Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I have never been much of a table cloth person - I have one Frette ( we were given as a sample many years ago because we were going to try to sell the Frette line - didn't work out - but I still have that table cloth ) it's white and crisp and the perfect background for decorating a table with sparkle - and I have a few checkered ones because I once went through a stage of that - but they mostly sit in a cabinet never used.
The below pics make me want to make a tablecloth - but I hate sewing ( and I am the daughter of a woman who made custom draperies for years as a living ) and I really suck at it.
I can't sew, and I absolutely positively cannot do anything with hair ( I actually go to my hairdresser twice a week I am embarrassed to say ) cannot use a blow dryer or an iron - fuggedaboudit.
But hey, I can paint walls - and refinish floors - and redo furniture - so I need that girly pampering.
Wow - I am all over the place - how do I do this, I start off talking about tablecloths and I end up on hair????
You see how it's all about ME?

Anyways, this one, made by Courtney from the French Country Cottage(
speaks to me.  Here I go again - usually it's furniture that speaks to me - but sometimes its the whole room lol.
This one fills me with, I don't know what, serenity?

It tells me to take some time off and sit down with a bunch of girlfriends and a bottle of wine.........................

And this one tells me to get back to work,
But in a good way


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My 2 beefs with T.V's

I don't like them, period, they offend my design sensibilities, lol ( they really do though )
They are eyesores to me - and although they are making them flatter and flatter they
keep getting bigger and bigger and take up far too much eye space on the walls, consoles, etc
They destroy mantels - which I know is the best place to keep them - but the decorating
possibilities that are lost because of them is a shame.

Now these, however, are luxurious...............Hidden Mirror T.V.'s , a dream come true

that's the answer - over the mantel - a clean beautiful mirror - which turns into a t.v. when needed.

I love mirrors - and have more than I care to mention hanging on my walls - but I think perhaps I need
one more......................this bathroom vanity mirror is a T.V. -

and how about this one..................have a dinner party - clear the table and then you and your guests
can just watch T.V on the table, lol - the actual table is a t.v. -
Ok - maybe not in a dining room - but awesome as a conference table?

THANK YOU MR SAMSUNG - you must have been an interior decorator in your previous life.

Now my second beef with T.V is it's all crap -
The same shows over and over again - all reality which although I am guilty of watching a couple of them, seem a little creepy - millions of people just watching people living their lives seems absurb to say the least - almost like THE TRUMAN SHOW ( with Jim Carrey )
HGTV is perpetually on one of my T.V. 's like background music, lol - but I have seen every show so many times that I could turn the sound off and lip sync ( HGTV Karoke anyone? ) every word they are saying -
And the commericals?  INSULTING for the most part - so much so that when I see one that uses a little thought I get excited................for the most part I press the mute button as soon as they come on.
Back in the good old days ( the 70's - I know I know dating myself again ) there was so much choice, every night - all different - variety shows - comedies - dramas - mini series -  each show came on ONCE a week - so there was actually something to look forward to. Not to mention Johnny Carson who can simply not be replicated, period.

Shows that are actually worth the time out to sit and watch ( in my humble opinion ) are

Enlightened ( with Laura Dern - fanfreakingtastic - really really really fanfreakingtastic
Boardwalk Empire
Curb Your Enthusiasm
The Actors Studio
ANY SEINFELD rerun - again seen hundreds of times - but can still make me laugh every time.

Real Time with Bill Maher
Anthony Bourdain ( only because I am in love with him - seriously - I do not just love him - I have fallen in love with this guy )

and then of course HGTV - because even though I have seen every show - as many times as they are aired - I can't help it - I am addicted.

And those are Tuesdays beefs everyone.
