Friday, August 1, 2014

A FRIDAY laugh -

This was an ad that came on when I was you tubing -
I always press the option SKIP AD - always - because for the most part I HATE ads - I hate them so much I once did a " rant " on them HERE
but this one is hilarious...................which made me realize - if you can make me laugh you have a much better chance of me me being interested in your product.

Oh - and it made me buy the product !!!

I made John watch it - and then told him I was going to post it .

John says - What kind of a post is that?
John says - Talk about turning people completely off.......................
Suzan says - But this is one of the best before and afters I've ever seen !!!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone - lots of work being done in the house this weekend

Much love,