Friday, October 26, 2012

How far can YOU stretch 25.00?

Not a lot of money today - really - how far can  you stretch it - perhaps a movie for two?
A visit to the dollar store can cost me more than that easily. Ok let me think - hmmm
maybe a quick bite to eat at a diner?
okay give me a minute here - I know there must be something of value you can get for 25.00?

Oh I know!
You can get ALL of this

and the original matching mirror

and this

and this

25.00 for all of it ............................

I couldn't do it - I felt so guilty I can't even tell you - and I didn't have a lot of cash on me so I ended up giving them an extra 25.00 ( they only wanted a token amount - it was listed as 25.00 but it said they were negotiable can you imagine - I probably could have gotten it for 15.00 for crying out loud  ) so I paid 50.00 and gave a dear friend 40.00 for helping us get.  ( Dorothy's Husband )  SO signed, sealed, delivered for

In my world this is like winning the furniture lottery - this has never happened before and I seriously doubt it ever will again

Suzan says - John do you have any money on you?
John says - only 25 dollars
Suzan whispers - Please give it to them
John says - WHY?  There's selling it for 25.00
Suzan whispers - Give it to them please
John says - But this doesn't make any sense - why would
Suzan interrupts - Just give them the extra 25 dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
John says - No - you're being ridiculous - why would
Suzan says - Excuse me sir?  We only have 25 extra dollars on us - but pls take it - I can't just
give you 25.00 dollars for this
John pulls the 25 dollars out of his pocket...................
The " sir " looks at me totally confused - " but we only wanted 25.00 for it "

Am I stupid?  I don't know, maybe I am - I know that 25.00 more is nothing really - but I did and do
feel guilty for some reason.

BUT THEY WERE SELLING IT FOR 25.00 and did I mention they were negotiable lol ?  I'm always
complaining about you ladies in the South getting such great deals - I don't know that anyone can match this!

Has anyone else ever won the furniture lottery?
Has anyone else ever felt immense guilt over getting something for a " steal "

Plus they threw this in - which was very kind indeed

I work with a lot of filth - as all of you who do this know - but for some reason this could make me vomit.
You all have a great weekend, me? I'll be doing cartwheels
and painting........................

Party Time

Funky Junk Interiors

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Nothing doing here......................

la la la
frere Jacques - frere Jacques
da dum da dum
fa la la la la -
row row row your boat........................
99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottle of beer
Ho Hum

Nothing doing here


EXCEPT I'M PICKING THIS UP TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

aggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - it also comes with the original mirror and the man's chest - so 4 pieces of beautiful antique awesome ( ness ) and I'm over the top excited - my heart is pounding - my palms are sweaty - my eyes are glazed over!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Time to sell everything in my bedroom - and start over with this I think!

other than that I'm completely bored.

da dum da dum