
I think this is going to make a gorgeous nursery and I'm just as excited as them :)

and on a final note - I know you Americans make fun of our money - Monopoly money - ( but honestly I prefer it different colors - I'm always so so careful when I'm in the States checking and checking to see if
I have the right denomination - lol - it really is easier when they're all different colors - but wait till you see
what the goverment has done now -
CREEPY - LOOKS LIKE SOMETHING  Lord Voldemort would use - ugghhhh

isn't it the weirdest looking thing ( apparently you cannot forge it )

I mean I'll take it - I'll take tons and tons of them actually - but I don't have to like it
( and I emphatically don't )
Sort of looking like Jetson's Monopoly money now, doesn't it? Space age at it's finest,  lol

Off to paint again
So I can earn some more of those things.......................


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sad news

Lauren Lane Decor - a fellow Canadian -  was the reason I decided to start doing furniture makeovers after reading an article on her a little over a year ago.  She was an accountant who decided to quit and follow her dream - and was very successful.
She was an ASCP stocklist - and her last post ( only on July 5th ) reflected her excitement on introducing Miss Mustard Seed's new milk paint line -
I don't know any of the details yet - ( a car accident I believe )  I only know that she has passed away - and I feel so so sad..............

I never met her
Never spoke to her
Never even communicated with her through an email - and yet I feel a deep pain - a pain that is so close to the surface I feel as though sobs are about to engulf me - and tears as big as the ocean are about to fall.

It's such a small world, this blogmosphere that when we lose one of  " us " the gap becomes huge.
Too big
Too fast
Too heartbreaking,

Gone. Too. Soon.