Saturday, September 8, 2012

Do we make a difference?

Last winter - on a cold gray Sunday afternoon - I snuggled on the bed flipping through channels and came across something I had never seen before -
It was a poetry competition - and it's called SLAM POETRY - now I know it's not for everyone but it had me mesmerized and I fell in love with it instantly - it's oral poetry - with raw emotions - more often then not performed by very young artists ( but definitely not exclusively young artists )  who pull out very real emotions from deep inside while " speaking " out their poems. The particular show that I watched were teenaged performers - Sometimes they cry - sometimes they're angry - and admittedly often there's a lot of profanity -sometimes they're very humorous but it's always " real " and you can't help but be moved by their words ( even if you don't understand where they come from or - or agree with them )
I fell in love with this one when it first came out - and then came across it again on Vodka Mom's site ( who is a teacher btw )

This is an example of Slam Poetry - ( profanity free folks )
I'm really curious to know if this is something that reaches you deep down?

Taylor Mali - my man, I have listened to this more times than I care to admit, and it gives me chills.
Every. Single. Time.

His message is brilliant - and the delivery ?

You tell me ( because I'm biased now and I think it's perfection - being an avid lover of words and poetry in particular )
And someone who holds teachers in the highest esteem

Being a lover of words - I am in awe of any kind of written or oral expression that can pound home a message this way.



Ginger BREADBOX House story

Good Morning Everybody!
I am so excited to show you this, I can hardly contain myself!
Oh Lord it's hard to be humble, LOL

Last week when Dorothy - John and myself went  pickin' - John insisted on buying this

diy, dollhouse,

A disgusting filthy ancient breadbox - I hemmed and hawed and finally agreed that maybe I could do something with it - but actually in the back of my mind this was going to get thrown into the basement -
It was filled with cobwebs and well just look at it - I mean what could you possibly do to this?
The only positive thing about it was the fact that John is finally coming around to what we bring into the
house - there was a time not so long ago when he would have been horrified by this - I  hope I haven't created a monster here, lol

Suzan says - What am I going to do with this?
John says - Well it's a bread box - just clean it up and paint it and sell it as a bread box
Suzan says - Who the hell is going to buy a painted bread box?
John says - SOMEONE will - it's to put your bread in you know
Suzan says - Oh, I didn't know that John (sometimes I try to humour him )
John says - it's vintage - people are getting back into that

Oh God - now he's an expert on what people will buy - and he certainly didn't know from vintage a month ago.

Suzan says - I have an idea - when I was a little girl - I would make doll houses out of the boxes that the groceries came in
John says - Oh God - here we go again, please don't be ridiculous - I picked this because it's a bread box
Suzan says - but it doesn't have to stay a bread box
John says - Listen - just paint it nice - put your fancy stencilling on it in french and sell it as a bread box -
people can keep their baguettes in it.
Suzan says - there's no profit in a painted bread box
John says - I PICKED IT - NOT YOU -
Suzan says - then YOU PAINT IT and sell it as a bread box - good luck
John says - FINE - I will
John says - You always have to make everything complicated - you can't even leave a bread box alone
John says - Don't touch my bread box - I mean it Suzan - I'll paint it myself

BUTTTTTT - John goes to bed before Suzan - and when Suzan gets an idea in her head - well you know what happens - and before you start feeling bad for him - he WOULD NOT HAVE PAINTED IT - remember I am still waiting for him to paint the ceilings 2 years later.

I'm warning you, this is a picture heavy post - but it's so worth it - I promise! Because I'm going to give you step by step detail on this one - so you all can make one for a special little girl in your life - I personally am going to make 3 more - these are going to be xmas gifts for John's granddaughters ( my precious granddaughters by default )
Did I ever mention that I'm Lolly and he's Pop? I'm far too young to be a granny LOL - ( not )

First I used wood filler to fill in the Pains/Bread - because this is NOT a bread box !!!

diy, dollhouse

Then I glued four wooden drawer handles on the bottom -

diy, dollhouse,

Then I taped it up because I wanted to paint stripes - I painted the 2 side walls and the roof Paris Grey and and then stripes of Pure White - I dry brushed some sections so that it would look weathered ( I left the front white )

I then painted 2 windows and a door - using my Frog Tape - and now here is where the fun starts - do you see that handle on the front - that definitely had to be covered and I just happened to have 3 appliques - 1 large one - and 2 smaller ones - here's how I used them to add a little architectural detail

diy, dollhouse, simple, breadbox,

The 2 smaller appliques I decided would be perfect for either side of the front door -
I put some plastic grass I have in a container ( cut from the back where it won't make a difference )

I wanted to make this breadbox  dollhouse 3 dimensional in some areas - just to give it a little extra
something - something - here's a close up

miniature, planters, dollhouse

Now at this point I go to bed - thrilled so far with the results - the next morning

John says - Well actually that's a cute breadbox
Suzan says - It's a doll house
John says - Why don't we just sell it like this as a breadbox
Suzan says - What is it with you and the bread box?  You got it for 2 dollars -
John says - Well we're supposed to be buying things to makeover and sell
Suzan says - WE?????
Suzan says - ok

And I continue on my merry way with my dollhouse

painted, bushes,doll house

I painted bushes on each end of the planters - then I ran to the dollar store and picked up  butterfly and flower stickers -

easy, diy, dollhouse

Suzan says - John can you cut angles on little pieces of wood for me please?
John says - huh - now you need me all of a sudden
Suzan says - I need flower boxes for under the windows
John says - You always go too far - you're going to make it look tacky
Suzan says - John can you cut angles on little pieces of wood for me please?
John says - There's NO ROOM TO PUT THEM ON THERE
Suzan says - John can you cut angl................................
John says - I can't believe this - the neighbours must think I'm insane
Suzan says - Why would the neighbours know you're cutting little tiny pieces of wood for crying out loud?
John says - Because I do my wood working outside - do you want sawdust all over the house?

OMG - this man is unbelievable - this is the size of them - he leaves more crumbs on the floor from eating than this could have ever generated LOL

flower boxes, dollhouse,

and this is how they look on the house - I CAN'T TAKE IT - IT SO CUTE!!!

diy, architectural, details, doll house

I added some stickers of flowers and butter flies to the window boxes( I also painted some greenery to rest over the window box so I left one exposed to show you
The lights on either side of the door are diamond stickers - and the address is glittered number stickers

simple, diy, dollhouse, details, flowers

There is still some touch ups left to do on this - some oops paint marks that shouldn't be there - but that's an easy fix - I have a drawer pull that will go on the front door ( as a knocker ) and which will also be how you open and close the front.
Now on to the side of the house!

again I painted some greener - and added sticker flowers -
and painted 2 more windows - with 2 tiny window boxes under each one - ( and yes he went outside to cut these also - too too funny ) this is very serious carpentry don't you know

again painting foliage on top - and added a little wrought iron feature in between tee hee!

Suzan says - Look John - isn't that cute? I made a wrought iron thingamajig between the windows
John says - Doesn't look like wrought iron whatsoever - just looks like swirly lines
Suzan - God you're getting grumpy as you get OLDER
John says - I'm not grumpy at all - just telling you the truth - ask your blog friends if it looks like wrought iron.

My own fault - 100% - I knew he wouldn't see it the way I do -
hmmm - have to fix the right hand window - a little sloppy - and I'm putting shutters on these windows made from popsicle sticks - but I have to eat the popsicles first and I don't feel like them right now lol
and the other side of the house has a side door - and little window but they aren't finished yet

Next I worked on the Patio - ( I haven't worked this hard on details on the exterior of my own house btw )

This is the front of the box that pulls down to open - which makes for a perfect opening! I painted a flag stone path way - don't look at that little amoeba shaped thing there - got carried away and wanted to make a place to put chairs - don't ask - I am definitely a little nuts - I'm going to paint it out - but isn't the path way adorable?

I can't show you the interior yet - this house needs to be gutted LOL -
Hoping I can have it done for it's first showing in 2 weeks,  there's a LOT of renovations to do.
And that is how you turn a bread box into a dollhouse.............................

This is by far the most fun I have ever had redoing a house lol -
And if you want to bring out the little girl that lives inside all of us still - I highly recommend it - so what do you think - have I given any of you ideas?

Think I'll add a window to the top part of the door..............................

Suzan says - John if you happen to come across anymore bread boxes..........................

before, after, diy, easy, dollhouse


Partying with:

I Heart Nap Time
Nifty Thrifty Things
Life on Lakeshore Drive
It's so very Cheri
Lines Across
I should be mopping the floor
Debbie Doos
My 1929 Charmer
Homemaker on a dime
The Naptime Review
Flour me with love
Keeping it simple
Under the table and dreaming
Alderberry Hill
The Dedicated House
Coastal Charm
Our Delightful Home
Kammy's Korner
Home Stories A to Z
Kathe with an E
Krafty Kat
A diamond in the stuff
Not just a housewife
The Ironstone Nest
Elizabeth & Co.
Blueberry Craft and Hobby Time
DIY by Design
Savvy Southern Style
Nutmeg place
We like to learn as we go
Domestically Speaking
Family Home & Life
House on the way
Adorned from above
Have a cup of daily with Mrs. Olson
52 Mantels
Beyond the Picket Fence
Embracing Change
The 36th Avenue
Bloom Designs
Katherine's Korner
The Charm of Home
Common Ground
French Country Cottage
At the Picket Fence
2 8 0 5
Redoux Interiors
Chase the Star
A little Knick Knack
Finding Fabulous
The Shabby Nest
My Turn for Us
Funky Junk Interiors
Classy Clutter