They did not HAVE to settle in Montreal ( although on my Mother's side the large Irish population here at the time must have had something to do it )
What were they thinking?
Was this a conversation that was happening around the dinner table?
Husband - Not potatoes again, listen lass, I'm fed up to here with potatoes
Wife - Well it's potatoes or nothing
Husband - That's it - we're setting sail for Montreal - at least we can throw a hot dog in the mix
Wife - What's the weather like there?
Husband - A wee nippy - but nothing we can't handle
MINUS FORTY........................
I'm terrified to go outside - in case one of my limbs just snaps off.
I'm terrified to go outside - in case my eyeballs turn to snowballs
I'm terrified to go outside - in case my blood freezes and I fall down like a piece cardboard
I passed by a Snowman last night - and I swear to you - I heard him mumbling
Suzan says - Excuse me?
Snowman says - This is just ridiculous
Snowman says - I need a hot chocolate
Snowman says - Can ya fix my scarf for me - I'm freezing my carrot off
I'd cry - except I've been cold so long - I'd be crying icicles instead of tears (the singer Meat Loaf must be from a cold climate - only someone subjected to this crap could come up with such a great line )
For those of you that follow, you know how I feel about squirrels - ( you can read about my near escape from death by squirrels
HERE) but if one of them showed there little face around here today I'd invite it in for a cup of tea and a muffin - NOBODY - NOTHING should be out there. Period.
I was going to make something to eat - but bought an Eskimo Pie instead - seemed more fitting.
Does anyone know where I can pick up one of these? ( maybe in pink? )
Electri - O - Phobia
The overwhelming deep rooted fear of losing power during a cold " snap "
Butane - O - Phobia
The overwhelming deep rooted fear of running out of butane for the fire place during a cold " snap "
I placed the furniture in the living room yesterday - leaving 2 beautifully ( perfect ) gouges in the freshly done floor.
John says -
But I'll tell you there's no easier way to forgive yourself than have your better half mad at you for the same reason - it cancels it out entirely
The walls aren't even painted and I'm ready to decorate lmho
It's coming - ( like a slow train to China - but it's coming )
I really just wanted to see how the furniture would fit - the magic will only happen once it's finished.
BUT when you've been living out of boxes for a month - trust me - just having couches in the room is magical in and of it itself:)
And this week I'm extremely grateful for that fireplace - let me tell you!
If you're in Canada or the Northern States - I sympathize - stay warm - please.
If you're from the Southern States - NO GLOATING - it's bad enough you were lucky and had
ancestors who actually " thought " before getting on the boat - there's no need to rub it in :)
Time to sign off - a hot chocolate is waiting for me
Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
Oscar Wilde
But it's just too cold to use my imagination Oscar - if you lived here - you'd get that.
Have a great day !!!
Much love,