It may be politically incorrect - I'm not sure but I have tears running down my face with laughter typing this up.............and most of you know John enough by now to know that THIS happening to HIM makes it all the more funny.
This has just struck my funny bone so deeply that I'll die from laughing if I don't share.
If you were a fan of Seinfeld you'll think it's funny -
I'm apologizing in advance to people that I offend !!!
Oh. My. Goodness. - where to start?
I found a dresser on Craig's list - and asked him if he'd pick it up
John says - You sent me to a Korean Brothel
Suzan says - Pardon me?
John says - You sent me to a Korean Brothel
Suzan says - What on earth are you talking about?
John yells - the dresser you sent me to pick up - it was at a Korean Brothel
By now I start laughing and I can't stop
Suzan says - Please John don't be ridiculous -
John says - I'm not picking up any more furniture - this was it - the last of it.
Suzan says - How could you possibly know it was a brothel ?
Ok - this is where my stomach is hurting from laughing - O.M.G.!!!
It's shocking - but trust me - once the shock wears off it's out of this world funny
John says - She told me the price for the dresser - and then told me it was 20.00 for a blow-blow
Suzan screams - WHAT???
John says - I'm not repeating it Suzan
Suzan says - You misunderstood her John - she also had a mirror for sale - I saw it
John says - She told me it was 20.00 for a B.L.O.W - B.L.O.W
John says - 20.00 dollars - Very good price, Mister
Suzan says - OMG - what did you say?
John says - " I'll just take the dresser thank you very much "
Now I can't even stay on the phone - I seriously can't get the words out - I'm choking on laughter - tears are in my eyes -
This poor stiff British proper man of mine in such a situation is just too funny for words .............
John says - Glad you find it so funny
John says - You should have come with me
Suzan says - well you wouldn't have gotten the offer had I been hanging on to your arm honey !
I walked around the house all evening dying -
Every time I looked at him I'd start shaking with laughter.................
I went to bed giggling - and was still giggling long after he went to sleep.............
I woke up - glanced over at him and started laughing all over again.
I'm laughing while I'm typing !
My stomach muscles haven't worked that hard in ages.
Painting furniture - I wouldn't trade it for anything LOL
And that's it for today -
Hope you all get to have a good belly laugh at some point this weekend
Sometimes a laugh is so much better than a makeover - don't you think?
It's taken me all morning to contemplate hitting publish
Here I go !!!
Much love,