Monday, February 23, 2015

When Genius goes wrong..................

It goes wrong big.

The thing is it's hard to be a genius - really hard.
Trust me, I know.

Remember last week when I showed you how to add back plates to handles for a little pizazz?

Genius, right?  Even if you don't want to say it out loud - I know all of you think I'm a genius - as in a furniture painter with a huge I.Q. - or is it E.G.O. ?  I get them mixed up sometimes

Then I showed you a snippet of the dresser ( as it looked then )

Well I don't know if I've ever admitted this here -  but I'm lousy at covering pre-existing holes up with filler.
L.O.U.S.Y. - ( it's definitely not something someone who redoes furniture should go around admitting on her blog either ) but even Geniuses have their Achilles heel, right?

This dresser was missing a handle - and it's a very specific size as you can see ( look how close the holes are together )

So I had another genius idea - I would cover those holes up with appliques - and create holes on either side of the drawers ( mimicking the top drawer )

I painted them to go with the back plates - found some antique knobs in my stash and ended up with this look

I know, I know, you're screaming - NO - YOU ARE A GENIUS right about now !

Now on to drilling new holes in the bottom 3 drawers

I used a piece of painter's tape as a template - this may not be fully genius but you have to admit it's borderline, without a doubt.

Perfect !!!

Dancing around with a drill in my hand,
Suzan says - What does it feel like to live with a genius?
John says - immersed in his Sodoku - I wouldn't know

Poor guy - It's a hard thing to admit you live with a genius - I know that - because he's never said it - not once and we all know how many genius ideas I've had !

But sometimes the negativity affects my mojo - that's the only reason I can explain why I put the tape in the wrong place on the last drawer

And because my mind was on Quantum physics and trying to solve world peace instead of on what I was doing - I actually drilled the holes in it before I noticed.
( hey - Einstein would have done the same thing if he did furniture on the side )

Leaving this genius without a finished dresser to show you - because I'm busy doing this

Wikipedia :

Genius is a talent for producing something for which no 

determinate rule can be given,

Told ya - that's me !!!

working on a dresser -  hand in hand with baking a chocolate loaf for dessert - I'm not sure what
you'd call it - but it falls under the same category to say the least

Especially getting it to crack while removing it from the pan and then getting the bag to slip at just the right moment to allow an abundance of icing sugar to land on it

And the genius in that would be that I could make something so ugly taste positively delicious.

Have a wonderful day everyone - we're in the last stretch of February

I'm still waiting for the necklace and earrings to arrive ( from Australia ) so the giveaway can't be announced yet - so much for a Valentine's day giveaway - hope it doesn't turn into an Easter one LOL
Sorry about this - I should have ordered it much earlier than I did !
If you haven't left a comment to win you can click HERE -

Oh and I still think the backplates were genius

Much love


BETWEEN NAPS ON THE PORCH                                      A STROLL THRU LIFE

Friday, February 20, 2015

A Friday Chat ( about this & that )

Something I always wanted and never got
You have to be in your 50's to get it
You have to have been a comic book reader in the 70's to get it
You had to be a somewhat weird child to get it

They're the Who's of the " under water set "  and I contemplated ordering them every single time I saw them.
Look how dapper the MR looks - with his tail cleverly and strategically placed !

I did however wear a shackle around my ankle ( aptly named  " Footsie :" ) and hopped on one foot feverishly for hours and hours.

I can vividly remember one Easter - dressed in a little pink wool coat - with pale pink patent leather  Mary Janes - ( those shoes made the best clicking noises with a footsie ) and an  EASTER HAT - and as I was gaily hopping up and down on the pavement with that shackle, my hat fell off - which a mean boy jumped up and ran off with.
I tried to chase him but it's hard to run when you're in shackles - so I quickly took it off - and flung it in his direction where it promptly landed with a thwack across his forehead -

I was reprimanded for behaving in such an unladylike way - especially at Easter time -
but that mean boy kept his distance in the future.

You don't mess with a girl and her toys - unless you're a boy with numchucks -( nunchaku )
My Brother spent a good 2 years walking around the house swinging those harbingers of death around -
I was always terrified of it landing on my head...............but he stayed clear of me with them ( because of my footsie I presume )

Or maybe it was my :" clackers " that scared him off -

These were every bit as dangerous as " numchucks " if you knew how to use them !

I don't recall owning a " Flatsie "

But I can still remember the commercial to this day -

Flatsy Flatsy 
They're Flat and that's that 

I hated it because my brother mercilessly tormented me with that little jingle ................referring to my underdeveloped chest.................which was the main reason I never wanted the doll to be honest with you.
He ruined it for me

I DID however wear an imprisoned doll around my neck...................

Only letting her out in the evening for a little fresh air.

And I was a Barbie fanatic -
Clothes - furniture etc..................

One day I came in to find a Batman figurine laying on top of my Barbie doll !
In her bed !

I screamed - disgusted beyond belief - and whipped the Batman into the wall - breaking one of his arms off

( I obviously had an anger problem LOL )

My brother went crying to my Mother that Suzy had broken his Batman -
I cried back that Batman was laying on top of my Barbie

Batman and Barbie were punished - after my Mother fixed his arm - banished to God knows where for a week or two -

So were we. ( well not banished - but punished in that we couldn't play with our favorite toys )

My Brother kept telling me that wherever they were, they were surely kissing

In fact - THIS is what he sang to me the whole time


I realized I was fighting a losing battle - so when they came out of hiding I arranged a pretty wedding for the two of them - my brother agreed to it.

I had it all planned out - and they walked up a makeshift aisle - ( I think the JOKER was marrying them or maybe it was the PENGUIN - one of those diabolical men was the Priest anyway  )
and then - just when they were about to kiss - a sanctified legitimate kiss - Batman bonked her on the head.
Really hard.

Holy Violent Bridegroom !!!

MOMMY  -  I screamed - Terry almost broke Barbie

My Mother threatened to take them off us forever - so somehow they managed to co - exist.

As did my Brother and I.

( but between you and I - Barbie was always the more sophisticated and mature of the two )


My closest moments spent with my Brother ( before 2 more Brothers came along ) was climbing out of bed on Saturday mornings - making a bowl of Captain Crunch or Honey Combs - tiptoeing to the darkened living room and laying on the carpet with drapes drawn ( probably 6 inches away from the screen ) and watching cartoons - starting at 6 o'clock in the morning.
Our bonds were formed somewhere between The Jetson's and Tennessee Tuxedo.............

By 10 the drapes were flung open and we were enemies again - you can only lay beside someone on a carpet for so long before the torment starts.

Still - we always knew another Saturday was just around the corner ..................

Oh the wonders that I find
In the playground in my mind
In a world that used to be
Close your eyes and follow me
Where the children laugh and the children play
And we sing a song all day

( kudo's if you remember that song ! ) 

Ok enough about the past - let's talk about the future - does everyone know that Harper Lee has a new book coming out in July of this year?
For all of you that loved To Kill a Mockingbird - this one starts with Scout as an adult coming back from NYC and reminiscing with Atticus about the summer it all happened.
It was the original book she wrote - until the publishers ( at that time ) told her they were more interested in the summer she was remembering - hence To Kill a Mockingbird was born.

So it's a sequel that was originally a prequel LOL

I'm dying to read this ( TKAMB's one of my all time favorite reads )
It's available for preorder ( which I've done ) from AMAZON  ( affiliate link )
( one of the cheapest prices I've found on line actually - which is why I'm letting you know about it )

This is like discovering gold for me - very very excited !
I'll read TKAMB once again ( probably the 10th time ) just before I start the next one

What else?  Oh yeah !  I'm working on a dresser ( that's been sitting in the porch since we moved in - 

John says - Thank God you're finally painting that

Suzan says - Why?  You don't usually care ?
John says - Well you can sell it and make room in the porch
Suzan says - I'm NOT selling it - I'm painting it for our bedroom 
Suzan says - Don't be silly - I'm taking the one that's in there out and replacing it with this one
John says - So you're going to sell the one in our bedroom? 
Suzan says - No - I'm going to use that one for the downstairs bathroom as a vanity
Suzan says - In the porch, of course, there's room for it now that I've taken this one out of it.............

John promptly got up and left the room.

Which is best really - I like to be alone when I'm painting............................


I asked John to make supper the other night - while I painted

John says ( in a panic ) Let's order in 
Suzan says - No John - we have too much food in the house to order in - c'mon - you never have to cook
John says - What'll I make ?
Suzan says - Surprise me 
John says - You didn't take anything out of the freezer
Suzan says - There's breaded fish in there - we'll just have that
John says - How do I make it 
Suzan says - Read the box !!!
John reads the box and says - THERE'S NO INSTRUCTIONS - JUST INGREDIENTS 
Suzan says - Turn the box around 
John says - What vegetables should I cook ?
Suzan says - Asparagus please
John says - I have no idea how to cook them 
Suzan says - You cut the stems down and put them in a pot
John says - How much do I cut them 
Suzan says - Never mind, I'll do the asparagus
And while I was in the kitchen I cut the potatoes for the fries ( fish and chips ) and put the fish in the oven.
Suzan says - PLEASE watch that the fish doesn't burn 

About 20 minutes later I heard him mumbling ( cursing? ) in the kitchen 

John says - It's impossible to get everything ready at the same time

I went into the kitchen and finished everything up.

As we were getting up from dinner

John says - You're welcome 
Suzan says - For what?
John says - Well I made supper

And he believes he did.........................

So he obviously lives in a playground in his mind too 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone !
Love to all